type 1


Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
Been browsing here for awhile now and found it very helpful, thanks keep up the good work.


hi newbie here, I am a 39 year old male just diagnosed type 1, god this sound like an AA meeting.:)
Lantus 8, novarapid 2 to 3.
Been in and out of A+E 5 times with constant vomiting fits
The first time was when I was on holiday that when the diagnosed with type 1.
Need to put on some weight im 6 foot and at the worst was 7.9 stone. I got up to 9 stone but then have a bout of vomiting fits and go back down to 8 stone. Just in the "dangerously under weight" on the BMI index.
Been out of work for about 3 months in total.
I have had a CT scan, ultrasound and an endoscope now. Good and bad news, good news looks like the structure of the stomach is normal as where the results of the biopsies. Bad news still no clearer to find what’s going on, looks like It could be diabetic related.
The GP looks like he has fob me of with some happy pills.:)
I could go on and I probably will but that’s enough for now.
Need to my big 2 hours sleep with constant sweating.:)

Thanks for taking the time to read.

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Retired Moderator
Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
The smell of cigars
Hi. Hope you did sleep. I found insulin messed with my sleep at first but it did settle.
Do some foods make you more nauseous than others? Do you have family support?


Retired Moderator
Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
@djfm How are your blood glucose levels? It sounds as though you're very up and down? Have you spoken to the Diabetic Clininc (not the GP) about the insulins you are using? It is possible that you are allergic to one of them and would benefit from a change of insulin.


Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
I will drive the wife to work first then it food and medication time.
my family have been invaluable to me im happy to say. Helped me emotionally, physically, mentally and financially, I will never forget.

I will get back to soon you she’s ready to go now.


Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
@djfm How are your blood glucose levels? It sounds as though you're very up and down? Have you spoken to the Diabetic Clininc (not the GP) about the insulins you are using? It is possible that you are allergic to one of them and would benefit from a change of insulin.

Haven’t talked about that yet, last time I saw the consultant and there was so much to talk about. I will keep it in mind next time I go.

The consultant gave me a few tests but my main concern is every time I start eating I get a stinging sensation when my gland produces saliva . It lasts for around 5 seconds and I don’t know if it is nerve damage or what.
This also start producing saliva like I am starting to feel nauseous and my toungue starts to swell up, that’s when I relapse in to constant vomiting fits with pain in the stomach, cant hold down liquids or food and with constant nausea. The next day im constantly in pain on my stomach and with constant nausea. I rang the nurse and there is nothing she can do.
The gp gave me anti-nausea tablets,indergestion liquid to try to hold down my food and gastro tablets
I gave up the nausea tablets after a few days they kept me awake and irritated all night.

Am due to see the dietician and nurse on the 17. I have got to do a food diary a week before I go


Well-Known Member
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Type 2
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Diet only
Haven’t talked about that yet, last time I saw the consultant and there was so much to talk about. I will keep it in mind next time I go.

The consultant gave me a few tests but my main concern is every time I start eating I get a stinging sensation when my gland produces saliva . It lasts for around 5 seconds and I don’t know if it is nerve damage or what.
This also start producing saliva like I am starting to feel nauseous and my toungue starts to swell up, that’s when I relapse in to constant vomiting fits with pain in the stomach, cant hold down liquids or food and with constant nausea. The next day im constantly in pain on my stomach and with constant nausea. I rang the nurse and there is nothing she can do.
The gp gave me anti-nausea tablets,indergestion liquid to try to hold down my food and gastro tablets
I gave up the nausea tablets after a few days they kept me awake and irritated all night.

Am due to see the dietician and nurse on the 17. I have got to do a food diary a week before I go
Hi Djfm, so sorry to hear your struggling,and i would like to recommend a very good book that you will find helpful, Dr richard berstein's Diabetes Solution the complete guide to achieving normal blood sugars. 4 th edition. This doc' is t1 and has been for over55 yrs, and his approach and way of explaining and guidance is excellent. All the best ,clive


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Hi and welcome. It's very unusual for diabetes to produce symptoms like yours. Yes, it may be worth changing the insulins one at a time as there are rare cases of allergy. I hope they find the cause of the problem.


Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
Hi Djfm, so sorry to hear your struggling,and i would like to recommend a very good book that you will find helpful, Dr richard berstein's Diabetes Solution the complete guide to achieving normal blood sugars. 4 th edition. This doc' is t1 and has been for over55 yrs, and his approach and way of explaining and guidance is excellent. All the best ,clive

Cheers Clive thank for the recommendation I will put it on the list. I am on the normal NHS crab diet at the moment.
I due back in to see the dietician and nurse next Friday and I have to do a food diary for a week before seeing her.
She has recommended me to eat 20grams of crabs in-between meals and not to inject for it. She says the lantus should cover for it but it seems to push me up past the 10s.
My body seams to be under stress through lack of sleep and when I do get a good sleep I crash from high to low sometimes hypo.
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Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
Hi and welcome. It's very unusual for diabetes to produce symptoms like yours. Yes, it may be worth changing the insulins one at a time as there are rare cases of allergy. I hope they find the cause of the problem.
oh well back to the happy pills:)
well I had the gastro symptoms before taking insulin
the stinging sanitation came after insulin.
I will see what the nurse says.

I spoke to the consultant and she gave me a test for a under active gland which was the opposite of what I was experiencing. Suffice to say it came back negative.

I think that’s why the GP gave me happy pills because everything it taking so slow and I get no answers.
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Hi, I'm quite new here too, although I was diagnosed type 2 quite a time ago. However, my son was diagnosed type 1 when he was 7, he is now 25. I know I'm type 2 so this may not apply (although I am insulin dependent now) - earlier this year I was getting more and more ill, sugar levels all over the place - my husband found out about something called diabetic burnout. Basically my body was just tired of dealing with the diabetes. Constant nausea, not the stinging sensation though, but I just felt like curling up and dying - everything seemed to be falling apart healthwise! Anyway getting on the insulin gradually sorted that out and finally things are looking up and I'm beginning to feel more normal. Remember that diabetes isn't just about not producing insulin - it is an auto-immune disease and affects so many other areas of the body.

Now about my son - when he was about 10 we heard about insulin pumps and loved all that we read about them. In other countries, like USA or even India (believe it or not) the first and main form of treatment for diabetes type 1 is to put the patient on a pump - unless they really don't want that. We fought and fought and this year - 15 years later - he finally was allowed a pump! Some health authorities are much better than where we live in this respect. This year his health overall has improved incredibly. Sugar levels much easier to control, even some of the longstanding problems he was beginning to get are easing. Many times before he could not complete a full week at work due to his body just giving out on him - he hasn't had a day off sick for weeks now!

I know it is early for you - but as things are messing you about - I would ask about and push for a pump - it really does make a massive difference.
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