Struggling with Meformin


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Hi all. I'm new to this forum & to T2 diabetes but have read so many helpful things already on here .
I was diagnosed a week ago with a serum glucose of 8.9%/74.
However since the blood tests a month ago I have lost a stone so my BG figures have probably changed somewhat. And am eating low carb with much smaller portions. In light of this they repeated the bloods which I haven't had the results of yet.
In the meantime the DN prescribed me 500mg of Metformin once a day at first.
So I logged my BG results for 3 days which were between 5.9 & 8.9 then started the Metformin with some trepidation.
The diarrhoea the next morning I could just about cope with but after the 2nd tablet it was horrendous. Couldn't leave the house & even water was just going through me. Lost a whole night's sleep & Due to this no water seemed to be going through my bladder so began to get a uti & I could no longer continue with normal life. 3rd night didn't take the tablet & 24 hrs later feel half human again. Has anybody tried taking a tablet every other day? Is this allowed & might it help me acclimatise to the meds d'you think? BG dropped to between 5 & 8.1 while I was on it. Thanks!


Staff Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Hi all. I'm new to this forum & to T2 diabetes but have read so many helpful things already on here .
I was diagnosed a week ago with a serum glucose of 8.9%/74.
However since the blood tests a month ago I have lost a stone so my BG figures have probably changed somewhat. And am eating low carb with much smaller portions. In light of this they repeated the bloods which I haven't had the results of yet.
In the meantime the DN prescribed me 500mg of Metformin once a day at first.
So I logged my BG results for 3 days which were between 5.9 & 8.9 then started the Metformin with some trepidation.
The diarrhoea the next morning I could just about cope with but after the 2nd tablet it was horrendous. Couldn't leave the house & even water was just going through me. Lost a whole night's sleep & Due to this no water seemed to be going through my bladder so began to get a uti & I could no longer continue with normal life. 3rd night didn't take the tablet & 24 hrs later feel half human again. Has anybody tried taking a tablet every other day? Is this allowed & might it help me acclimatise to the meds d'you think? BG dropped to between 5 & 8.1 while I was on it. Thanks!
Hello, and welcome, @LauraGM
First of all, well done, on your change of diet, and weight loss. You are making a good start.
Some people do have those gastric problems you are suffering from with Metformin. There are available, on prescription, a more gastro friendly , slow release version of Metformin. You certainly don’t need to suffer, like you are. Ask GP or nurse. Although we can’t advise on changing or reducing doses of meds I am aware some members have chosen not to take the Metformin, and manage good T2 diabetes control by diet changes. You have already made the start with low carb, and weight loss. You could find you have already improved your blood glucose to a more acceptable level when you get the latest results.

If you haven’t already, do read the information for new members. If you scroll down through my signature you will find it there.
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Hi @LauraGM welcome
The standard advice seems to be to give it time for your body to become less sensitive to metformin,
Unfortunately for some that just does not work. If you just can't cope with the side effects there are alternatives. Speak to your Dr about changing your prescription or maybe giving you time to control things with diet and exercise. Medication is always an option at a later date if lifestyle changes prove ineffective.
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I had a similar experience on Metformin over 10 Years ago but my GP changed it to Glucophage which was a slow release version and my body tolerated that fine. Don’t know if it is still available but you might ask


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Thanks @Madbazoo
Valuable tip. This is a slow release one I'm on I believe but will mention the glucophage as soon as I can get through to the surgery (this may take some days...)
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Staff Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
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Tablets (oral)
@LauraGM , have you actually stopped the metformin completely? If so, and if that has stopped the gastric symptoms, then waiting until after the weekend to get advice from Health care professionals should be ok. If your symptoms continue try NHS111.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Yes I have @Pipp, jut wondered if every other day would ease me in gradually.
If I take it right before going out tomorrow am after breakfast I might be able to race home in time before it kicks in
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Type of diabetes
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Diet only
Yes I have @Pipp, jut wondered if every other day would ease me in gradually.
If I take it right before going out tomorrow am after breakfast I might be able to race home in time before it kicks in
I had a similar reaction but persevered as I was told I would be OK if I did. In the end I was a total wreck both mentally and physically so I threw the tablets in the bin and relied on diet alone. As it turned out I never needed tablets in the first place.
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I had a similar reaction but persevered as I was told I would be OK if I did. In the end I was a total wreck both mentally and physically so I threw the tablets in the bin and relied on diet alone. As it turned out I never needed tablets in the first place.
When you say you never needed it in the first place, what do you mean?
I ask because my wife was put on Metformin with an HbA1c of 48. I am furious with her HCPs because I think with a diet tweak I don't think it would be necessary. She wasn't advised / counselled about lifestyle changes. Just medication medication medication.
To cap it all she had a really nasty experience when walking with her fiend. She had uncontrollable diarrhoea. It was dark so she came straight home very upset. Ten minutes later she would have been in the middle of a Christmas party among her friends.
She is seeing her diabetic nurse next week and I will be going with her so somebody else is going to be upset!
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Sala Seini

Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
hi there - has anyone had galvus 50 gms in the mornig and 50 gms in the evening - told my doctor I wanted to get rid of metformin and she said to try this new drug - I was taking metformin 500gms in the morning and one at night


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
When you say you never needed it in the first place, what do you mean?
I ask because my wife was put on Metformin with an HbA1c of 48. I am furious with her HCPs because I think with a diet tweak I don't think it would be necessary. She wasn't advised / counselled about lifestyle changes. Just medication medication medication.
To cap it all she had a really nasty experience when walking with her fiend. She had uncontrollable diarrhoea. It was dark so she came straight home very upset. Ten minutes later she would have been in the middle of a Christmas party among her friends.
She is seeing her diabetic nurse next week and I will be going with her so somebody else is going to be upset!
I had the same explosive incontinence for almost a month - and thought I was heading for a care home with all the other things going on.
After I threw the tablets away I continued to eat a low carb diet and in 80 days from diagnosis the second Hba1c test showed I was no longer diabetic, and at 6 months I was down to a Hba1c of 41.
I continued on in the same way and now am 5 years from diagnosis.
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Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
I had the same explosive incontinence for almost a month - and thought I was heading for a care home with all the other things going on.
After I threw the tablets away I continued to eat a low carb diet and in 80 days from diagnosis the second Hba1c test showed I was no longer diabetic, and at 6 months I was down to a Hba1c of 41.
I continued on in the same way and now am 5 years from diagnosis.
Thank you.
I really, REALLY wish the so-called HCPs would offer intelligent, safe lifestyle advice with a proven track record - like you above - of actually having some proper benefit. Like Jason Fung says, treat the source rather than the symptom.
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