New EU Regulations on herbal meds starts today.


Well-Known Member
Not really knowing what's going on inside my Endocrine system!!!
At last! Thanks for this link.

I heard someone at work tell a colleague on the effectiveness of cinnamon and how it can help to reduce weight because it helps I piped up and asked if it has been scientifically tested to have this affect and he was not so certain then :lol:

I'm all for natural remedies - I've done the whole Echinecea, Ginseng, Aloe Vera etc in the past but I always feel as if anyone can get hold of a plant and sell the stuff, and you never know which part of the plant/flower has been used, whether it's organic and where it was grown. Sometimes you don't even know what concentration is best. So it will be good to know there's at least some regulatory body in place :)


A list of possible side effects, interactions and warnings about herbs.
You also need to take into account that Vitamins seem harmless enough in pill form but there are side effects for some. I know a lot of people recommend B12 for diabetics but tablets will not cure a Vit B12 deficiency unless they are prescription only as your HCP will know what dose to give you.. You need to be tested to see if there is actually a deficiency. They may prescribe injections.