

Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
Hello to anyone that reads this. I've been a Type 1 diabetic since September 2015 (Although I think I went un-diagnosed for at least 3 years, miraculously I didn't end up in hospital).

I was 19 at the time of my diagnosis, not exactly the best time especially when you don't know which direction your life is going at that point anyway... Not that any time is a good time to be diagnosed. :rolleyes:

I've dealt with it pretty well, I generally have well controlled sugar, except for the times I don't. As we all know, it is not an exact science unfortunately (Even though many people who don't have it seem to think they know how we can get better). I feel if they knew that they'd be winning the next Nobel prize... I think that's the one.

Either way I guess I'm here to know others with Type 1, how they get on and to assist others if they feel out of control with their blood sugars.

I'm definitely not the most experienced here but I am more than willing to help a fellow diabetic.

I have a fairly active lifestyle (Minus my desk job). I try to gym at least 2 times a week, I play friendly football around every 3 weeks or just under, attend lots of gigs, travel and go to festivals during the summer alongside long walks in the countryside with friends and family. Including a little tipple or two in between!. ;)

So I guess what I'm saying from the above is if you need any advice relating to the above and how I deal with my diabetes during these activities I can certainly give advise.

If you'd like to get to know me more I've answered some of the person questions below!!

- What is your name? Kelly
- How old are you? 27
- Are you male or female? Female
- Which country are you from? England
- Which city/area do you live in? Nottinghamshire
- Which sport(s) (if any) do you like/play? Running, Football, occasional horse riding
- Do you get angry easily? I try not too :/
- Do you have any tattoos or piercings? If so, where? I have around 11 tattoos all over my body and a lip piercing in the middle
- List your five favourite musicians/bands. Alkaline Trio, Dark Tranquility, Katatonia, The Ocean, Rammstein.
- What would you say your favourite music genre is? Melodic Death Metal OR Industrial
- Ever gone camping? SO MUCH as a child, now just for festivals.
- Which countries have you visited? France, Germany, Denmark, Spain, Austria, America, Turkey.
- Favourite city? Hamburg, Germany
- List your five favourite TV programmes. Hannibal, Penny Dreadful, Ozark.... you'll have to come back for me for the other two!
- List your five favourite films. Triangle, Monkeybone, The Green Mile, A Clockwork Orange, The Butterfly Effect
- Do you work? If so, as what? Public Services
- List the subjects you study/have studied. Basic School GCSE's (Eng, Mat, Sci), French, Horticulture & Agriculture, Level 3 Business Administration, BA Hons Interior Design.
- What do you like most about yourself? I really don't know to be honest.
- What do you like least about yourself? My Mind... Often

Anyway! There you have it.

Warmest Regards,

Kelly :joyful:
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