So far so good


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So day 3 of holiday. It's 23-27 degrees in day. DD's been great. Averaging on 5.3 with only 1 spike so far and knock on wood no hypos. Still staying alert and asking her how she's feeling way too much...
She's just created an account on the forum so she can find other 9/10 year olds. Are any of your kids on the forum?

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mean people , gardening , dishonest people , and war.
why can't everyone get on........
hi there
sounds good so far -- well done to both of you -- the weather sounds fab.
is your daughter edithh23 ( account)?
a 9 year old girl has just posted asking about insulin pumps.
all the best !!


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hi there
sounds good so far -- well done to both of you -- the weather sounds fab.
is your daughter edithh23 ( account)?
a 9 year old girl has just posted asking about insulin pumps.
all the best !!
She is

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So I spoke too soon... Last night went up to 11.6, had correction took us to 11.3 two hours later. 0.5 correction then to 10.5 two hours later...Finally down to 7 two hours after that.
I thought the worry about heat is that it bought BG counts down?


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So I spoke too soon... Last night went up to 11.6, had correction took us to 11.3 two hours later. 0.5 correction then to 10.5 two hours later...Finally down to 7 two hours after that.
I thought the worry about heat is that it bought BG counts down?

I can't speak from the viewpoint of a T1, as I'm not, nor do I take insulin. For me, though, I don't find the heat per se, affects my blood numbers, but to balance that bold statement I am fortunate enough to spend several months a year in a tropical climate.

One thing that does affect me though, is hydration. When I first go away, it takes a few days for me to balance my hydration levels, as we're generally pretty busy, getting things into shape for our stay. My bloods can blip up a little then, as well as my wee getting darker. I just take those as signals to sort it, and increase my fluid intake accordingly.

When in that balancing period, I make sure I have a full glass of water between getting up and having breakfast (I still have tea though!). That tends to set me up for the day. This may be a complete red herring for you guys, but worth considering?

Hopefully my post will also bump your thread up the Recent Posts again, and bring it in front of some posters who may be able to make a more constructive impact.

If your daughter has a few higher days, it won't be life changing, so please ensure she's not becoming dispirited. Enjoy your holiday. I'm sure post-diagnosis, you're all ready for it.
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why can't everyone get on........
normally I find I need more insulin in the heat ( i have in the past when on holiday in hot countries)
many people post they need less though

as usual -- the answer is test test test :) ( hope it isn't spoiling things for all of you )
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I hope your holiday continues to go well. You are all doing great and the high of 11.3 was probably just a blip, so don't worry too much about it, it happened and you corrected to bring it down. so keep testing and plenty of fluids are a must for everyone, especially in a hot climate, so just enjoy yourselves :)
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So I spoke too soon... Last night went up to 11.6, had correction took us to 11.3 two hours later. 0.5 correction then to 10.5 two hours later...Finally down to 7 two hours after that.
I thought the worry about heat is that it bought BG counts down?
Hi my bloods do change a lot when the weather is hot, they tend to go up but sometimes down. Also excitement of being on holiday can cause bloods to fluctuate. (My mum said I would always hypo). My daughters bloods are still quite erratic at the moment. I wouldn't worry about the 11 sugar reading for her-you are always going to have highs and lows being type1 and as long as it comes down in time. Just be wary of over correcting as for me the higher you are longer it takes to come down. The same with my daughter I think too xx


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Hi my bloods do change a lot when the weather is hot, they tend to go up but sometimes down. Also excitement of being on holiday can cause bloods to fluctuate. (My mum said I would always hypo). My daughters bloods are still quite erratic at the moment. I wouldn't worry about the 11 sugar reading for her-you are always going to have highs and lows being type1 and as long as it comes down in time. Just be wary of over correcting as for me the higher you are longer it takes to come down. The same with my daughter I think too xx

@1Sarah1 what do you mean by over correcting?

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why can't everyone get on........
i think i can safely answer that

let's say you test at 12.1 2 hours after a meal and then at 11.5 3 hours after
the urge is there to add another correction because you are not seeing BG's lower

adding that correction at the 3 hour mark is sometimes called insulin "stacking"
so caution needs to be used and not just putting in a correction for the 11.5 because there is still an hour of insulin left from the previous dose. also called over correcting

hope that made sense
extra corrections are sometimes needed -- perhaps when the carbs were greater than expected or bloods are being downright stubborn ( with colds and infections this happens )
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So if I test before bed, as we are now, and the BG is high and the reader recommends a correction - logical next step is to correct and that is right. But when we check 2 hours later and it has not gone down, or has not gone down as far as we would like we should hold off from adding a correction, even though the reader recommend, cause the previous correction is still in work? (please excuse me if I got the wrong end of the stick here)


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So if I test before bed, as we are now, and the BG is high and the reader recommends a correction - logical next step is to correct and that is right. But when we check 2 hours later and it has not gone down, or has not gone down as far as we would like we should hold off from adding a correction, even though the reader recommend, cause the previous correction is still in work? (please excuse me if I got the wrong end of the stick here)
Hi thanks @himtoo. @W00sterz00ey basically yes -I would be even more cautious overnight. My daughters sugars drop overnight but mine actually go up. If she hasn't come down in the second reading 2 hours overnight I would set your alarm to check again maybe 2/3am. I know it's hard and this is definitely where the bonus of a pump is so you don't have to inject. I would check her now and again during the night anyway just to make sure sugars are reasonable.
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And we are back.
A lot of guessing, estimating, listening and trusting each other and hoping we have it (kind of) right. And for the most part we were. Stayed within the 3.8 to 11ish range (except for one hyper that took us to 14). Corrected, treated and kept moving to her rhythm.
Learned a few really important things though, that I would love to share:
1. Listening to others and over packing supplies was a god sent. It is true. We went through test strips like no ones business and knowing we have enough insulin to treat an army was a real source of comfort.
2. Travelling with Lucozade gave us all a sense of trust in how we treated the hypo's. I truly believe that believing in what you are taking helps turn them around faster.
3. Exercise works. 10 mins jumping in the waves would bring her down from a low hyper (7+) to a nice mid point in the 4-7 range. And put a huge smile on her face (bonus!)
4. Plane flights are hard and you need to be prepared. Snacks, activities, comfort items. The airline allows you to take extra carry on – use it. Sitting for a long time is boring at the best but when the BG’s start moving and you’re trapped in a metal bird – it’s taxing for the D and the support people.
5. This board is a life saver. I would not have gotten through this first experience without you guys. Thank you.
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Sounds like you both did great @W00sterz00ey

Holidays can be stressful with Type 1. Change of foods, change of temperature, change of routine - all potentially hard work. So well done to you and your daughter :)


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Sounds like you both did great @W00sterz00ey

Holidays can be stressful with Type 1. Change of foods, change of temperature, change of routine - all potentially hard work. So well done to you and your daughter :)
Thanks Azure. Stressful it was - but it feels good to know now that travel is possible :)
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