Type 1: What are your HbA1c test results?


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I had a 6 month check up last Thursday and my HbA1C was 7.1% or 54 mmol/mol - I've had really consistent results now for the last 2 years not moving much from 7 which I'm super happy about! My Hba1C used to be as high as 14-15% when I was younger in my teens - been a tough old slog but there's definitely a light at the end of the tunnel! Keep it up guys! :D


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I had a 6 month check up last Thursday and my HbA1C was 7.1% or 54 mmol/mol - I've had really consistent results now for the last 2 years not moving much from 7 which I'm super happy about! My Hba1C used to be as high as 14-15% when I was younger in my teens - been a tough old slog but there's definitely a light at the end of the tunnel! Keep it up guys! :D

Great work well done!


Active Member
I was 105 last year and earlier in the year I was 66 (after eating carbs again with no meds for 2 months) managing it diet only but am now 24 weeks pregnant and finally on insulin and managed to get it down to 44.
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Just got mine today, 52 down from 111 at diagnosis in February! Very happy I've just got a Libre too so hopefully it's still going to go down from here!

Wow! Well done. Libre helped me so much!
I’d say try don’t get too focused on getting the number as low as possible. Technically you could achieve a lower HbA1c with worse control! Best of luck
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Wow! Well done. Libre helped me so much!
I’d say try don’t get too focused on getting the number as low as possible. Technically you could achieve a lower HbA1c with worse control! Best of luck
Thanks! Definitely, I'd like a lower HbA1c to be a side effect of excellent control, not a low HbA1c at all costs to the detriment of good control. My spreadsheet from my meter was showing decent numbers but now I have the Libre I've been able to see how high and often I've been spiking - particularly with breakfast! o_O Now taking steps to deal with that so hopefully going to get a much smoother graph on that Libre and that's what I want, and at this point I'm sure achieving that will lead to more improvements in the HbA1c! :)
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Was disgonosed as T1 in Oct 2017 with HbA1c of 14%. Jan 2018 it was 7.4% and Mar 2018 results were 6%.

The Doc says I should target about 7% and should increase my carb intake (from current 120 gms per day to 200gms per day).

Seems unusual advice - any idea why this was being recommended?


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5.6 currently, I'd expect to have it higher than that next test as I had a period of 4 weeks when I got a suspected infection and it made my management brittle and doubled my insulin needs. Boy that was a tough month and it took a lot of thinking on my feet.

Nearly killed me when the infection passed and I all of a sudden had double my insulin requirements onboard.


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Stupid people
58 yesterday :) . Thanks to the Libre AND a brilliant diabetic team that actually seem to care. Going in the right direction
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65 back in April (hospital test) this year and then 58 two weeks later (done by my GP) Not sure who to believe here. I am suspecting that the winter months are not agreeing with me any more and really struggle with insulin resistance or something. I am hoping that my next set of results will be much better.


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Not having good chocolate, and not cycling
I’m not to proud of my last a1c number. 4.4. I need to get it back up to somewhere between 4.8 and 5.2.

My strip supplier said I had to change meters to something new- they wouldn’t be supplying what I’d been using. In lab testing the meter at that last blood draw, the numbers it’s giving me are high. So when I correct myself to something that I’d like (normal], I’m actually low. So my a1c is too low.

I’m in search of a new meter. Change is hard. If I pick something else bad I might go from the frying pan into the fire. This is why we try hard not to change. I would like to use my old meter again and they’re saying that’s not an option.