Approved T1D and driving research


Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
Hi everybody!

I'm an MSc student at the University of Surrey (and a fellow T1!) and I'm running a study on driving with T1D! If any of you are interested in taking part, here's some information :)

There's two different parts:

Part one is a quick online survey ( ), it takes about 10 minutes, it's completely anonymous, and anyone over 18 with T1D and a driver's licence can take part!

The second part of my study (and the fun bit!) is an experiment using a driving simulator at the university! There's two 15-minute simulator drives with a 15 minute break in between, and we would test your BG and heart rate at set times during the drives. This bit would take a little over an hour, and of course we would provide all testing supplies etc. This would take place in Guildford, so it may be too far for some of you, but if you're in the area, give me a shout!

Also, passing on the link to the survey, or the information about the driving simulator experiment would be really appreciated!

If anyone is interested you can email me ([email protected]) and we can chat more about it!


Well-Known Member
Retired Moderator
Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
mean people , gardening , dishonest people , and war.
why can't everyone get on........
completed the survey


Type of diabetes
Type 1
It's a very good survey - but, of course, it can be frustrating where one can't say 'I never would' when it's only 'Check all that apply'. I've never had an accident of ANY kind in 40 years of driving [all of it as a T1D] but I'm terrified that they'll create some unfair conditions for diabetics to keep their licences.....!