how have you all accepted this condition we all have?


Active Member
Type of diabetes
Type 1
I've been t1 for 14 years now and I still don't tell people I have it, don't do my insulin hardly ever and I never do blood test! how do you all do it?

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For me it is not a choice.
Or rather it is a choice between injecting and testing or horrible complications.

I certainly don't go out of my way to tell people but there are times when it is obvious.
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
I am a type 2 and not on insulin which must be the pits. Having said that I am not given the choice but to deal with it since there isn't a tick box for opting out. I have reluctantly accepted that I have this condition and that's that.


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dose adjustment training opened my eyes to how easy the counting up of carbs and dose adjustment can be......

and then there is the feeling absolutely terrible if my blood sugar isn't in range....

diagnosed for 19 years now....

you do need to have the right support an education though....

as far as telling people is concerned an being embarrassed etc, thats down to the individual and their surroundings.....

what is it around you that is stopping you from telling people...?


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@JShep07 First things first: Not only are you not alone in feeling that way about your diabetes, we've all been there at some point. I had a long stint in my early 20s of not testing, only injecting when I felt high and eating whatever I wanted. I hid from my diabetes and refused to let it rule my life.

I now work with a lot of young people going through similar feelings. and they're absolutely right to. Having diabetes sucks. HARD. But if you let it get you down you let it win, and then it's ruling your life. Trust me, if you feel it's a pain in the ass to test your blood sugars you'll have a huge problem dealing with having no legs!

The best thing to do is to talk. Tell people how you feel, and even if you don't get a miracle cure or amazing advice at least you're venting, which is incredibly helpful. Be honest with yourself and admit to how you feel about your diabetes. If you're scared of it, find out more about it. If you're worried ask questions.

diabetes gets easier to deal with the more you manage it. Testing four or five times a day and injecting when you should (look into getting an Expert meter - they tell you exactly what to inject every time) will stop the tiredness, feeling ill and the inevitable depression that comes with it. I know it feels like a mountain to climb but it really is pretty simple. Try setting simple targets to get started.

Take control of your diabetes. If you can control it, it will never control you.



Retired Moderator
Type of diabetes
Type 1
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Hypos, rude people, ignorance and grey days.
Hey @JShep07 Do you think you are in denial ? Because from not telling anyone I would also be the same as you however I don’t want to go blind, lose limbs etc etc so by being an expert in self managing my condition and telling those who need to know then I am doing the best I can to ensure I retain hood health for as long as possible.

Get in touch with your team tell them what’s going on inside your head, your mindset to this will change hugely in time and the sooner you can take ownership the better :)


Retired Moderator
Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
I've been t1 for 14 years now and I still don't tell people I have it, don't do my insulin hardly ever and I never do blood test! how do you all do it?

edit by mod -- removed offensive language from thread title.

Hi @JShep07 ,

Quite simply. (In answer to your question.) I "front it."
Not everybody needs to know I'm diabetic. Most through misconception can't get their heads round it. (& I sure don't always have the time to explain.)

To elabourate. Where I'm currently working (for the last 2 months?) there's an area where we hang our coats. (After a couple of days, I sussed out the regime & the best way to deal with things?) During a break there is always one guy usually with a coffee & a sandwich perusing a tabloid sports section & a couple of other guys eyeballing phones.. I've managed to test (they probably thing the meter is a phone if they notice at all?) then deftly bolus. & head to the canteen for a breakfast with some of the other guys. & served within 5 mins.. No one has said a word about my air shots & shirt lifting.. I usually eat the same thing as a late breakfast..
Not one colleague has said a word! & trust me, they love a bit of banter...!

Stay healthy. & don't let you stop you.

It isn't always "society." :);)

(Edited for some realy dodgy spelling.)
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Well-Known Member
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Tablets (oral)
My diagnosis devastated me totally and completely as I love my (junk) food and spending lots of time in big buffet restaurants, eating lots of cakes, ice cream, chocolates, fizzy sugary drinks etc.

Anyway having diabetes is not and should never be a death sentence infact it has changed my lifestyle, lost nearly 3 stones and I’m now eating much healthier than I’ve ever been.

My advice would be to use your condition or disease to give you power, determination and control to be able turn things around as a positive experience to your advantage!

Don’t let it defeat you!
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Well-Known Member
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Tablets (oral)
@JShep07 First things first: Not only are you not alone in feeling that way about your diabetes, we've all been there at some point. I had a long stint in my early 20s of not testing, only injecting when I felt high and eating whatever I wanted. I hid from my diabetes and refused to let it rule my life.

I now work with a lot of young people going through similar feelings. and they're absolutely right to. Having diabetes sucks. HARD. But if you let it get you down you let it win, and then it's ruling your life. Trust me, if you feel it's a pain in the ass to test your blood sugars you'll have a huge problem dealing with having no legs!

