First Time Post



Dr. Fung is my go-to guy for the simple explanation (much needed in my case!). I call him the King of the analogy.
and sense of humor, I congratulated him on his new book Diabetes Code how to reverse diabetes 2 naturally, which he got back and thanked for comments, its an amazing book again simply explained along with more medical jargon, a book that could change the diabetes world? Every doc on this planet should have it in their surgery. I hold him in highest esteem.
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Hello or Hola as we say in Mallorca, everyone,

This is my first post, normally reply, kind member guided me how to make a post, thank you member, so thought I would try and offer info generally as first post contact, in a helpful informative way by sharing some knowledge I have which you may not be aware of, that may prove of beneficial use to someone out there?to share some knowledge I gained from a video, when I was lost and uninformed regards Diabetes overall, especially if anyone has any outstanding doubts that their doctors, carers, professionals may not have openly informed, for whatever reason, or explained to your liking, or satisfaction, who may still be in wonderment, confused, and basically, would like diabetes 2 explained in a self explanatory simple way that allows it to be put into perspective, as help and guide, whether that guidance is followed is entirely up to the individual, whatever, I wish to share this below video for those who may have not viewed, I found it comforting and most welcoming regards gained knowledge overall

I came across same, after no initial help support information about diabetes 2 or pre when first diagnosed here in Spain, forced to make my own searches due to lack of advices guidance from my Doctor, took matters in my own hands to reputable sources, WHO Geneva, Mayo clinic, diabetes associations Australia, NZ, Canada, UK, Spain, to my doctors in UK, Oz and spain, and other, to name a few, the results were incredible of searches info found, which were two fold,

  • firstly, positive welcoming, informative knowledge was gained within searches, not presented by my doctor, or other, or difficult to find, which answered many question and gave peace of mind of unanswered questions, after initial shock as we all have to hear your "diabetic" or Pre, which proved valuable in lack of any initial info supplied.
  • secondly, negatively, not so good, frightening for fact, became bewildered and in wonderment as to what is not explained or given as general insight, example, when Diabetes is explained informed, chronic and progressive no doubt requires medications insulin lifetime, by all means quote inform its chronic, if this is supposedly the case? however, it would be welcoming same time,to produce positive advice on top, i.e." with knowledge diet change, lifestyle change, exercise, low carb and intermittent fasting, can result in control of levels A1C and sugars, reversing numbers to normal and controllable, as such information on both the negative with positive not presented, does not give one hope, to hear only negative news, chronic progressive disease, that does not give hope, whats the point making efforts, incentive to even think of diet change, get motivated, change lifestyle, whats the use? or have will power to try and reverse and control their situation, the difference given the negative chronic, but hope with change of lifestyle, one can take control and reverse, lower numbers, is quite a different approach of knowledge, but amongst all researches at no time did those positive words show, explained or indicated why is the question.
  • thankfully amongst those searches I came across, Dr. Jason Fung his video, this simple explanation of Diabetes 2, from a personal point of view, I repeat personal only, you may not feel the same, the contents of which, any doubts anxiety worries, unanswered questions I had on the NEGATIVE zones of my 300 pages of research found, were immediately taken away, as this video answered all questions or erased any doubts I had in less than 15 mins.
  • For this reason, it gave hope and what I feel valuable and knowledge information clearly, so, for anyone out there who may wish to add more info to whatever knowledge you have, or would like more information generally explained about Diabetes, or have doubts or unsurety,as I once had prior to viewing the video, I hope it proves beneficial and helpful to many as my self, and wish to share that info with you on this first post if I may.
  • without doubt it cannot be denied, whether useful or not, I think it cannot be denied, its a well presented simple explanation, puts diabetes generally overall into perspective. Hopefully, it proves beneficial in some way?
I apologise for those who are aware of the video or have viewed, its for those out there who may not have seen, wish to take the time to view to gain more knowledge if of any use?

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Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
Oh dear! it does sound SO delicious!!!
It really was not at all delicious, it was bland, monotonous and I felt ill all the time, I slept in the afternoons, had no energy to get anything done and I often made the food and threw it away almost untouched as I had indigestion and acid reflux which has destroyed a fair few teeth.


Type of diabetes
Don't have diabetes
With increasing age, the exercise cannot continue to compensate for the high carb intake. Agree very much on the advice to reduce fruit. But add Vitamin C to each meal then. Sodium ascorbate seems to be the best as it is neutralized. But with less bread and more fats in the meals, natural fats like coconut and butter, you can quickly drop both morning and afternoon snacks without hunger! That means avoiding two postprandial BG spikes from those snacks which will drop your HbA1c down to normal like a stone in a month or two. And I think Dr Unwin would agree on all this!
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Deleted member 464700

Thanks thats the approach I am taking the lower the better, it is hard work to be organised with meals and exercise but will be worth it in the long run.

A typical day consists off

Brekfast 5AM
Raw Oats Banna frozen fruit, chia seeds and coconut milk mixed up and left over night

Morning snack 9AM
Protein shake +2 x Orange's

Lunch time 12
2 wholemeal sandwich thins, usually with chicken or tuna and some salad for filling and a portion of grapes

Afternoon snack is usually 3PM
an Apple and portion of blueberries and sometimes a protein shake depending on hunger/sore muscles

Late afternoon snack 5pm
Banna or cashew nuts depending on BG reading

Tea 6-7PM
1 or 2 Chicken breasts or some other meat form and the rest of the plate full of salad or veg

Then more fruit late evening if I am feeling hungry

Thanks for your help

Your diet looks awful, best of luck, remember the old saying will it make me live longer - NO it will just seem like it!!
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Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 3c
Treatment type
Kick the banana, grapes, oats and your sandwich thins. And check the carbs in the protein shakes as well as those in your fruits.
What you are eating would elevate my bg to pretty awful levels.
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If i ate all that i would be not only still over weight but probably dead by now. However you did say your latest test was 33 no?. I'm so low carb now and levels in the 6's most times perhaps a few in the 5's now and again. Waiting on my last A1c test at the mo and finger,legs and eyes crossed as to it not being higher. Just haven't got the confidence this time around. Possibly because i had shingles and a fair amount of pain for the last month or so.:rolleyes:


Type of diabetes
Type 1.5
Treatment type
try listening to podcasts, reading books, and you tubes for faster learning about your disease and reversing it. google these:
Keto. Jason Fung. Sara. Hallberg--on Ted Talks.... Jimmy Moore and the living lavita low carb show.
One question. If eating sugar products cause your bs to rise, why are you eating sugar? ALL carbs turn to sugar (glucose) some worse than others. Like bananas. like oatmeal.
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I find that although this forum is designed to help people with advice, my experience has been a poor one to be honest some people have tried to help but the majority just seem to be negative in response and very angry although I take everyone’s reaction to food is different my hba1c clearly shows that my diet is fine for me as if it was as bad as people implied I wouldn’t have got a hba1c 33 with no medication ?