Blood Sugars with only Diet?

Venkat K

Well-Known Member
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Diet only
I am only diet controlled , but struggle to eat low enough levels of carbs , I aim to be under 100 grams of carbs daily , and that is not especially low I know but I do miss the carbs so much . My level is usually a bit higher and therefor my morning blood glucose is in the area of 6.5 mmol and on the more succesful days I get just into the fives like 5.7-5.9 mmol that is if I manage to stay under 100 grams of carbs .

The hardest days are when I exercise a lot like 4 hours and unfortunately this doesn’t get my blood glucose down and also spikes my appetite on carbs

We are all different but the amount of carbs is the culprit

stay as low as possibble

If you check just after exercise blood sugars goes high for me too. But if you check after 4 hours later it is better than non exercise day.

This is just my observation only.
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Diet only
If you check just after exercise blood sugars goes high for me too. But if you check after 4 hours later it is better than non exercise day.

This is just my observation only.

well not in my case , my liver gets very excited from exercise

but my afternoon numbers are usually in the lower fives... .. but anyway I lose the competition on the morning blood glucose reporting

Venkat K

Well-Known Member
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If your metabolism is trying to get back into balance then what you describe is normal - I saw the same thing when getting back on track - though I found that eating a few gm of carbs with my first meal was a good idea, it keeps my BG fairly stable all day until I eat again in the evenings. We are not machines but complex organisms with many different systems all interlocked but with so many influencing factors, so it is really necessary to try various options and pick the one which seems to be the right one by the trend, not single results.

Completely agree with you.

Venkat K

Well-Known Member
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Upper 3's happen if I skip lunch, but all in all I eat rediculously low carb. The higher numbers in the morning may be due to dawn phenomenon: if I skip breakfast my liver keeps dumping, and I have seen numbers between 6 and 7 when it just wouldn't stop until I ate. (One sleepless night had me hitting 9, but I was admittedly ill then.) So you might have eaten the same thing, but if you, for instance, had a restless or sleepless night, your liver might've started dumping a little too fanatically. So the thing to look for is the difference between pre-and post meal, rather than fasting bloodsugars in the morning, because those really have little to do with what you eat. Odds are, when you hit 6's and 7's, you were already relatively high due to dawn phenomenon.

As for what I eat: 3 eggs with bacon and (goat) cheese for brekkie, lunch is a leafy greens salad with tuna, capers, mayo, avocado and olives, and in the evening meat or fish with cauliflower or broccoli, usually. More often than not I'm around or under 20 grams of carbs a day. I tried intermittent fasting, but it sadly didn't agree with me, so now I'm back to three meals a day.

I do eat mostly that kind of diet before. Now a piece of added home baked sourdough bread. Thanks for telling what you eat.
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Venkat K

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You may want to consider fasting in the evening. That is one of the most effective way to improve your morning fasting glucose reading. Skip 2 dinners in a row and I will be back at 5 mmol...

Thanks for suggestion. I tried one night fasting before.

I will try fasting twice in a row and see that improves.

Venkat K

Well-Known Member
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Bulgur wheat is not low in carbs, at about 60 percent it is off the scale for me.
How anyone can claim such foods are good for diabetics I do not know.
I am experimenting with bread as I do not need to be too concerned about the carb content of foods, though I try not to boast about it here on the forum - but due to my last batch being rather good, I put on weight very quickly and will need to reverse that before having another try.
I add milled seeds, psyllium flour and almond flour to my normal bread recipe to lower the carbs per loaf, plus making smaller loaves which do not rise as much as all flour bread, and take longer to cook at lower temperatures so as not to burn the seeds. I am building up upper body strength with the kneading.

I read from below post saying good in fibre and good for diabetics.

My bread also doesn’t raise as bread from shop. But it’s dense and tests 100 times better than bread from shop according to my 7 years old daughter. I eat one piece of bread a day.

