New to all this


Active Member
So this has been a whirlwind for me. I’m a38 year old female already suffering from Ulcerative colitis .

The last few months have been very weird but the last 24 hours have been very worrying

On and off for maybe 3/4 months have been having some symptoms of cystitis/UTI on and off. been constantly thirsty, none stop urinating and getting hot and sweating at night.

Last Friday the UTI symptom just got too painful and I went to my GPs walk-in clinic with a urine sample.

They tested it and gave me 3 days course of nitrofuratonin. They did my bloods too because I was overdue them ( I have regular bloods for my colitis)

Anyway the UTI symptoms returned on Wednesday night and I was up all night peeing, drinking in discomfort in my bladder. So took a new sample of unine to my doctor and they tested it and called me to say they had found high levels of glucose in my urine and did I have diabetes in the family, which I don’t. She asked me to return the next day with a new urine sample so I said ok. Off I popped to work. As soon as I got to work I just didn’t feel ok, my bladder was aching so I went to the toilet. I then popped into the staff canteen for a drink of water and a colleague who has diabetes was in there so I decided to ask her some questions about her symptoms when she got diagnosed. She was really nice and told me how she got diagnosed and then out of the blue offered to test my blood there and then. She tested it and my blood sugar was 15.6. I’d not eaten in 5 hours and only drank water.

I immediately rang my doctors and left a message. She rang back shortly after to tell me they were very concerned. Not only was the urine they tested high in glucose, it also had high levels of keytones ? Blood, protein and leucocytes so I should go to A&E straight away. By this time my mouth was like sandpaper. I didn’t feel unwell other than feeling like I had a bladder infection.

At A&E they did two further glucose tests 13.6 and the last being 12 . They said I need my GP to confirm diabetes and which type.

I’m back at the GP today for another urine test. I have no idea what’s going on. This has all happened over a few weeks and I’m in shock. They said my ketone/Keytone level was 3 or 4 I have no idea what it all means and would love some guidance from you guys as to

What my numbers suggest. I know absolutely nothing about diabetes

Thank you xx
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Hello @Emma3627G and Welcome to the forum.

I'm going to tag @daisy1 as she has a Welcome pack that has lots of info and various links about the various different types of Diabetes, thing is at the moment is DON'T PANIC, once the medical team get back to you they should make things clearer.

Have a mooch around and see what info you can pick up and don't for get NO question is a stupid one and there is usually someone around that can help out :)


Type of diabetes
I reversed my Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
So this has been a whirlwind for me. I’m a38 year old female already suffering from Ulcerative colitis .

The last few months have been very weird but the last 24 hours have been very worrying

On and off for maybe 3/4 months have been having some symptoms of cystitis/UTI on and off. been constantly thirsty, none stop urinating and getting hot and sweating at night.

Last Friday the UTI symptom just got too painful and I went to my GPs walk-in clinic with a urine sample.

They tested it and gave me 3 days course of nitrofuratonin. They did my bloods too because I was overdue them ( I have regular bloods for my colitis)

Anyway the UTI symptoms returned on Wednesday night and I was up all night peeing, drinking in discomfort in my bladder. So took a new sample of unine to my doctor and they tested it and called me to say they had found high levels of glucose in my urine and did I have diabetes in the family, which I don’t. She asked me to return the next day with a new urine sample so I said ok. Off I popped to work. As soon as I got to work I just didn’t feel ok, my bladder was aching so I went to the toilet. I then popped into the staff canteen for a drink of water and a colleague who has diabetes was in there so I decided to ask her some questions about her symptoms when she got diagnosed. She was really nice and told me how she got diagnosed and then out of the blue offered to test my blood there and then. She tested it and my blood sugar was 15.6. I’d not eaten in 5 hours and only drank water.

I immediately rang my doctors and left a message. She rang back shortly after to tell me they were very concerned. Not only was the urine they tested high in glucose, it also had high levels of keytones ? Blood, protein and leucocytes so I should go to A&E straight away. By this time my mouth was like sandpaper. I didn’t feel unwell other than feeling like I had a bladder infection.

