Low carb has shot up my cholesterol


Type of diabetes
Type 2
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Diet only
Yes, 6.8 but my good Cholesterol I can remember the Cardiologist telling me, that my good cholesterol was not to bad,he was talking to me about total cholesterol and that I had to get that down, which total is now 4.1 Here is the thing though..When I had my Echo done 6 months after my heart attack, the cardiologist was shocked to see such minimum damage to my heart. In fact he said that going by my echo results that you would never have thought that I had even had a heart attack. I did by the way lol..I had to be resuscitated, and they found a blocked artery and had to have a stent put in 14 years ago. I have no breathing problems, no Angina and I do not get out of breath. The cardiologist did say one thing though..He did not say that it was Cholesteral that caused my heart event but smoking, which caused the blocked artery which caused the heart attack. If I had never smoked and had the high Cholesterol,would I still have had the heart attack I just don't know. Cardiologist came to the conclusion about my heart looked good on the echo is because I actually had the heart attack when the ambulance men where in my home so they got to me very quickly bringing me around and injecting blood thinners, saving major damage to my heart.
Interesting... and what the cardiologist said is even more interesting..what an enlightened man he appears to have been.


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I made no universal claim. You appear to be saying that she reduced her consumption of carbs.
Perhaps we're on the same page ?
I made no universal claim. You appear to be saying that she reduced her consumption of carbs.
Perhaps we're on the same page ?
I am not suggesting that you made a universal claim but i was just responding to your message this "The easiest way for most people to get their trigs down is to reduce their consumption of carbs. Obviously don't forget to fast or trigs will be higher."


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Interesting... and what the cardiologist said is even more interesting..what an enlightened man he appears to have been.
Enlightened in what way?


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I was talking trigs not cholesterol.
My apologies. Seeing as the heading was regarding Cholesterol I thought that is what you were talking about. Sorry for the blond head lol


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That he didn't blame your cholesterol for your heart attack but your smoking...
No, he didn't but he was concerned that it was high and put me on Statins to avoid another heart attack. Doctors will always use smoking as the first port of call with most related illnesses. There again I could of shown you people who was in the rehab after a heart attack who had high Cholesterol and had never smoked in their life,so who knows. Rehab is where I went for six weeks after the heart attack to do exercise its a standard thing the NHS offer heart patients.


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My apologies. Seeing as the heading was regarding Cholesterol I thought that is what you were talking about. Sorry for the blond head lol
Don't worry. Happens to me occasionally. Just wish I had more hair of whatever hue :(


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Poor grammar, bullying and drunks.
No, he didn't but he was concerned that it was high and put me on Statins to avoid another heart attack. Doctors will always use smoking as the first port of call with most related illnesses
Did you give up the smoking?


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
No, he didn't but he was concerned that it was high and put me on Statins to avoid another heart attack. Doctors will always use smoking as the first port of call with most related illnesses
and if you don't smoke it's diabetes!...


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Tablets (oral)
Oh yes, everything that you are saying is right. I used to live in a town which was highly populated with Muslims and my son's friends are Muslim. The only time they break the fast is if it is affecting their health. I used to ask them "How the hell can you cope when the weather is so hot?" but it is a thing that many have done for all of their life.
Interesting! I have read that in muslim coutries the murddr rate goes up during Ramadan because the fasting makes people tetchy.


Well-Known Member
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Tablets (oral)
Yes, 6.8 but my good Cholesterol I can remember the Cardiologist telling me, that my good cholesterol was not to bad,he was talking to me about total cholesterol and that I had to get that down, which total is now 4.1 Here is the thing though..When I had my Echo done 6 months after my heart attack, the cardiologist was shocked to see such minimum damage to my heart. In fact he said that going by my echo results that you would never have thought that I had even had a heart attack. I did by the way lol..I had to be resuscitated, and they found a blocked artery and had to have a stent put in 14 years ago. I have no breathing problems, no Angina and I do not get out of breath. The cardiologist did say one thing though..He did not say that it was Cholesteral that caused my heart event but smoking, which caused the blocked artery which caused the heart attack. If I had never smoked and had the high Cholesterol,would I still have had the heart attack I just don't know. Cardiologist came to the conclusion about my heart looked good on the echo is because I actually had the heart attack when the ambulance men where in my home so they got to me very quickly bringing me around and injecting blood thinners, saving major damage to my heart.
I presume the heart attack gave you the motivation to give up smoking, so in a roundabout way it may have saved your life. It must have been highly traumatic, but congratulations on emerging unscathed. Perhaps you are just a very strong person.


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Type 2
Now that is strange for you to say that as my sister has just been diagnosed with high cholesterol and stopped eating cake,bikkies and has gone onto lean meat, but she does like her potatoes, rice, couscous and pasta, yet she has dropped to 4.4 I really do think that we are all different

That when it can get confusing, because the cake and bikkies contained the worse carbs she was eating, along with a little fat. Very likely this fat was vegetable oil, and we all know that not the best type of fat to have.

There is a level of carbs that each person's body can cope with, trigs greatly increase if someone has more carbs then that, but also greatly drops when someone drops below their "personal carb level". So when someone stops eating "big mac" to reduce fat, they also reducing carbs, given what comes with the big mac....
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Type of diabetes
Type 2
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Diet only
Poor grammar, bullying and drunks.
Interesting! I have read that in muslim coutries the murddr rate goes up during Ramadan because the fasting makes people tetchy.

It could be the difference between dry fasting and wet fasting that causes 'tetchiness'. I recently saw a lecture part of which cited a study of the western diet/higher carb intake and the incidence of gun violence in the southern states of America. Interesting stuff.


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Weight gain is a symptom of high bg not the cause.
There are many people who are overweight and do not get diabetes or have high sugar levels. Some people are slim and have type 2


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That when it can get confusing, because the cake and bikkies contained the worse carbs she was eating, along with a little fat. Very likely this fat was vegetable oil, and we all know that not the best type of fat to have.

There is a level of carbs that each person's body can cope with, trigs greatly increase if someone has more carbs then that, but also greatly drops when someone drops below their "personal carb level". So when someone stops eating "big mac" to reduce fat, they also reducing carbs, given what comes with the big mac....
Sorry I didn't make myself very clear. My sister did not eat bikkies and cakes every day just now and then. Myself I do not really have that much of a sweet tooth for those things. My sister always had butter as she hated the other stuff. She never eats fruit as she is not keen. She loves her veg and meat. She also ate the fat off the meat as back then it worried me. The only thing that she has given up is full-fat butter,full-fat cheese, cake and bikkies even though she did not eat these on a regular basis. Her diet now is couscous brown pasta and rice potatoes..but she only has a low portion of these and now eats lean meat.But she does smoke but has also cut down on these. I wish she would give up completely to be honest


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I presume the heart attack gave you the motivation to give up smoking, so in a roundabout way it may have saved your life. It must have been highly traumatic, but congratulations on emerging unscathed. Perhaps you are just a very strong person.
It was deffo a wake up call. Ciggies now scare me if I am honest. I have just encouraged my older son to give up ciggies as he has been smoking for 15 years. He has not had a ciggy now for 6 months well proud.