I finally took the bull by the horns and did myself a home OGTT.


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I think/hope the results are better than I had expected. I hope someone will tell me if I'm on the right track; I realise it isn't as accurate as doing one of these in the surgery but it's a guide I think.
I bought some Lucozade original but it isn't the carb strength that I was told I needed so I abandoned it and used instead 75 grams of glucose syrup bought in the supermarket and added 300 mls of water and I drank it all at once. These are the subsequent readings:-

fasting; 6.2
after half an hour; 11.5
+ half an hour; 10.8 [1 hr.]
+half an hour 8.0 [1 1/2hrs]
+ another half hour; 6.0 [2 hrs]

So I feel things aren't as bad as I had thought and confident enough to ask for an HbA1c six months from the last which was 43mmol. I hope I'm not too optimistic?


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Well, if the drink was mixed properly and you followed the correct procedure, that all looks well to me. In fact, perfect. :)
Up to 7.8 at the 2 hour mark is indicative of non-diabetic. Over 11 is indicative of T2.

There is a ready mixed drink you can buy should you do it again. It is called Rapilose and is the one doctors use now since Lucozade changed its formula.


and these are the instructions for the test

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Poor grammar, bullying and drunks.
Your response time looks good. I may invest in some Rapilose and do this test myself, knowledge is power. Thanks for posting.
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Mine for comparison (LADA T1) with the c-peptide results in brackets after for interest. My pancreas was described as "sluggish" but was managing to stop my BG levels from rising much above the 15 after 2 hours. I went for a coffee after the rest (still no insulin on board) at what would have been around 2.5 hours and tested at 16 on my meter.

FASTING 6.1 (255)
30 mins 8.5 (429)
60 mins 12.1 (662)
90 mins 15.1 (760)
120 mins 15.4 (956)


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Your response time looks good. I may invest in some Rapilose and do this test myself, knowledge is power. Thanks for posting.

Just beware @Guzzler that for a standardised OGTT you would ensure you're eating plenty carbs for several days beforehand. Failure to do that could increase your chances of a "failed" result.

To be fair, I didn't carb-up for mine, but I did so in the knowledge it could all go a bit horribly wrong.

@gardengnome42 - your results look absolutely fine. I must admit I can never quite understand why people defer their HbA1cs. To me knowledge is power, and it'll be what it'll be, but maybe I'm the odd one. (That last bit is rhetorical, ;) :) )
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Well, if the drink was mixed properly and you followed the correct procedure, that all looks well to me. In fact, perfect. :)
Up to 7.8 at the 2 hour mark is indicative of non-diabetic. Over 11 is indicative of T2.

There is a ready mixed drink you can buy should you do it again. It is called Rapilose and is the one doctors use now since Lucozade changed its formula.


and these are the instructions for the test


I'm fairly sure I followed the instructions to the letter, however the actual testing method of course isn't as accurate as if it were done under clinical conditions rather than sitting on my bedroom windowsill looking out across the fields! I have to deliver my BP readings to the GP in a week or two so think I'll ask her for a HbA1c and hope that whatever it is it is within safe limits. However it is what it is and I will have to take care whatever the result is.


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Just beware @Guzzler that for a standardised OGTT you would ensure you're eating plenty carbs for several days beforehand. Failure to do that could increase your chances of a "failed" result.

To be fair, I didn't carb-up for mine, but I did so in the knowledge it could all go a bit horribly wrong.

@gardengnome42 - your results look absolutely fine. I must admit I can never quite understand why people defer their HbA1cs. To me knowledge is power, and it'll be what it'll be, but maybe I'm the odd one. (That last bit is rhetorical, ;) :) )
Yes, knowledge is power and the knowledge I gain from this site is huge. The only reason I felt nervous about asking for an HbA1c was to be told that I was now diabetic. I hated it when told I had high blood pressure and have never forgotten the anger I felt at the HCA when she did the MOT and was almost gleeful when she had discovered something wrong. "Well you are 70," she said in a patronising tone, as though I was ready to be shunted into a care home. I rather dumbfounded her when I told her that I was not 70, I was 29! In fact once they had found the hypertension nobody mentioned the HbA1c that was at that time 41 and it was only a year later when I realised it was possible to get medical notes online that I mentioned it to the GP who just told me that the numbers would rise and he'd have metformin ready when they did. I didn't want him to be proved right, smug b*****d !


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Mine for comparison (LADA T1) with the c-peptide results in brackets after for interest. My pancreas was described as "sluggish" but was managing to stop my BG levels from rising much above the 15 after 2 hours. I went for a coffee after the rest (still no insulin on board) at what would have been around 2.5 hours and tested at 16 on my meter.

