A big research breakthrough: solving a 20-year type 1 diabetes mystery · View online
20 year T1D mystery solved, travelling + Metformin
As if you needed an excuse - it’s that time of the year where most of us plot a summer holiday(s) with that never-ending sense of optimism.

“Maybe this year we won’t get burnt to smithereens,” you might say to yourself. And, after all, there is no reason why people with diabetes should have any scepticism regarding travelling providing you take all the necessary precautions beforehand.

There is a lot to consider for people with diabetes when planning a holiday. Ensuring you take plenty of medication is a given, but there are other items you may need to pack for your trip.

Every person with diabetes also needs to disclose their condition when purchasing travel insurance. Travel insurance is an essential purchase for people with diabetes because it can help cover the cost of medicines such as insulin should there be an unexpected emergency while abroad.

If you’re flying, it’s also worth being aware of airline food, and specifically those “diabetic meals” which can be offered on some flights. Some meals can be better for you than others so it is wise to research what you might be served. Otherwise it’s better to bring your own healthy food with you.

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This week, English researchers made a big research breakthrough when they solved a 20-year type 1 diabetes mystery. The University of Lincoln believes this finding could lead to the development of more effective treatments for type 1 diabetes.

Also, a new study has found that patients with type 2 diabetes have an increased risk of developing osteoarthritis regardless of Body Mass Index (BMI) or weight.

Have a great evening and a relaxing Bank Holiday weekend... you may even be able to get the barbecue out. Well, we can hope!

Enjoy the long weekend!

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