42 Days To Restore The Reversal


Thank you, @Tannith. It could be the heat, and a combination of lots of things.
I am plodding on.
I have been thinking about your experience and wondering if this could be an awful warning for those of us who have done Newcastle not to put the weight back on. May I ask how much you had put on between finishing Newcastle first time round and getting the HBA1C news of 52 recently? Could it be that you had got back above your Personal Fat Threshold?


Type of diabetes
Type 2
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Diet only
Unfortunately sometimes the weight just does go back on no matter how well intentioned we were at the beginning. Life just keeps throwing up new hurdles and obstacles for us to jump.


Staff Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
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Tablets (oral)
I have been thinking about your experience and wondering if this could be an awful warning for those of us who have done Newcastle not to put the weight back on. May I ask how much you had put on between finishing Newcastle first time round and getting the HBA1C news of 52 recently? Could it be that you had got back above your Personal Fat Threshold?
Hi, @Tannith .
I am not so sure about 'awful warning' , but I do believe anyone following the Newcastle diet method needs to be aware that the calorie restriction phase is only a very small part of it and not a one off miracle cure. I regained just under half the weight I had lost in the three years following ND. During this time I was ill, and needed two major surgical procedures, depended on others to provide meals for over a year. Immobile for much of that time. I did find that I was able to eat high carb food without spiking blood glucose, but of course there was the weight gain.

Around 3 years ago, I found out about low carb method, and have maintained good BG levels until recently. My weight has remained fairly stable low carbing with a plus / minus 5-6 kg, until recently. Gains have generally been after steroid meds, which I have needed 3 or 4 times a year. Since January I have needed higher dose than previously of steroids on 2 occasions. The most recent was in May, and I have had problems with erratic BG levels since then. I gained around 7 kg in a month, but lost them with an extra 4kg with a combination of Very Low Calorie Diet, fasting, and keeping to low carb eating. I was seeing double figure BG levels immediately after the steroids. That improved after the weight loss, but I still have higher fasting levels than I would like, and last week, when I was ill again, some more double figures. Weight loss has stalled again.

I do have several other medical conditions, some give more problems than my diabetes has to date. Whatever is giving the more troublesome symptoms at any time has to be given the most attention. Lately that has been the allergic responses, requiring steroids, and the lymphoedema, causing swelling and pain. If they cause weight gain and higher BG levels then managing diabetes takes priority when I have stabilised the other symptoms.

Regarding exceeding Personal Fat Threshold, it could be that I have, though getting below that is not simple. I do think the PFT is not set in stone and alters for all sorts of reasons, such as ageing. There are several members here, who, like me, appear to struggle, regardless of method or methods they choose, to lose weight. Not naming anyone, they know who they are, but are often humiliated by HCPs and others, who blame them. Criticism just flows off me now, and I accept I am never going to be slim, but work on staying as well as I can be.
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Hi, @Tannith .
I am not so sure about 'awful warning' , but I do believe anyone following the Newcastle diet method needs to be aware that the calorie restriction phase is only a very small part of it and not a one off miracle cure. I regained just under half the weight I had lost in the three years following ND. During this time I was ill, and needed two major surgical procedures, depended on others to provide meals for over a year. Immobile for much of that time. I did find that I was able to eat high carb food without spiking blood glucose, but of course there was the weight gain.

Around 3 years ago, I found out about low carb method, and have maintained good BG levels until recently. My weight has remained fairly stable low carbing with a plus / minus 5-6 kg, until recently. Gains have generally been after steroid meds, which I have needed 3 or 4 times a year. Since January I have needed higher dose than previously of steroids on 2 occasions. The most recent was in May, and I have had problems with erratic BG levels since then. I gained around 7 kg in a month, but lost them with an extra 4kg with a combination of Very Low Calorie Diet, fasting, and keeping to low carb eating. I was seeing double figure BG levels immediately after the steroids. That improved after the weight loss, but I still have higher fasting levels than I would like, and last week, when I was ill again, some more double figures. Weight loss has stalled again.

I do have several other medical conditions, some give more problems than my diabetes has to date. Whatever is giving the more troublesome symptoms at any time has to be given the most attention. Lately that has been the allergic responses, requiring steroids, and the lymphoedema, causing swelling and pain. If they cause weight gain and higher BG levels then managing diabetes takes priority when I have stabilised the other symptoms.

Regarding exceeding Personal Fat Threshold, it could be that I have, though getting below that is not simple. I do think the PFT is not set in stone and alters for all sorts of reasons, such as ageing. There are several members here, who, like me, appear to struggle, regardless of method or methods they choose, to lose weight. Not naming anyone, they know who they are, but are often humiliated by HCPs and others, who blame them. Criticism just flows off me now, and I accept I am never going to be slim, but work on staying as well as I can be.
Oh dear! You have been in the wars!. It all gets so much more complicated when you have other co- morbidities and especially when you have to rely on others to prepare your meals. I have heard that steroids are notorious for raising BGs and also for weight gain. I am not looking forward to the time when I shall have to take them ( I have a lung disease which will eventually require them). I do hope you can overcome it all and get your BGs back to an acceptable level soon, preferably without too many of those awful shakes. My best wishes for your good health.