Venkat K

Well-Known Member
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Ive only been on it for about 2.5 weeks
Ive had a 10lbs loss.
My bgs were about 11- 14mmol first thing in morning but now i have lost a little weight and have 1day off my bgs are down to 6 to 9.mmol in morning.
And my cholesterol has come down from 7.3 to 4.8
I have found(this is a guess) your bgs take a while to come down because your body is still carrying alot of sugar.

If i had porridge,weetabix or toast before diet my bgs 2 hours later woukd be 14-17mmol

Now it would be around 7- 10mmol

And within another 30mins my bgs are down 6mmol.

I personally eat carbs when im going to do something physical and i eat protein when im just sat down.

I had a bad day on Thursday and ate about 4 ginger nuts and after i had a headache

I am finding now that my body can handle little sugar but not what i use to eat.

And all this in 2.5 weeks however im still learning
My total cholesterol was 6.5 three months back.
I stopped statin medication my cholesterol went high.
But my HDL also went up after stopped my statins and changed the diet.

Venkat K

Well-Known Member
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I started middle of April keto diet. Until middle of June I was eating strict keto diet without any carbs. But my sleeping was getting worse day by day. Added magnesium supplement still used wake up around 4am. After starting to eat bread my sleeping pattern improved lot. Now I can sleep 7 to 8 hours per day. When I followed keto diet my blood sugars was better than now.

Last two months I was eating one slice of bread per meal.

I know how important is blood sugars are. Thanks for your valuable suggestions.

I needed to try fasting in the evening for couple of days then see how it goes then if still doesn’t work I will try without bread.

Venkat K

Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
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Diet only


Type of diabetes
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Diet only
I read from below post saying good in fibre and good for diabetics.

My bread also doesn’t raise as bread from shop. But it’s dense and tests 100 times better than bread from shop according to my 7 years old daughter. I eat one piece of bread a day.
Total nonsense - wheat is high in carbs - you can get fibre from other sources.
I make bread, but I add in psyllium husk flour, almond flour and the milled seed mix to try to make the bread lower carb than those made from all wheat, and even then I have to make small loaves and ration them - and I have normal readings now.
I also try to make it as low density as possible.
If you are getting high readings when testing after meals, that meal is higher in carbs than you can cope with. I have waited one year from getting down to normal Hba1c before experimenting with bread, and am still being cautious.


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I have read through this thread. It is the opinions and suggestions of ordinary Forum members. I do not get the impression that many of them are testing their bg or trying to eat very low carb. By all means try eating bulgur, or any other food you fancy, but test at 2 hours and maybe at 3 to see what happens to your bg.

The high fasting bgs you complain of may be due to the dawn phenomenon, but also may be due to your eating close to bedtime, so that the food is not digested until the early hours of the morning (lying down and sleeping delays digestion or even halts it), leading to the raised bg. Worth checking out.


Well-Known Member
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They are beetroot leaves not beetroot.
Does any one eat Buglar wheat. Low in carbs and good for diabetics?
i did have bulgar wheat a few times ..i thought it raised b.s. similar to rice which i dont miss at all... i will give it another go in the future though as i really liked the taste

Venkat K

Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
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Diet only
I have read through this thread. It is the opinions and suggestions of ordinary Forum members. I do not get the impression that many of them are testing their bg or trying to eat very low carb. By all means try eating bulgur, or any other food you fancy, but test at 2 hours and maybe at 3 to see what happens to your bg.

The high fasting bgs you complain of may be due to the dawn phenomenon, but also may be due to your eating close to bedtime, so that the food is not digested until the early hours of the morning (lying down and sleeping delays digestion or even halts it), leading to the raised bg. Worth checking out.

Thanks for information. I might be trying carbs too early. I will delay them until next year summer after blood sugars reaches the normal.

Venkat K

Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
i did have bulgar wheat a few times ..i thought it raised b.s. similar to rice which i dont miss at all... i will give it another go in the future though as i really liked the taste

Let me know blood sugars if you try again.