Wife's cancer diagnosis.


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Just to keep people informed , my wife had a biopsy on her boob which showed up to be cancer on a pet scan to be told it was not cancer , this morning we just got back from hospital after a biopsy on her thyroid which also showed to be cancer on the pet scan to be told it was also not cancerous , we were in tears and just keeping our fingers crossed that it keeps happening . I told her miracles do happen , thanks everybody for your kind thoughts .


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I reversed my Type 2
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Just to keep people informed , my wife had a biopsy on her boob which showed up to be cancer on a pet scan to be told it was not cancer , this morning we just got back from hospital after a biopsy on her thyroid which also showed to be cancer on the pet scan to be told it was also not cancerous , we were in tears and just keeping our fingers crossed that it keeps happening . I told her miracles do happen , thanks everybody for your kind thoughts .

I can't tell you how much I am hoping for you both.

My fingers and toes will remain crossed.


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Just to keep people informed , my wife had a biopsy on her boob which showed up to be cancer on a pet scan to be told it was not cancer , this morning we just got back from hospital after a biopsy on her thyroid which also showed to be cancer on the pet scan to be told it was also not cancerous , we were in tears and just keeping our fingers crossed that it keeps happening . I told her miracles do happen , thanks everybody for your kind thoughts .
Hi @jaywak , how are the both of you doing?


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Hi everybody just to keep you informed my wife who has still no symptoms of the cancers in her body is starting her chemo treatment tomorrow , I will be allowed to sit with her with her first treatment which will last for 7 hours so will have to take some snacks and insulin with me , we are getting prepared and Tina has picked a wig she likes and very sadly but she wanted too has arranged a funeral and written a new will , god I am feeling sad but trying to keep myself in order to look after her , we just have to keep our faith and hope for the best .


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Just to let you all know that we have had some positive news concerning my wife's cancer , she's had her 4 th chemo session and a pet scan that revealed that 1 of the cancers have shrunk by 50% , 2 have shrunk by 30% 1 has disappeared completely and the one on her pelvic bone is healing , she has got 2 more chemos to go and then another scan to see how it goes , tears as I type this !


Retired Moderator
Type of diabetes
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Diet only
Just to let you all know that we have had some positive news concerning my wife's cancer , she's had her 4 th chemo session and a pet scan that revealed that 1 of the cancers have shrunk by 50% , 2 have shrunk by 30% 1 has disappeared completely and the one on her pelvic bone is healing , she has got 2 more chemos to go and then another scan to see how it goes , tears as I type this !
That’s very good news.


Retired Moderator
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I reversed my Type 2
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Diet only
Just to let you all know that we have had some positive news concerning my wife's cancer , she's had her 4 th chemo session and a pet scan that revealed that 1 of the cancers have shrunk by 50% , 2 have shrunk by 30% 1 has disappeared completely and the one on her pelvic bone is healing , she has got 2 more chemos to go and then another scan to see how it goes , tears as I type this !

Jaywak, that is far, far more optimistic news than the start of the thread.

Every best wish for you both. You're both going through the mill, albeit different versions.
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Fingers crossed for positive news after the next sessions, my neighbours mum got diagnosed during lockdown with extensive tumours across her chest which were all put into remission after her gruelling chemo sessions, she's still in remission now so hope the chemo works for your wife too.
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Type of diabetes
Type 1
Just to let you all know that we have had some positive news concerning my wife's cancer , she's had her 4 th chemo session and a pet scan that revealed that 1 of the cancers have shrunk by 50% , 2 have shrunk by 30% 1 has disappeared completely and the one on her pelvic bone is healing , she has got 2 more chemos to go and then another scan to see how it goes , tears as I type this !


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Good morning Hopeful it's nice of you to be thinking of us , Tina had her last chemo 4 weeks ago and had a PET scan on Tuesday , we will see her consultant this Thursday so are keeping everything crossed for a good result , we are still trying to be as positive as we can and will say I can't believe how well Tina has coped , she has still had no cancer symptoms and apart from losing her hair had no chemo side effects , I'm sure there is someone looking after her , we went for a meal last with friends to celebrate my birthday ( I woke this morning with a bg of 15 whoops ! ) and was thinking to myself about the original prognosis when we were told she probably would not be here , thanks Hopeful and hope everything is good with you .


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Thanks Hopeful , it was good news , one of the tumours that was 27 mm is now 3.2 mm the ones in her lungs are now tiny specks and are so small they can't be measured and the others have all decreased in size , she now has to go back every three months for blood tests and scans and has been put on medication to keep her oestrogen levels down which apparently is her biggest enemy at the moment , she seams like her normal self and has a covering of baby hair on her head , we're feeling blessed at the moment .


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I'm glad that all the tumours have decreased @jaywak
You and Tina take care and enjoy the warmer weather we've got coming.
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