Staff Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
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Tablets (oral)
Thanks @ Tannith.. I really don't think the meal replacement shakes are too bad. Or at least I didn't before I sampled the LCHF way of life.
Stay well yourself.


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Tablets (oral)
I have a possible reason for the recent raised blood glucose.
At my annual diabetes review in July I had already been feeling rough after steroids, and despite having done a 2 day fast, followed by 3 weeks very low calorie diet, still the HbA1c was 52. Nurse had forgotten to ask for urine sample, so that went late. Then a few days later I was told it needed to be repeated. Reason, given by receptionist 'It was not suitable'. I laughed to myself, thinking I had sunk to new low if my pee was reject. New test this week turned up a UTI. perhaps that is contributing to the more recent double figure BG, as it had started to stabilise until I started with the fever, lethagy and headache and nose bleeds. Antibiotics for a week. Continuing my low carb, 8 hour eating window, and see where that leads.


Retired Moderator
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The smell of cigars
Fingers crossed that once UTI is cleared up things will improve again.


Retired Moderator
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
I have a possible reason for the recent raised blood glucose.
At my annual diabetes review in July I had already been feeling rough after steroids, and despite having done a 2 day fast, followed by 3 weeks very low calorie diet, still the HbA1c was 52. Nurse had forgotten to ask for urine sample, so that went late. Then a few days later I was told it needed to be repeated. Reason, given by receptionist 'It was not suitable'. I laughed to myself, thinking I had sunk to new low if my pee was reject. New test this week turned up a UTI. perhaps that is contributing to the more recent double figure BG, as it had started to stabilise until I started with the fever, lethagy and headache and nose bleeds. Antibiotics for a week. Continuing my low carb, 8 hour eating window, and see where that leads.

Let’s hope this is the solution!


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Today, with heavy heart, I am removing my 'reversed diabetes' banner. I have, for 7 years, been proud of the non-diabetes levels, but yesterday got the news that my latest HbA1c was 52. The nurse was very kind and gentle about it. "That is excellent control", she declared. Yerr what! Not for me it isn't. I really appreciate her not wanting to upset me, but sometimes we need a bit of a jolt.

I wasn't surprised, really. I have several medical conditions, and depending on the severity of symptoms, each takes it turn in being the one needing most effort to control. This last few months the need to breathe has been the priority, and I have needed several courses of steroid meds just so I could. I have seen blood glucose levels rise from average of under 6 to double figures, the highest being 18. I also gained 5 kg, and felt quite lethargic and sleepy.

I like a challenge, but this is a biggy! I did the May fast with several others on here, and that kick started some weight loss. I had been feeling like a Michelin man or Marshmallow man before that, with much water retention, and very swollen ankles. I lost 3kg with that, and a further 7kg since using VLCD. I have visible ankle bones again.

Not all gloom and doom. Nurse agreed that the steroids are the most likely cause, so I am to repeat the HbA1c in 6 weeks. I so want to return to 'reversed' status. That is my intention. Continuing a few more weeks with VLCD, keeping low carb, and of course I have a few more weapons in the armoury. Intermittent fasting, LCHF, one meal a day, 5:2, etc. I have accepted offer of Metformin. (I have never had the problems some report, when I have used it in the past) . I have been exercising but will increase that. Just need to avoid picking up a cold, or having anything trigger asthma, as that starts the downward spiral again and as much as they are a lifesaver, I can do without having steroid meds again.

Aiming for previously below prediabetes levels that I have held for 7 years. Realistically, having had T2 for almost 14 years, with no apparent complications, I will take anything below 48 when I have next test.
Is it not due to heat and stress causing asthma needing steroids?
I'm confident for you that this is just a hiccup.
You've done it once. You can do it again. I'm sure.
It is hard work when other health problems and meds work against our goals.
You fight this and things will change, I'm sure.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Not happy!
3 days off meal replacements. Eating low carb in an 8 hour window. Blood glucose having been in nice steady 6s with a few 5s. Then just now, feeling not particularly wonderful, took BG. 13.flipping 2!!!
What's going on?
If these persist see GP please. Ask for full blood count hun.
Sorry you're getting these high bgs without obvious cause.
I'm sure your detective work will swing into action.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
I have a possible reason for the recent raised blood glucose.
At my annual diabetes review in July I had already been feeling rough after steroids, and despite having done a 2 day fast, followed by 3 weeks very low calorie diet, still the HbA1c was 52. Nurse had forgotten to ask for urine sample, so that went late. Then a few days later I was told it needed to be repeated. Reason, given by receptionist 'It was not suitable'. I laughed to myself, thinking I had sunk to new low if my pee was reject. New test this week turned up a UTI. perhaps that is contributing to the more recent double figure BG, as it had started to stabilise until I started with the fever, lethagy and headache and nose bleeds. Antibiotics for a week. Continuing my low carb, 8 hour eating window, and see where that leads.
It will be UTI.
Why are you run down? Are you supplementing when on these low calorie, low carb, low eating periods.
You mustn't have any energy, have you?


