Hi...My Type2 Experience


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Hi everyone, thought I would join the forum as I was diagnosed earlier this year with Type 2, my reading was HbA1c 54 and my Gloucose level was 6.9
As an Air Traffic Controller in the RAF, when I attended my Annual Medical, the aviation doctor told me that with my newly diagnosed condition, together with my Hyper tension, and high BMI, she would be unable to renew my Medical clearance and has referred me to a Medical Board.
This shocked me as I felt the Type 2 which didn't require medication, I could not understand why it should be a problem. Anyway, the upshot was, that I decided to treat this as a shot across the bow so to speak, and I was determining Ned to research this and choose a remedy that could help.
A low carb diet seemed to be the best option, so I embarked at the beginning of May on virtually the Atkins diet, restricting myself to less than 30grams of carbs per day. I also bought a FitBit, and made a point of completing a minimum of 10,000 steps a day.
Last week I had a blood test, and today visited the doctor, who informed me that my HbA1c is down to 44 and 6.1 and he is happy to declare me now non diabetic. In the last 2 months I have also lost 5kgs weight, which isn't a lot, but my main goal was to reduce the glucose levels....Over the moon with the result, and do not find the low carb diet difficult at all...in fact I really enjoy not feeling bloated after a meal with pasta, potatoes ec.....One happy bunny :)
I will understand that if I revert back to my old ways, then the Type 2 could well return, to that end I will continue with the low carb diet, as I feel so much better on it, and do not find it a hardship. That's not to say that I won't have whatever I want on occasion, meal out, family function, holidays etc...but for the most part, I intend to keep with it.
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Type of diabetes
Great stuff ! This echoes my experience too. Not a diabetic now after 3 months of low carbing and getting the numbers down. Mindful of the dangers tho and intend,like you, to continue doing the same. Grateful that my doctor shocked me early enough for me to get a grip on my greedy ways !
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Type of diabetes
Type 2
Hi Ballerina, glad to hear it's working for you as well :) striking thing when I visited the doctors this morning, the first thing he said to me when he saw me, was how well he was looking. Others have also commented, even though I have felt no real difference n the last 2 months, other than my work trousers are almost falling off of me now, even though I have only lost 5kgs? :)
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Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Poor grammar, bullying and drunks.
Hi @Billy200UK and welcome to the gang. I really admire your determination and your complete turnaround on your numbers and weight loss. It seems you have a handle on T2 and I hope to be in your position soon. Still things to learn and hints and tips for you here, browse the forums for interesting reports on research and delicious recipes. Again, well done you!

Alison Campbell

Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Well done with reducing your blood sugar? I hope all goes well with work from now on.

Yes type 2 is associated with weight around the middle. I had to purchase a hole puncher for my favourite leather belt as that it where I lost most of my weight.
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Retired Moderator
Type of diabetes
I reversed my Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Well done with reducing your blood sugar? I hope all goes well with work from now on.

Yes type 2 is associated with weight around the middle. I had to purchase a hole puncher for my favourite leather belt as that it were I lost most of my weight.
Ha ha! I had to buy a belt to stop my jeans falling down, I can pull them down without undoing the button now! I've moved two notches smaller too!


