"What have you eaten" Parallel Chat


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Good morning all,looks like another sunny day ahead, actually salad weather,even ate lunch in the garden yesterday!
On the downside, starlings set up a nest in the guttering above the bedroom window whilst we were away. The babies or a herd of elephants have been on manoeuvres since about 5am,hopefully they are about ready to fly.


Well-Known Member
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Tablets (oral)
Good morning all,looks like another sunny day ahead, actually salad weather,even ate lunch in the garden yesterday!
On the downside, starlings set up a nest in the guttering above the bedroom window whilst we were away. The babies or a herd of elephants have been on manoeuvres since about 5am,hopefully they are about ready to fly.
I have starlings at the end of my gutter too! They are extremely rude, they swear at me non-stop until I put the bird food out and fill the bird bath, and their kids are just as rude when they fledge! I love them dearly though :)


Well-Known Member
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Tablets (oral)
Evening all,

Another hot day in the garden! Got a few more jobs done. Still taking it easy, energy levels seem a bit low still.

Glass kefir
3 slices bacon, 3 fried eggs

Coffee with cream
Sparkling mineral water
Pork puffs with chicken liver pate

Beef mince and cauliflower tossed in the bacon fat from breakfast
Greek yogurt and cream


Well-Known Member
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Good morning all,looks like another sunny day ahead, actually salad weather,even ate lunch in the garden yesterday!
On the downside, starlings set up a nest in the guttering above the bedroom window whilst we were away. The babies or a herd of elephants have been on manoeuvres since about 5am,hopefully they are about ready to fly.
Our loud birds right now are Canada geese. Boy do they honk early! Very entertaining to watch them Court, build a nest and then raise the goslings though. Almost makes the noise seem worthwhile.


Well-Known Member
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I have starlings at the end of my gutter too! They are extremely rude, they swear at me non-stop until I put the bird food out and fill the bird bath, and their kids are just as rude when they fledge! I love them dearly though :)
Evening @jpscloud and @sueh21 amd @MommaE

Yes, they're noisy and have voracious appetites, but starlings are such intelligent birds and they keep us entertained with their antics on the bird station and the bird bath. Come the Autumn, they treat us to amazing murmurations as well.


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Felt quite a bit better this morning so it started well. Had scrambled egg for breakfast and despite feeling worse again during the day I put a salmon fillet with a sliced up lemon, half a carrot, cut into juliens and half a medium onion, sliced, in an aluminium foil parcel and baked it. It was good, but I'm still hungry and BG has dropped too low, so I had to eat a couple of dates to bring it back up - hasn't done that yet but I'm sure it will. Just taken the last of the antibiotics, so am hoping for a better day tomorrow. Neil has just started installing a ventilation system - the components of which have been in the loft for the last 10 or so years. It was originally intended to be installed in the house he was renovating for himself but when he gave the house to his brother, he just brought the whole shebang to our loft. At present, all the parts are in our hallway, of course.


Retired Moderator
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No worries @Antje77. None of us is perfect.
Not worried at all, just very happy you're willing to take the time to tell me, even when I need the same lesson twice!
@Antje77 so "the neighbour" finally has a name :) I've been waiting for this moment, but how is Tale pronounced?
I think I've shared before at some point because it's such a funny name in English. It's an unusual name in the Netherlands, I never heard it before I met my neighbour.
It's pronounced something like Tah-luh. :)
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Retired Moderator
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My friend is a genius!

I was telling her about trending low, especially on nights spent with Tale, but in general as well. I've been titrating my basal insulin down over the past months from a minimum of 98 units to currently 64, which is still slightly too much. I suppose working a physical job has something to do with it, and I think I've lost some more weight as well.

Crisps are a good way to prevent or treat nighttime hypos because they work for a long time (and because I love crisps of course!). The problem is dosing the crisps, especially late at night after having some drinks. Having a handful of crisps and then putting the bag away just isn't a thing really.
My friend told me to buy those small single portion bags of crisps, but in the Netherlands they are only sold in large bags with different flavours, including the yucky flavours.
You can buy the portion bags at gas stations, swimming pools, pubs etc, but there they are as expensive as a large bag in the supermarket.

Anyway, I told my friend all of this, and yesterday I came home after a very long workday to find that the mailman had hidden a mysterious package under the rose bushes!

Look what a perfect present! :happy: :happy: :happy:



Type of diabetes
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My friend is a genius!

I was telling her about trending low, especially on nights spent with Tale, but in general as well. I've been titrating my basal insulin down over the past months from a minimum of 98 units to currently 64, which is still slightly too much. I suppose working a physical job has something to do with it, and I think I've lost some more weight as well.

Crisps are a good way to prevent or treat nighttime hypos because they work for a long time (and because I love crisps of course!). The problem is dosing the crisps, especially late at night after having some drinks. Having a handful of crisps and then putting the bag away just isn't a thing really.
My friend told me to buy those small single portion bags of crisps, but in the Netherlands they are only sold in large bags with different flavours, including the yucky flavours.
You can buy the portion bags at gas stations, swimming pools, pubs etc, but there they are as expensive as a large bag in the supermarket.

