Type 1 How to delete my account

Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
Bullies, Liars, Trolls and dishonest cruel people
You have to get onto a administer to delete your account, as you do not have permission to do it yourself.

I am unable to write passionate support, but you need to get a grip yourself mate.

That's really helpful ..... not ! :mad:
Looks like the OP is going though an emotional crisis and has other threads going to, so in a depressed and in a low state of mind, so lets try to remember that and try to give some support and care, if not, walk away.
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Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
Bullies, Liars, Trolls and dishonest cruel people
Hi @najamadahir, If you have not already deleted the app -
Part of seeking support is about listening to what people have to say or write.
Then thinking it over and finding out what helps and what does not.
But if you do not care about anything how can you use any support offered.?
One way is to be wrapped in cotton wool to stop the hassle and hurt and do nothing. You may still be angry and peed off and really nothing will have changed. It's denial, man. Not denial of what sucks but denial that you have power, and are not absolutely helpless to do anything about it. It may look hopeless to you but you still posted.
Another way is to change somethings about your self. Not easy to do and not a quick fix to your troubles.
It is a bit of a wake-up call - and you reacted to that this morning. But .... try to adapt , not react.
Is there something or one you care enough about to change for? Getting to like yourself better can then come later.
Anger might feel good sometimes but it burns you up - burns the guts, hurts the head, spikes the BGs, grips the heart.
Frustration twists the guts, pounds the head, pushes the BGs and strangles the heart.
Better to feel sad about things and adapt.
If you wish to think about this and then post some more, the forum is here.
To help with that. make a list of all the things you are good at in some way - if one of them is swearing then list that (but not the words!)!! and so on. Dare you to list 5 for starters,
To Listen............................Injections and finger pricks.......Nothing is impossible
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I hope the OP can read your post and take it on board @kitedoc
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Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
Bullies, Liars, Trolls and dishonest cruel people
Looks like they have gone.