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Hi everyone, thought I would join the forum as I was diagnosed earlier this year with Type 2, my reading was HbA1c 54 and my Gloucose level was 6.9
As an Air Traffic Controller in the RAF, when I attended my Annual Medical, the aviation doctor told me that with my newly diagnosed condition, together with my Hyper tension, and high BMI, she would be unable to renew my Medical clearance and has referred me to a Medical Board.
This shocked me as I felt the Type 2 which didn't require medication, I could not understand why it should be a problem. Anyway, the upshot was, that I decided to treat this as a shot across the bow so to speak, and I was determining Ned to research this and choose a remedy that could help.
A low carb diet seemed to be the best option, so I embarked at the beginning of May on virtually the Atkins diet, restricting myself to less than 30grams of carbs per day. I also bought a FitBit, and made a point of completing a minimum of 10,000 steps a day.
Last week I had a blood test, and today visited the doctor, who informed me that my HbA1c is down to 44 and 6.1 and he is happy to declare me now non diabetic. In the last 2 months I have also lost 5kgs weight, which isn't a lot, but my main goal was to reduce the glucose levels....Over the moon with the result, and do not find the low carb diet difficult at all...in fact I really enjoy not feeling bloated after a meal with pasta, potatoes ec.....One happy bunny :)
I will understand that if I revert back to my old ways, then the Type 2 could well return, to that end I will continue with the low carb diet, as I feel so much better on it, and do not find it a hardship. That's not to say that I won't have whatever I want on occasion, meal out, family function, holidays etc...but for the most part, I intend to keep with it.
Welcome to the forum @Billy200UK. Be careful, t2 can range from mild to severe. Keep on top of your condition, if you are not on insulin then count your blessings. Keep a sensible diet with good hydration and regular exercise and you can breeze through this. Keep us informed of your progress and good luck.
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Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Great stuff ! This echoes my experience too. Not a diabetic now after 3 months of low carbing and getting the numbers down. Mindful of the dangers tho and intend,like you, to continue doing the same. Grateful that my doctor shocked me early enough for me to get a grip on my greedy ways !
Always helps to get good news.
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Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
Hi everyone, thought I would join the forum as I was diagnosed earlier this year with Type 2, my reading was HbA1c 54 and my Gloucose level was 6.9
As an Air Traffic Controller in the RAF, when I attended my Annual Medical, the aviation doctor told me that with my newly diagnosed condition, together with my Hyper tension, and high BMI, she would be unable to renew my Medical clearance and has referred me to a Medical Board.
This shocked me as I felt the Type 2 which didn't require medication, I could not understand why it should be a problem. Anyway, the upshot was, that I decided to treat this as a shot across the bow so to speak, and I was determining Ned to research this and choose a remedy that could help.
A low carb diet seemed to be the best option, so I embarked at the beginning of May on virtually the Atkins diet, restricting myself to less than 30grams of carbs per day. I also bought a FitBit, and made a point of completing a minimum of 10,000 steps a day.
Last week I had a blood test, and today visited the doctor, who informed me that my HbA1c is down to 44 and 6.1 and he is happy to declare me now non diabetic. In the last 2 months I have also lost 5kgs weight, which isn't a lot, but my main goal was to reduce the glucose levels....Over the moon with the result, and do not find the low carb diet difficult at all...in fact I really enjoy not feeling bloated after a meal with pasta, potatoes ec.....One happy bunny :)
I will understand that if I revert back to my old ways, then the Type 2 could well return, to that end I will continue with the low carb diet, as I feel so much better on it, and do not find it a hardship. That's not to say that I won't have whatever I want on occasion, meal out, family function, holidays etc...but for the most part, I intend to keep wi


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Ha ha! I had to buy a belt to stop my jeans falling down, I can pull them down without undoing the button now! I've moved two notches smaller too!
My jeans kept falling down too and had to buy a belt but now down 2 sizes and have ended up wearing leggings cos jeans just don't seem to stay up!
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Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
I am but a year ahead of you, with an almost identical story! I used to visit here, but stopped sometime ago .... however I saw your post and thought I'd help with a bit of advice if I may.

I too am services, but a different colour to you!!, and was also 'labelled' at a routine medical, with high BP and high BMI. What horrified me was that I was immediately downgraded to 'Medically Non Deployable' not because of the BP or BMI, but beacause of the Diabetes.... a status less than a couple of friends who are (now) amputees - so that's how 'disabled' I was viewed by the system!

Fast forward one year..... I'm now 6 stone lighter, ALL of my stats are absolutely normal, having enjoyed a year of completely normal hba1c readings (last 2 were 34) the medics now deem me 'in complete remission'. I am currently classed as 'Medically Limited Deployable' (with no limitations) and expect to be returned to 'Medically Fully Deplyable' soon. I also did my own Oral Glucose Tolerance Test a couple of months ago, and after 2 hours the reading was 6.7, which as I understand it is well within 'normal range' for a non diabetic. As the last MO said - there is nothing wrong with you now, you're in better shape than most others your age - and younger! (I an definately fitter than both of my kids 20&17!!). I am on NO medication at all for anything.... and hope to keep it that was as long as possible!

