What could this mean


Hi all,
After being ill for a while, and fainting with a HR of 150, I went to the drs and ordered a blood test.
I got a phone call yesterday because apparently they want to phone me on the Monday about one of my results which is the random plasma glucose. I’ve read online that normally they’d see you urgently but they offered an appointment for 2 weeks time (but I chose a Monday phone call) so this leads me to think it’s not diabetes however this random plasma glucose has come back apparently outside of the ordinary. And I’ve been monitoring my levels today as my dad has diabetes and my levels have been off. I fasted and got a result of 6, and 2 hours after eating it dropped to 4?
Any advice or possible thoughts would be appreciated


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Poor grammar, bullying and drunks.
Hello and welcome to the forum. I'm afraid there is little that we could say about your results as they are random readings, we cannot diagnose as we are not doctors. Illness can affect blood glucose levels as can stress so I would advise that you see your Health Care provider at your appointment in two weeks and go from there. I hope you are recovering quickly, please have a look around the forum and ask as many questions as you like.


Hello and welcome to the forum. I'm afraid there is little that we could say about your results as they are random readings, we cannot diagnose as we are not doctors. Illness can affect blood glucose levels as can stress so I would advise that you see your Health Care provider at your appointment in two weeks and go from there. I hope you are recovering quickly, please have a look around the forum and ask as many questions as you like.
thank you, just did a test 2h after eating my tea and its gone the opposite way as it's reading 9.8 :/
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Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Poor grammar, bullying and drunks.
thank you, just did a test 2h after eating my tea and its gone the opposite way as it's reading 9.8 :/

The correct way of testing is to take one reading just before the first bite of food in a meal and then a second reading two hours after your first bite. The difference between those two readings is what is important (as well as what we have eaten) and ideally should be no more than 2mmol preferably less than that.
A fasting reading should be taken first thing in the morning before any activity.
If you take readings like this and a diary of food intake along with you to your appointment it may help.


Type of diabetes
I reversed my Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Hi all,
After being ill for a while, and fainting with a HR of 150, I went to the drs and ordered a blood test.
I got a phone call yesterday because apparently they want to phone me on the Monday about one of my results which is the random plasma glucose. I’ve read online that normally they’d see you urgently but they offered an appointment for 2 weeks time (but I chose a Monday phone call) so this leads me to think it’s not diabetes however this random plasma glucose has come back apparently outside of the ordinary. And I’ve been monitoring my levels today as my dad has diabetes and my levels have been off. I fasted and got a result of 6, and 2 hours after eating it dropped to 4?
Any advice or possible thoughts would be appreciated
If you're worried, do follow @Guzzler 's excellent advice. It will tell you so much more than random testing will. We can't diagnose, but I do know that whatever happens next, you're quite welcome here for questions and vents. If, and I do mean IF, you are diagnosed with T2 or prediabetes, there's heaps you yourself can do to take control of the situation. There's medication, you can opt for diets (and those can actually put you in remission, where meds-only can't), or a combination of the two. If you get the diagnosis, you can go in knowing this is a condition you can actually manage yourself, you have a say in what happens next. Complications and progression are not nessecarily certain in your future, though that's what people tend to think when they first discover their insulin isn't up to par. It'll be okay, whatever the result.

Best of luck with your tests!


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Hi - agree with the above: 9.8 is higher than a non-diabetic should go at any time.
Insulin should kick in before then.
I’m not trying to diagnose you or worry you but you should go back to GP and ask for an Hba1c test asap and a diagnosis if appropriate. Get a print out of results.
If you have a meter keep monitoring in the meantime because if you are diabetic the results will help get the diagnosis right and the next steps.
Try not to worry. All of this can be managed but get as much info as you can and then come back to share - we’ll do our best to help/support.


Hi everyone, thank you for the advice. I did have a reading of 11.2 at highest, but I've tried not to test too much whilst there's nothing I can do. my gp phoned yesterday ordering a blood test tomorrow to retest my glucose levels as they were infact high, they aren't sure if it's just an anomolie or if its diabetes so once I've had that test I'll see them on the 13th to discuss results

Arab Horse

Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
My son came over one day after having been on a boozy night out and when I was doing my glucose he asked me to do his: It was 12.5 and he had not had breakfast.
He has now got his own meter and the family test occasionally. He has never had another high reading but it has made them more focused on healthy eating so will hopefully prevent any of them from getting diabetes.