New Pre-diabetic seeking help/advice please


Hi there guys :wave:
I recently found out that I'm pre-diabetic and going the way of my late father who was diagnosed with diabetes at my age (c. 50 y/o)

I was diagnosed only a 4 weeks ago today. Boy, what a shock that was! :crazy:
After the tears came a renewed resolve to run in the other direction as quickly and efficiently as possible so as to distance myself in the shortest time possible.

Since then I have looked into the NR (Newcastle Roy Taylor research), have looked at HIT training as as way to potentially increase glucose sensitivity, and have not let a refined sugar pass my lips since that fateful evening in my Dr's surgery a month ago.

I'm also on Glucose factors as well as no carbs save for sweet potatoes, spelt bread and the odd carrot or two. Also no alcohol, which is not really that difficult as I was never a drinker. I have the occasional low fat yoghurt but most products are 4g sugar per 100g of product or less i.e. low sugar. No processed/packaged foods with everything made fresh.

I'm increasing my activity levels and know it'll be easier as I get lighter and intend to change my lifestyle for the better longer term with regular hardcore exercise (I used to box and run) :)

2 years ago my Fasting BG was at 5.4, but now this new test showed fasting BG levels of 7.1 mmol/l.
12 days in when with my Practice Nurse, I had another Fasting BG test and I was at 5.9 mmol/l. :D
I've lost around 5 kg so far and I intend to keep going and gain my previous, slimline figure. It means I've got another 18kg to go by which time I feel I will be in a "safer" place. My Practice Nurse thinks I'm going to be too thin but too bad; that's where I want to be.

My HbA1c level (at the 7.1 FBG test) was at 40 which equates to 5.8%, I believe - at the top end of the "normal" scale, suggesting that this pre-diabetes has been caught relatively early (? Corroboration required please?!) :***:

My father was diagnosed at my age with T2 diabetes but was appreciably heavier than I am. Sadly he is no longer with us, and as his diagnosis was c. 25 years ago, we're not really sure if he had T2 or slow onset T1. He became insulin dependent relatively quickly (c. 6 years or so I believe) despite being as thin as a rake by then and no-one can find his records as it's more than 7 years ago.
I know his maternal grandfather and his maternal uncle were diabetic; his mother died in her early 50's of colon cancer so we'll never really know if she was destined to go that way as well (is the predisposition carried from generation to generation or does it sometimes skip?)

Next week I'm intending on doing a very low calorie diet (VLCD) for a week and seeing how much weight I can drop. I know slower is better, but I've a lot to do and I really need to kick-start my efforts. My weight has gone on over about 18 months and as such I believe 6-9 months is what I should be aiming for.
Ideally I want this under control by my 50th birthday at the end of this year.

Friends and family have been supportive but I get the feeling my Dr and the surgery aren't that well-versed in dealing with Diabetes. It's metformin (sp?) before you can blink, if you know what I mean?

Anyhow, what do others people think of my efforts so far? Am I doing the right things? Is it worth getting a referral to an endocrinologist specialising in diabetes at this point or not?
Also, what are your thoughts on doing the VLCD? My BMI is at 30 which puts me in the obese category but I have large muscle mass (mesomorphic, built for boxing, sprinting etc. ) and have always weighed a good 12 lbs heavier than I look, if that makes sense? Any other ideas on losing the weight fast?

Your thoughts would be very much appreciated.


Thank you everyone for reading this and for any advice in advance.