I eat incredibly healthily now, but recently have realised I can now relax a bit, so yes I have a couple of Beers every now and then, and the odd Takeaway, which does include rice and naan bread - shock horror, but am still 'generally carb conscious' though making sure I eat the 'right carbs' when I do - just as everyone should! I also enjoy a nice slice of cake or flapjack etc with my mates when out riding (see below).

Here is the advice - part of my 'recovery' has been 'hitting the phys' - as in I'm now one seriously fit bunny, running, spinning, cycling, walking, and Adventure Training, etc........all the stuff I should have been doing for years. You and I have the 'luxury' of having exceptional wide ranging Gym and sporting facilities at our fingertips - all usually free of charge - I now exploit this to the fullest and throwing myself into ANYTHING physical - cos I can now. As an example I'm in training for the Ride London 100 - 100 mile cycle ride, and doing 40/50/60 mile rides a couple of times a week now .... on top of other stuff! Like you, my Fitbit is also my best friend, and the best investment I have made as part of this journey, I smash my 10,000 steps almost every day ...... I'm just annoyed it took this 'episode' to make me realise what I was missing. I now soooo enjoy my 'phys' time - whatever that entails.

I fully realise I will be back to square one if I return to my 'old ways', but given I'm having such a great time, I can't see that happening anytime soon!

Good luck with your journey - I will wave next time I go past a control tower on my way somewhere!


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
'Medically Non Deployable' makes sense for anyone who has a new case of Type2, as too often it turns out to be Type1 in honeymoon etc. Unlike an amputees you were a medical unknown who could quickly get a lot better or a lot worse.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
Hi Ballerina, glad to hear it's working for you as well :) striking thing when I visited the doctors this morning, the first thing he said to me when he saw me, was how well he was looking. Others have also commented, even though I have felt no real difference n the last 2 months, other than my work trousers are almost falling off of me now, even though I have only lost 5kgs? :)

I too became 'unrecognisable' to friends, many of whom did a double take, with many thinking I was seriously ill as I lost sooooo much ..... If only they knew!

Going from a 42' waist to a 32' waist I know exactly where you are coming from about trousers falling down. I have had 3 exchanges of uniform in the first 6 months, I was a regular visitor to the camp tailor who gave up on my existing dress uniform he had altered it that much, I was issued with a complete new set - bless him. Most of my old clothes have now gone to a good charity shop (they were all good quality), but I kept one pair of trousers. I seriously can't believe that they once fitted me!.... just a reminder of what I want to and need to avoid!

One person not happy with the new me is my 20 year old son..... He hates me nicking his clothes - cos I can now, and have so few of my own! ..... not that I would even dream of wearing some of his stuff!

5kg is a great start - a good diet combined with good 'phys' and believe me, it will drop off you!



Type of diabetes
Type 2
I too became 'unrecognisable' to friends, many of whom did a double take, with many thinking I was seriously ill as I lost sooooo much ..... If only they knew!

Going from a 42' waist to a 32' waist I know exactly where you are coming from about trousers falling down. I have had 3 exchanges of uniform in the first 6 months, I was a regular visitor to the camp tailor who gave up on my existing dress uniform he had altered it that much, I was issued with a complete new set - bless him. Most of my old clothes have now gone to a good charity shop (they were all good quality), but I kept one pair of trousers. I seriously can't believe that they once fitted me!.... just a reminder of what I want to and need to avoid!

One person not happy with the new me is my 20 year old son..... He hates me nicking his clothes - cos I can now, and have so few of my own! ..... not that I would even dream of wearing some of his stuff!

5kg is a great start - a good diet combined with good 'phys' and believe me, it will drop off you!


Hi mate

Thanks for sharing your story, I have a visit to CAMS next week for them to carry out a risk management program, and then hopefully return to med cat to active service. Missing the radar screen even after all these years.
I agree completely with all you say, although phys wise I am nowhere near as active as you, but at last with the Fitbit I have my motivation. The big thing I take from this experience, is the learning that has taken place with regards to a low carb diet. I really enjoy it, and don't find it a chore at all, and knowing the good it is doing for me is just the icing on the cake. I am FTRS home commitment, so non deployable anyway (which suits me)...thanks again one and all for your kind comments.