The best thing to do is to talk. Tell people how you feel, and even if you don't get a miracle cure or amazing advice at least you're venting, which is incredibly helpful. Be honest with yourself and admit to how you feel about your diabetes. If you're scared of it, find out more about it. If you're worried ask questions.

diabetes gets easier to deal with the more you manage it. Testing four or five times a day and injecting when you should (look into getting an Expert meter - they tell you exactly what to inject every time) will stop the tiredness, feeling ill and the inevitable depression that comes with it. I know it feels like a mountain to climb but it really is pretty simple. Try setting simple targets to get started.

Take control of your diabetes. If you can control it, it will never control you.


Excellent points mate!
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Active Member
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Type 1
dose adjustment training opened my eyes to how easy the counting up of carbs and dose adjustment can be......

and then there is the feeling absolutely terrible if my blood sugar isn't in range....

diagnosed for 19 years now....

you do need to have the right support an education though....

as far as telling people is concerned an being embarrassed etc, thats down to the individual and their surroundings.....

what is it around you that is stopping you from telling people...?
people treat me differently:( they ask the same 20 questions I get asked every time they see me doing my insulin and then it's always followed by people feeling sorry for me! I just want to be normal like everyone else I know!


Active Member
Type of diabetes
Type 1
Hey @JShep07 Do you think you are in denial ? Because from not telling anyone I would also be the same as you however I don’t want to go blind, lose limbs etc etc so by being an expert in self managing my condition and telling those who need to know then I am doing the best I can to ensure I retain hood health for as long as possible.

Get in touch with your team tell them what’s going on inside your head, your mindset to this will change hugely in time and the sooner you can take ownership the better :)
I've been in denial about it ever since I got it! I don't want to accept I have it because I hate it! I just question what I've done to deserve this rubbish!
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people treat me differently:( they ask the same 20 questions I get asked every time they see me doing my insulin and then it's always followed by people feeling sorry for me! I just want to be normal like everyone else I know!
Forget about being normal like others around you. I was also in denial for 12 years ... tried to act like a normal being. It strikes back very hard, with best timing (!) When it does, you look even more pathetic than you actually are. Failure, disappointment, disgrace are much worse than standing up yelling as '' Listen up everyone ! I am a diabetic, so don't expect much from me ! ''.

I am also having hard time understanding how some people are so pollyanna about this thing. Some even speak as if they are glad to have it (!) Some even make marriages, children ... this is not '' moving on ''. This is cruelty, selfishness. That's what i call unacceptance. Accepting something requires rational/realistic perspective. Life is a fight in every aspect. Those who think the world is a candy ball where we fart against pink clouds, are the real deniers here.

Brainwashed romantics are the reason why this pitiful system operating perfectly. No one cares about diabetes because they are alive, they don't need a cure because they are happy as they are (!). The way they enslave people, the way they suck the world dry would make Pablo Escobar kneel with respect.


Well-Known Member
Jshep07 diabetes is a cruel illness and can take you to places you do not want to go, i got diabetes when i was 3 years old and grew up with it. I as well as a lot of diabetics hate it and we all ask why me and will do it for the rest of our lives. When i went to the comp i was the only diabetic with 1200 pupils and one day in english we had to do a talk on ourselves, mine was more different to all the others but i did it because that was me. You will always get people asking questions about injecting insulin into your body but if these people are close friends then tell them and tell them about the dangers of low BS as you may need help one day. I found from the age of 16 to 26 were the worst years for my diabetes as so many things happen in your life at that time and diabetes can take its toll on your mental health as well. We live in a country where diabetes is the fastest growing illness and the thing that can be effected by diabetes such as eyes, kidneys and nerve damage all put a strain on our bodies as well as the NHS. Is there a right or wrong way to tell someone your a diabetic, tell them the way you feel most happy with. I was about 22 and i decided to tell every girl i took out that i was a diabetic, one asked could she catch it by kissing but anyone who likes you will have to deal with diabetes as well. In my diabetic life i have gone through laser treatment to both eyes. 5 ops on eyes, 4 ops on hands and elbow and to top it off a 7 hour transplant for a pancreas and kidney. This means i am no longer a diabetic for now but the years of unseen damage has left me with nerve damage to the whole of my body which leaves me with constant pain, which will get no better and i have had mental health issues for 22 years and i am now 41. The reason i go on is that i am a single parent to 2 children who need me, for the family who lost someone they loved so i could live and my cousin who was more like a brother to me took his own life and the carnage it left behind. I also have a brother who has diabetes but has been in denial for the past 10 years and he does not take his insulin or BS. He has been told at the local hospital that they are going to refuse him treatment if he does not change his ways but he won't as he drinks and takes drugs all the time. The only person who can change your future is you but you have to want to do it, i would not wish the troubles that i have had on anyone and you are still young enough to do it. The research is moving faster than ever so don't give up hope and you can get diabetic wrist band which say you are a diabetic. Jshep07 it is up to you which way you want your life to go but for me i want to be around for as long as i can because i have so much that i want to do and see and so should you. If you would like to talk, rant or even tell me how much you hate diabetes then send me a message as i will listen and i have made mistakes so i will not judge you.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Depends how I'm feeling depends on if I care or not.