Staff Member
Type of diabetes
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Tablets (oral)
It will be UTI.
Why are you run down? Are you supplementing when on these low calorie, low carb, low eating periods.
You mustn't have any energy, have you?
Enough energy to have gone back to the gym and pool this week. Think that has to stop until the antibiotics do their work.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Enough energy to have gone back to the gym and pool this week. Think that has to stop until the antibiotics do their work.
Wow. I don't know how you're doing it but it's obviously working on the IR too.
If the bgs are right, weight loss follows. Concentrate on bgs only with your antibiotics. Are you taking your advised supplements?
ND came with daily supplements, right?


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Available fast foods in Supermarkets
The good thing is that you know you have had an infection and taken both steroids and anti-biotics. Between the 52 HbA1c and now you have had a more good than bad readings, so every reason to be optimistic. It is an awesome fight back by you. I have to admire the lack of feeling sorry for yourself, taking this by the scruff of the neck and actioning a plan. This has inspired me, so thank you for sharing and keep pushing.
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Tablets (oral)
It will be UTI.
Why are you run down? Are you supplementing when on these low calorie, low carb, low eating periods.
You mustn't have any energy, have you?
As I have got older I really don`t have much of an appetite. The meal replacement products I used have all the nutients required, though because I can't be in sunshine too long I have low Vit D, and have prescribed supplement for that. In addition, I have stayed below 800 cals with a mixture of real food and meal replacements. I feel better eating less, though aware that it is easy to become obsessive, which can lead to disordered eating. Fasting, in a limited way does make me feel better.

Run down would be due to chest infections, which As I have allergies I am prone to. Although the steroid meds help with breathing, they have a knock on effect of raising blood glucose. In the past it has always settled after a few weeks. Not this time, but the discovery of the UTI, gives me hope that I can sort it. Before knowing about that I was starting to think my pancreas was having a last hurrah. Maybe it is. Time will tell.


Staff Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
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Tablets (oral)
The good thing is that you know you have had an infection and taken both steroids and anti-biotics. Between the 52 HbA1c and now you have had a more good than bad readings, so every reason to be optimistic. It is an awesome fight back by you. I have to admire the lack of feeling sorry for yourself, taking this by the scruff of the neck and actioning a plan. This has inspired me, so thank you for sharing and keep pushing.
Oh, @Mbaker, believe me, I can do and have been sorry for myself, but self pity won't get me anywhere. As for planning, I feel I have been chaotic these last few weeks, so pausing for breath, trying to be calm, and settling to a low carb, moderate fat way, and eating more than I have been.
Thank you for your kind words.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
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Diet only
My Diabetic nurse
Good luck Pipp!

Have you tried a week on carnivore diet

Lots of people having good success on it.

Keep your chin up

Best wishes

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I reversed my Type 2
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@Pipp - Are your prescribed VitD supplements (assuming you're on a maintenance dose) a high enough dosage?

It seems, from my various reading, that the doses often prescribed, both as a loading and maintenance are a bit on the modest side.

As I understand it, decent levels of Vit D can make the world seem a better place.
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Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
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Diet only
My Diabetic nurse
@Pipp - Are your prescribed VitD supplements (assuming you're on a maintenance dose) a high enough dosage?

It seems, from my various reading, that the doses often prescribed, both as a loading and maintenance are a bit on the modest side.

As I understand it, decent levels of Vit D can make the world seem a better place.

Excellent point

We have had loads of good sunshine!
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Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
As I have got older I really don`t have much of an appetite. The meal replacement products I used have all the nutients required, though because I can't be in sunshine too long I have low Vit D, and have prescribed supplement for that. In addition, I have stayed below 800 cals with a mixture of real food and meal replacements. I feel better eating less, though aware that it is easy to become obsessive, which can lead to disordered eating. Fasting, in a limited way does make me feel better.

Run down would be due to chest infections, which As I have allergies I am prone to. Although the steroid meds help with breathing, they have a knock on effect of raising blood glucose. In the past it has always settled after a few weeks. Not this time, but the discovery of the UTI, gives me hope that I can sort it. Before knowing about that I was starting to think my pancreas was having a last hurrah. Maybe it is. Time will tell.
Its like a vicious circle.
Infections due to higher bgs which cause higher bgs and meds which cause higher bgs.
I understand lower immune system as we get older... for sure. Even none diabetics.
Happiness is a great boost to the immune system.
Enjoy the fact you are doing brilliantly.
Like you say, compared to your past situation of being bed bound.
Life is very very good, even with infection and a higher hba1c.
Happiness cannot be replaced by anything else.
Your attitude is a very true credit which will continue being a winner.
Your plans are great for others to follow for reversal.
Reversal is the holy grail and if only we were a pc so we can only have the same varients longterm and a permanent reversal status.
Your other unwanted variants need some attention once in reversal?
Is anything can be done to improve those other health problems so they can give you a less problematic future?
I know asthma can be improved or no longer a problem to some who lose alot of weight (bariatric figures). Exercise to strengthen immune and prevent inflammation. Inflammation is a huge culprit to asthma.
A diet focused on reducing inflammation which is low carb.

I'm sure you have further plans to just returning to reversal.
If anyone can..... it's you!