Fed Up


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
My pancreas
So I have tried every single diet known to mankind?! I feel so down today. Ive lowered my carbs for 10 days and my levels are still through the roof. I have massive spikes even after salads. I have binge eating disorder and overeat constantly. I'm fed up. Came off weight watchers to do low carb as my dietician recommended it. I just want to cry. Have had carbs today and levels are actually lowers than when I dont eat them. I really want to lose about 2 stone and Im starting to give up hope. My hba1c is 93. Any help or advice very welcome x


Retired Moderator
Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
Hypos, rude people, ignorance and grey days.
Hello @lcarter The best advice I can give is to increase your exercise levels, weight training, running, swimming, what ever floats your boat, getting active is the best way to lose weight, the bonus with exercise is that it increases the endorphin levels so will help lift your mood and stop the binge eating, it also helps with better blood glucose management too.

Just watch your blood glucose levels before/during and afterwards and ensure you have glucose on you at all times, if you need some support please PM me.
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Type of diabetes
I reversed my Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
So I have tried every single diet known to mankind?! I feel so down today. Ive lowered my carbs for 10 days and my levels are still through the roof. I have massive spikes even after salads. I have binge eating disorder and overeat constantly. I'm fed up. Came off weight watchers to do low carb as my dietician recommended it. I just want to cry. Have had carbs today and levels are actually lowers than when I dont eat them. I really want to lose about 2 stone and Im starting to give up hope. My hba1c is 93. Any help or advice very welcome x
Low carb and binging don't usually go together, but you already know that. Can you binge (or rather, satisfy the need to) with zero carb stuff? Like bacon, pork scratchings, cheese or something? Or doesn't that hit the spot? They're filling, but that doesn't automatically make a craving/need go away, hence the question. Just trying to think of stuff here is all. I am curious/concerned about spikes after salads... There are salads that can spike you, when there's stuff in there like corn, pasta, rice, couscous, sugary dressing... If it is truly a low carb salad, what do you consider a "massive" spike? Because if it is really high in spite of being a low carb meal, I wonder if there's nothing else going on. I'm on the app right now so I can't see your info, and with the low carb I'm assuming you've been diagnosed a T2...? But if you're spiking when you shouldn't, that diagnosis might be wrong. Have you been checked for late onset type 1? Again, just putting an idea out there. It would help to know what salads and a typical binge consist of.

I'm guessing you've sought help for the eating disorder? I know it's not a matter of "simply" not giving in (If it were that easy I'd "simply" stop being an anxious borderliner and actually have a life), but maybe tackling the psychological aspect would help. Getting that sortof sorted could maybe lead to better HbA1c 's. Just don't put too much pressure on yourself to fix it all right now. Tackle what you can. If you think you need to be checked for late onset type 1, get that ball rolling. If you think you can get help with the eating disorder, or handle it yourself somehow, make a plan.

And I'm sure a lot of people here will have more knowledgable suggestions. I'm just guessing. A lot.

Just don't give up.



Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
I'm on the app right now so I can't see your info, and with the low carb I'm assuming you've been diagnosed a T2...? But if you're spiking when you shouldn't, that diagnosis might be wrong. Have you been checked for late onset type 1? Again, just putting an idea out there.
She is type 1.