Type 1.5 new and exercise


Type of diabetes
I am new to this website I am 48 years old female who has been diagnosed with lada diabetes for around 7 months I am currently on no medication only for high blood pressure which is well controlled. I have currently switched jobs from working nights to a excessively strenuous job which I work 5 days a week and walk about 3 miles there n back to Each day and am constantly on my feet for around 8 hours a day I have lost around 1 and half stone in last 4 weeks and now weigh around 10 stone I was low carbing but since starting job have been eating some carbs due to the physical aspect I don't get time during day to test but do in morning n they are around six need a it of advice about what I should be eating to maintain my weight n if eating the carbohydrates r causing me more harm