Heads In The Game!


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Was diagnosed three months ago now and after finding things out initially, I went into denial. Have now come out the other side and embracing LCHF diet and so far breaking it down to small chunks it’s manageable. My average reading has been 18.6, so really high and have been feeling really rough as a result, so am looking to improve this very soon.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Poor grammar, bullying and drunks.
Well done, you've probably just taken the hardest step on the road to better managent, I mean by this that you are ready to face this condition head on and make some changes that will put you in charge of Diabetes - not the other way around.

Anything that we can help you with just ask.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
Yay, good to see you here. I have been so tempted to message you again but recognise that you probably needed to come to terms with your diagnosis and all the info.
Keep taking baby steps, it’s not the size of the steps that matter long term you will eventually reach the destination.
Here to help if you think I can x


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Thank you Jayney. I think I was just so **** tired as well I needed a break from everything. Still tired but that’s my sugar levels but feeling refreshed. Am looking at Keto and giving that a try x


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
Thank you Jayney. I think I was just so **** tired as well I needed a break from everything. Still tired but that’s my sugar levels but feeling refreshed. Am looking at Keto and giving that a try x
Hi Nikkie, anything you do to try and reduce your BG levels will begin to have a positive effect on your overall well being, give things time, not everything is an instant result. Just take each day at a time, some days it might even be a meal at a time, just keep trying and things will get better.
Here if you need me as are lots of other people. We are all in this together x
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