To be honest thou. It all boils down to confidence.

Diabetes doesn't bother me but not being able to walk or see, does. My walking problem is suppose to be all down to bulging discs. They had better be right or I'll hit the roof!
All my pain had better be from my back or I'm in trouble.


Type of diabetes
Type 1
I've been t1 for 14 years now and I still don't tell people I have it, don't do my insulin hardly ever and I never do blood test! how do you all do it?

edit by mod -- removed offensive language from thread title.

I’m in the exact same position as you are with not accepting diabetes... I’ve had it for 18 years now too.
Word of advice.. do your insulin and test your blood sugars. I’m currently in hospital due to going into DKA 5 times since November... I’m not sure whether you’ve ever had DKA but from experience it’s the most painful thing I’ve ever experienced and wouldn’t wish that up on anyone!
If you ever need to talk or anything I’m here and I’ll try help in anyway I can :)


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For me there is simply no other option apart from testing, taking my insulin, eating right etc. I know what high and low blood sugar feel like, and I want to minimise the amount of time I spend feeling like that. Compared to other T1's, I was in excellent condition when I was diagnosed - HbA1c of only 6.7 and nowhere near DKA. Yet I spent a week feeling totally miserable with symptoms of very high blood sugar. I followed my doctors' advice because I didn't want to feel like that ever again. I try my best and get very good results, but even putting in my best effort I still get things wrong and end up high or low. I can't imagine how badly I would do if I didn't try!
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Type 1
I’m in the exact same position as you are with not accepting diabetes... I’ve had it for 18 years now too.
Word of advice.. do your insulin and test your blood sugars. I’m currently in hospital due to going into DKA 5 times since November... I’m not sure whether you’ve ever had DKA but from experience it’s the most painful thing I’ve ever experienced and wouldn’t wish that up on anyone!
If you ever need to talk or anything I’m here and I’ll try help in anyway I can :)
how old are you if you don't mind me asking? I know I should do them but I'm just so used to pretending I don't have it that I forget to do them for hours! I have had DKA quite a few times and it is absolutely horrible! so how are you with your insulin and blood test now after what sounds like an extremely **** November for you? I'm always here if you need to talk too :) we can suffer together haha x

*Edited by a moderator to remove swear word.
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Type of diabetes
Type 1
how old are you if you don't mind me asking? I know I should do them but I'm just so used to pretending I don't have it that I forget to do them for hours! I have had DKA quite a few times and it is absolutely horrible! so how are you with your insulin and blood test now after what sounds like an extremely **** November for you? I'm always here if you need to talk too :) we can suffer together haha x

*edited by a moderator to remove swear word from quote.

Yeah it is! I’m 21, how old are you? I’ve always checked my blood sugars and injected but I tried to hide taking it or delay it until I was by myself! I’m in hospital at the moment because I went into DKA again on Thursday :( they are trying to get to the bottom of why it’s happening!
Thank you! I’m always here if you need to talk too.
Please take your insulin though, I know it’s easier said than done but I wouldn’t want anything bad to happen x
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Active Member
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Type 1
no way that means you got it when you were 3?:( I'm 20 but got it when I was 6. do you do that because you don't like all the questions and people's sympathy? aw bless ya! it's so horrible being in hospital :( I hope they find out very soon for you! And you are very welcome!:) thank you too! I will try and do my best! I really don't want anything bad to happen either x


Type of diabetes
Type 1
no way that means you got it when you were 3?:( I'm 20 but got it when I was 6. do you do that because you don't like all the questions and people's sympathy? aw bless ya! it's so horrible being in hospital :( I hope they find out very soon for you! And you are very welcome!:) thank you too! I will try and do my best! I really don't want anything bad to happen either x

Yeah I was 3.. I guess in a way I was lucky to be diagnosed so young as I didn’t have a problem adapting to the lifestyle change! I can imagine it being harder for you as you were 6! Yeah I do, it also kinda annoys me how people are like ‘you don’t look diabetic’ or ‘jeez how much sugar did you eat when you were a kid’ and the funny looks I get when doing my insulin in public. I’ve been in since early Thursday morning... I’m hoping they will let me out tomorrow!

How have your blood sugars been today? X