Coffee Affecting Your Sugar Levels?


Type of diabetes
Type 2
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Diet only
Hey everyone!

Hope everyone is doing fine.

I recently read an article regarding diabetics having higher sugar readings after drinking coffee and that we should quit caffeinated beverages :(

But for the past 1 year of being a type 2 diabetic, my blood sugar does not seem to rise after drinking coffee and it instead got lower at times. Weird...

I would really wanna hear your views on this, does anyone here have any feedbacks on caffeine for Type 2s?

PS: i always drink black coffee. Without any sugar.



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Coffee has loads of antioxidants, which are very helpful in the war against oxidative stress, caused by high sugars. If it doesn't have any effect on your blood sugars, ignore survey.
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Poor grammar, bullying and drunks.
Would you have a link to that article handy? Wouldn't mind having a gander at that.
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Poor grammar, bullying and drunks.
Sure. Here you go. Sorry for the late reply. Was out of town hahaha :)

Thank you. I'll grab a coffee and have a good read.

Edited to add. The initial study of n=10 is very small as is the 8% rise in overall bgs but it says (to me, any way) that it would be wise to test this a few times at home.

I cannot have caffeine so I drink decaff anyway (funnily enough, even the trace amounts of caffeine in decaff has been enough to send my tinnitus wappy so I am now having to limit myself on it).

Thanks again for the link.
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I recently read an article regarding diabetics having higher sugar readings after drinking coffee and that we should quit caffeinated beverages
Coffee does not mess with my bgl's, I drink at least three cups of black coffee with no sugar before breakfast without any problems.


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sprouts, evil things

Yes we should quit everything good in the world!, well no, not the case. I am now on black coffee as the carbs (therefore sugar) in a latte is huge and it was impacting me. I am not a fan of cream so now on a good black coffee in the morning and it has for me stopped me staying at 8mmol 2 hours after breakfast down to 6.5mmol or 6.0mmol.

I can only suggest trying out a range of black coffees, see what you like, see how it effects you. Never compromise on flavour
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Some people (myself being one of them) have a direct correlation of blood sugar to hormone/stress levels, and since caffeine is a stimulant, it can increase "stress" levels, and therefore increase blood sugar...I see a slight rise if I drink too much. i.e. If I drink enough coffee to get a "buzz", I can likely also measure high blood glucose.
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Nope,3 strong coffees a day,not once made a difference to BG levels.Very good for the liver.


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I've never seen a rise from coffee. Though, @Ross.Walker it's not the latte but the syrup they use in it as an emulsifier so that, in a glass mug or plastic cup, the drink is evenly coloured, instead of having a little froth on top. Why anyone decided we hate froth is beyond me... in a nation of beer drinkers. Milk will not inherently pose a problem: making it mix evenly with coffee does.

Honestly, though, give up coffee? They'll be after my vodka and baccy next ;)

Oh maaaaaaaaaan!


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Add me to the list: strong black stove-top made coffee hasn't raised my sugars whenever I've tested after drinking. Other people's mileage may vary, and I'd suggest everyone should test themselves at least sometimes after drinking it, but I lean towards thinking black coffee is generally a good drink for diabetics.


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In the small study in question, they replaced the coffee with caffeine tablets. That's 250mg of caffeine hitting the blood all at the same time. Nobody does that with actual coffee, and the caffeine tablets don't have all the other good stuff that coffee has in it. It's hardly the same thing. I have one triple shot bucket of coffee with a splodge of cream in it every morning, and it usually takes me an hour to drink it. Raising 5 children meant I never finished a hot cup of coffee and the habit of slowly sipping away even once it's cold has never stopped. I occasionally tell people my relationship broke down because my partner was in the habit of tipping out my perfectly good half cup of cold coffee. He said my cold coffee was gross and vile and fully offended his coffee snobbery. Coffee doesn't ever raise my blood sugars, and there was no difference in my 2 hour post "breakfast" reading on the two occasions that I have gone for fasting blood tests and haven't had my usual morning coffee breakfast.
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Well-Known Member
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sprouts, evil things
I've never seen a rise from coffee. Though, @Ross.Walker it's not the latte but the syrup they use in it as an emulsifier so that, in a glass mug or plastic cup, the drink is evenly coloured, instead of having a little froth on top. Why anyone decided we hate froth is beyond me... in a nation of beer drinkers. Milk will not inherently pose a problem: making it mix evenly with coffee does.

Honestly, though, give up coffee? They'll be after my vodka and baccy next ;)

Oh maaaaaaaaaan!

god forbid they take my gin or there will be a fight

The lattes are home made and I can see the difference in black vs milky. Good news is I am enjoying good black coffee, for me it's no loss. It was however a new look at what I put into my body, never to old to learn something new about myself


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I drink a couple of cups of strong ground coffee with minimal milk most days. I have noticed no change whatever to BG after them.


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I’ve stumbled on this thread by accident/ karma? I have suspected that coffee raises my bg for a while but found it hard to get a definitive answer as it’s difficult to do nothing in the 2 hrs afterwards. There’s usually some sort of exercise or stress that a rise in bg could be blamed on.
I’ve sometimes found that my pre- meal reading is higher than expected and these occasions usually coincide with having had a mid aft or mid morning coffee.
I usually drink fresh filter coffee with 2 teasp double cream, no sweetener.
Yesterday morning I did actually manage to test after a mug of coffee when I had no stress, mental or physical to blame any increase on, yet bg rose from 6.0 to 6.6 in 1 hr and was back to pre levels by 2 hrs.
I can’t figure out why this would happen, unless like @Nexus6 says, it’s related to the stimulant effect on some hormones.
Blooming annoying anyway. I love coffee.


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I’m replying to this thread on a iPhone - for all I know the thread may be years out of date. I came across it because my blood sugar was 7.7 this morning. I walk three miles fairly briskly, drank a coffee and my bs was 9.3! I give up... there are reports of its effect in both directions


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For genetic reasons lactose in milk affects the blood glucose level on some people and not others.
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