Anyway, I told my friend all of this, and yesterday I came home after a very long workday to find that the mailman had hidden a mysterious package under the rose bushes!

Look what a perfect present! :happy: :happy: :happy:

View attachment 67596
What a kind friend.


Type of diabetes
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Had to split this reply up since the thread refused to accept the whole thing.

Part 2: I used to buy individual packs of crisps - 6 or 12 to a large bag for a similar reason, Antje (treating hypos plus, like you, I like plain ones but not the flavoured ones) but I got to like them too much so stopped buying them. Dates are my go to hypo treatment these days. I like them as well, but can manage to have just the one or two that it takes to get BG going again. I have to keep my eye on them though because they are also Neil's go to for when he needs a boost. He uses them much more often than I do and we could easily run out so I try to keep at least one bag of them in hand. There's only one supermarket here that sells them so I do hope they keep on stocking them.


Retired Moderator
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I reversed my Type 2
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Diet only
My friend is a genius!

I was telling her about trending low, especially on nights spent with Tale, but in general as well. I've been titrating my basal insulin down over the past months from a minimum of 98 units to currently 64, which is still slightly too much. I suppose working a physical job has something to do with it, and I think I've lost some more weight as well.

Crisps are a good way to prevent or treat nighttime hypos because they work for a long time (and because I love crisps of course!). The problem is dosing the crisps, especially late at night after having some drinks. Having a handful of crisps and then putting the bag away just isn't a thing really.
My friend told me to buy those small single portion bags of crisps, but in the Netherlands they are only sold in large bags with different flavours, including the yucky flavours.
You can buy the portion bags at gas stations, swimming pools, pubs etc, but there they are as expensive as a large bag in the supermarket.

Anyway, I told my friend all of this, and yesterday I came home after a very long workday to find that the mailman had hidden a mysterious package under the rose bushes!

Look what a perfect present! :happy: :happy: :happy:

View attachment 67596
In UK, supermarkets sell multi-packs, including in single flavours, so you can make a big haul on your next trip. :)


Well-Known Member
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Tablets (oral)
Ooh crisps, I miss crisps.I did go for a drink at a friends last night and sat next to a bowl of crisps but resisted. Not willpower but because another guest was talking about her partners poorly controlled diabetes and his problems!
Did anyone see the Aurora last night? We drove out into the Fens and had a good show and then got home and they were right over the house. Bucket list moment, this will of course guarantee we don’t see them on a trip to Northern lights cruise in November


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Didn't know about the aurora last night but will walk out tonight to a field near us to see if we can see anything.
My nice who has just emigrated to New Zealand sent pictures of the Aurora Australis. Was wonderful to think even though they are so far away we were connected by the same solar storm!. Made the planet feel a little smaller.


Active Member
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Tablets (oral)
Well done on cleaning the decking! For once the weather forecast has been our friend, and I was able to plan a few days sorting my garden out too. I don't have as much energy as I would like, I think maybe it's a carb hangover and might take a while to get back into using ketones.

I always spend too much at the garden centre too! I've grown some heritage yellow plum tomatoes from seed this time though, and also bought some flowering plants for the little polytunnel as well - I have a table and chairs in there and will be using it as a conservatory when it rains!


Well-Known Member
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Didn't know about the aurora last night but will walk out tonight to a field near us to see if we can see anything.
My nice who has just emigrated to New Zealand sent pictures of the Aurora Australis. Was wonderful to think even though they are so far away we were connected by the same solar storm!. Made the planet feel a little smaller.
Last night, there was a clear sky here in London @MrsA2, so conditions were perfect for viewing the aurora borealis. Went outside between 11.00 pm and midnight and searched in vain; couldn't see a darn thing. The light pollution here doesn't help, of course,

Your field sounds like a better bet. Good luck with your quest to see the Lights this evening.


Retired Moderator
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A few months back a friend got an 'ergonomical chair' at work, paid for by her boss.
Yesterday I've spent 7 hours (except for getting up every 20 minutes to get some circulation in my numb limbs) in full concentration painting around the windows and the edges of where the different colours meet.
Mind, the surface isn't horizontal, and this is the only position in which it works. Visions of ergonomical chairs started happening after about 3 hours.
Proud of my work though, I'm pretty good at painting those edges. :joyful:


And look what was suddenly in the garden today! :happy:

The 4 chicks have 2 mums because they brooded (bred? @LivingLightly , help me out here!) together, let's hope they'll survive!



Well-Known Member
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Ooh crisps, I miss crisps.I did go for a drink at a friends last night and sat next to a bowl of crisps but resisted. Not willpower but because another guest was talking about her partners poorly controlled diabetes and his problems!
Did anyone see the Aurora last night? We drove out into the Fens and had a good show and then got home and they were right over the house. Bucket list moment, this will of course guarantee we don’t see them on a trip to Northern lights cruise in November
We saw them in Canada too. Beautiful.