FASTING 6.1 (255)
30 mins 8.5 (429)
60 mins 12.1 (662)
90 mins 15.1 (760)
120 mins
Mine for comparison (LADA T1) with the c-peptide results in brackets after for interest. My pancreas was described as "sluggish" but was managing to stop my BG levels from rising much above the 15 after 2 hours. I went for a coffee after the rest (still no insulin on board) at what would have been around 2.5 hours and tested at 16 on my meter.

FASTING 6.1 (255)
30 mins 8.5 (429)
60 mins 12.1 (662)
90 mins 15.1 (760)
120 mins 15.4 (956)

Mine for comparison (LADA T1) with the c-peptide results in brackets after for interest. My pancreas was described as "sluggish" but was managing to stop my BG levels from rising much above the 15 after 2 hours. I went for a coffee after the rest (still no insulin on board) at what would have been around 2.5 hours and tested at 16 on my meter.

FASTING 6.1 (255)
30 mins 8.5 (429)
60 mins 12.1 (662)
90 mins 15.1 (760)
120 mins 15.4 (956)

@circus pony and as a type 1 I thought the pancreas didn't produce any insulin? Interesting the way your numbers went the opposite to mine but I suppose that is the difference between the different types? Why did you do an OGTT?


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It always saddens me when I read of an HCP say that numbers will rise as though this is inevitable. There are many members on this site who have shown that this is not so. If I reached for a drug, e.g. Weed or LSD because I thought they would do me good, well lets just say it would be a no-no. Drugs alter ones system and should only be used when necessary, not because an HCP doesn't have the time (or the knowledge) to help the patient find the best way to resolve a problem. I will resist drugs for as long as I can, and I would hope my GP will help me to stay drug free for as long as possible.
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Alison Campbell

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I'm feeling nervous about going for my HBA1C, got sent the forms 2 weeks ago after asking for them in December.

I have enjoyed anoying my surgery every year by not progressing to type 2, hope I can keep that going...


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I'm feeling nervous about going for my HBA1C, got sent the forms 2 weeks ago after asking for them in December.

I have enjoyed anoying my surgery every year by not progressing to type 2, hope I can keep that going...

@Alison Campbell - Just have it done. It will be what it will be. What does deferring it actually tell you?

I just had one, unexpectedly, as I was having tests for something else, and I recorded my best ever score, and I've been diagnosed since 2013. I was quite surprised, but it just goes to show it's not always bad news!
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I've had my result and I was surprised it wasn't higher.
I guess spot checking bgs on meter at their worst time isn't the accurate average for a hba1c.
Just goes to show the fbg isn't the best of windows either.
Some of mine showed double figures but my hba1c proved my average as far less. X Christmas time will have been included.

It did rise but not surprising since illnesses, Christmas and very little walking (snow and ice). I was expecting far far worse too.

I'm very optimistic for my next one if painkillers support my walking. :) :) :)


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I've had my result and I was surprised it wasn't higher.
I guess spot checking bgs on meter at their worst time isn't the accurate average for a hba1c.
Just goes to show the fbg isn't the best of windows either.
Some of mine showed double figures but my hba1c proved my average as far less. X Christmas time will have been included.

It did rise but not surprising since illnesses, Christmas and very little walking (snow and ice). I was expecting far far worse too.

I'm very optimistic for my next one if painkillers support my walking. :) :) :)

Ickihun, whilst we use the 2 hour post-prandial test as a benchmark, it's not usually going to be the highest point. The highest point for any given meal is likely to be a lottery, although influenced by the make-up of what was eaten or drunk.

Even if we did consistently catch our highest readings, that's unlikely to be directly indicative of our HbA1c score, any more than if we caught every lowest score.

Even using a CGM might not so it, due to regulatory acceptable testing variances all measuring tools comply to.

For example, my Libre sensors almost always suggest my HbA1c will be 21-22, but in reality it is usually 31<>33 when tested. Like any test, it is what it is on the day. For me any form of testing, including an HbA1c is about the trend not any single absolute score.
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Ickihun, whilst we use the 2 hour post-prandial test as a benchmark, it's not usually going to be the highest point. The highest point for any given meal is likely to be a lottery, although influenced by the make-up of what was eaten or drunk.

Even if we did consistently catch our highest readings, that's unlikely to be directly indicative of our HbA1c score, any more than if we caught every lowest score.

Even using a CGM might not so it, due to regulatory acceptable testing variances all measuring tools comply to.

For example, my Libre sensors almost always suggest my HbA1c will be 21-22, but in reality it is usually 31<>33 when tested. Like any test, it is what it is on the day. For me any form of testing, including an HbA1c is about the trend not any single absolute score.
I agree.
Only windows I have to try and see how my trends are doing.
I'm happy not to use libre sensors on that basis. Neither are a true picture. Hba1c either.
All just averages.

Trends of increase or decrease, that's all any of the 3 are.

Im just delighted my increase was more of an increase on my hba1c as much as my meter was predicting.
I was on 4s and 5s on my meter. Now I'm 11s and 14s but hba1c not indicating so much of an increase.
So it tells me my basal is working brilliantly as keeping my averages down. Bolus is variable hourly. My basal is daily, and is supporting my spikes better than I thought.

Im very very happy with the increase as I was expecting far far higher due to winter illness and current investigations. Pain has been noted to interfer with my bgs and exercise support/tool.
As I've been told. Until pain relieved bgs will continue to be higher.
Which I agree, since I'm low carbing since my little financial bleep was rectified and food constantly back in my house for the 4 of us.
Diet is good, pain no longer very extreme and walking is unsure. Experimenting today. My birthday.
I'm taking support incase tramadol let's me down.

I cannot believe codeine and paracetamol did nothing, nothing at all. In fact may have made it worse with constipation and addition fluid retention weight on bad back. I was shocked how much pain I was in. Shaking with the shock of it all, too.

Shock and stress has triggered my thrush off again. I feel I now have a water infection too.
So... test has to go into gp next week.
I'm at GP weekly. Lovely GPs and staff but I'd prefer not too see them.
I'd prefer back to calling monthly for repeat meds and yearly blood test.
I dream of such minimal interaction.
I havent tried their requesting meds on-line as I need a med review first. (They still have old insulins only on there. )
I need a chance to do these things when not ill or in severe pain.

I highly see maintenance of good bgs the only key to my weight loss programme. Without good bgs, I never lose this excess weight.
With or without exercise.
With or without food.

I'm adding weight due to higher bgs.
Its that simple for me.
4s and 5s are weight loss numbers I need, guaranteed to maintain the weight loss I'm hoping to soon achieve.
High bgs will be my operation downfall.

I will do whatever I need to too keep bgs on track after op and leading up to it.
GP gave me the option of calling him back if tramadol fails my walking again attempt. Mentally I've waited til today to find out so only need to wait til Monday to speak to him if I'm let down by painkillers.
I cannot mentally cope with no walking. No swimming or cycling was as a big a compromise I was prepared to make.
I'm ready mentally for going into a swimming pool again now I have grip socks to support my bad walking. I just need to walk to transport and into the buildings now. Without passing out with pain and breathlessness. (breathlessness may be due to anaemia thou). My diet has plenty of iron in it. Always have had. Even cereals have added iron in. Which I used that week I was financially strapped.
Frozen green veg is the back done of my diet. Protein next, then fats. (nuts for fibre).


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I’m a bit confused. In the USA it seems we are usually behind on what is available. Ex. Libre only recently available and requires prescription. That being said, I occasionally check my A1c with an at home test from the drug store. It is the same one physician’s use when they check in the office and correlated with my lab test when done the same day. If you were worried about your A1c, why do an OGTT instead of an A1c? Just curious.


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OGTT will show your insulin resistence/response in one shot. A1c will show you 3 month average of BG.


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I’m a bit confused. In the USA it seems we are usually behind on what is available. Ex. Libre only recently available and requires prescription. That being said, I occasionally check my A1c with an at home test from the drug store. It is the same one physician’s use when they check in the office and correlated with my lab test when done the same day. If you were worried about your A1c, why do an OGTT instead of an A1c? Just curious.
HbA1c here (uk) are usually done by a blood test from a blood draw done at the doctor's surgery then sent off for analysis. I guess its just the way we are used to getting them. I might try a home test kit next time I have a blood draw done at the docs and see what the results are. We assume that the "professional" one may be more accurate but who knows..


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HbA1c here (uk) are usually done by a blood test from a blood draw done at the doctor's surgery then sent off for analysis. I guess its just the way we are used to getting them. I might try a home test kit next time I have a blood draw done at the docs and see what the results are. We assume that the "professional" one may be more accurate but who knows..
Here, they can use either test. When they are getting a bunch of labs, they send everything off to the lab. If they are just checking fasting glucose and A1c, they do it in their office. Maybe I was just lucky, but when I did the at home before going to the lab, my results were the same so I trust it.
Then again, when my labs included a general chemist with my OGTT, one gave me a fasting glucose of 99 and the other gave me a fasting glucose of 110. Same blood draw and same lab. Go figure.

Alison Campbell

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Hi @Kailee56 home A1C's are quite expensive in the UK about £66 for two although if diagnosed with type 2 you could get the tax deducted at 20%.

When I first joined the forum members used to buy a 10/20 pack and share the discounted cost but this is not so popular now.