At A&E they did two further glucose tests 13.6 and the last being 12 . They said I need my GP to confirm diabetes and which type.

I’m back at the GP today for another urine test. I have no idea what’s going on. This has all happened over a few weeks and I’m in shock. They said my ketone/Keytone level was 3 or 4 I have no idea what it all means and would love some guidance from you guys as to

What my numbers suggest. I know absolutely nothing about diabetes

Thank you xx
We can't diagnose here, but if the numbers are correct they do indicate diabetes in one form or another. As we can't tell which type it's hard to make suggestions, but I can tell you one thing; there's a lot of people living with T1, T2, LADA, Mody, T3c... Once you know your type, assuming you get diagnosed, there's loads of us who can help you get your bloodsugars under control. I'm a T2 myself, (considering your age you *probably* fall in the T2 catagory, but no guarantees) and I've been medication-free for it for two years. Only used Metformin and gliclazide for little under 3 months. I'm diet-controlled, which means I eat a certain way. Practically all carbs turn to glucose once ingested, so personally, I never go over 20 grams total a day anymore, which is easier than it sounds. My HbA1c (glucose average of 3 months) is that of a healthy, non-diabetic person, my weight has come down and my cholesterol's fine these days. Things like bladderinfections go away on their own now. (Infections love sugar in your system to feed and multiply on, making them hard to fight if your levels are high). Some people still require some medication. Other types of diabetes mean needing insulin shots, but whatever the result... You will be able to tackle this. The UC might make a diet-change more of a puzzle (in a T2, a diet change can bring about remission, while with meds-only T2 is a progressive disorder, so it is an option to consider), but all in all... It's do-able. *You're going to be okay.*

Do get results as soon as you can, and if you feel bad, nausious, weak, dizzy, anything worrying, immediately call for help and let them know about suspected diabetes and present ketones. You don't want to wait if you feel rough. Not to scare you, but as long as you don't know what's going on, it's better to be safe than sorry if something's feeling off.

We're here if you need us.


Active Member
Thank you, I’m in limbo at the moment. Do I have it, do I not have it. Is this all just a big mistake. I’m not sure what these levels mean


Active Member
We can't diagnose here, but if the numbers are correct they do indicate diabetes in one form or another. As we can't tell which type it's hard to make suggestions, but I can tell you one thing; there's a lot of people living with T1, T2, LADA, Mody, T3c... Once you know your type, assuming you get diagnosed, there's loads of us who can help you get your bloodsugars under control. I'm a T2 myself, (considering your age you *probably* fall in the T2 catagory, but no guarantees) and I've been medication-free for it for two years. Only used Metformin and gliclazide for little under 3 months. I'm diet-controlled, which means I eat a certain way. Practically all carbs turn to glucose once ingested, so personally, I never go over 20 grams total a day anymore, which is easier than it sounds. My HbA1c (glucose average of 3 months) is that of a healthy, non-diabetic person, my weight has come down and my cholesterol's fine these days. Things like bladderinfections go away on their own now. (Infections love sugar in your system to feed and multiply on, making them hard to fight if your levels are high). Some people still require some medication. Other types of diabetes mean needing insulin shots, but whatever the result... You will be able to tackle this. The UC might make a diet-change more of a puzzle (in a T2, a diet change can bring about remission, while with meds-only T2 is a progressive disorder, so it is an option to consider), but all in all... It's do-able. *You're going to be okay.*

Do get results as soon as you can, and if you feel bad, nausious, weak, dizzy, anything worrying, immediately call for help and let them know about suspected diabetes and present ketones. You don't want to wait if you feel rough. Not to scare you, but as long as you don't know what's going on, it's better to be safe than sorry if something's feeling off.

We're here if you need us.
I’m in the doctors at 2pm today. Hopefully I get some answers. I’m alarmed at how sudden this has all occurred

Deleted Account

Thank you, I’m in limbo at the moment. Do I have it, do I not have it. Is this all just a big mistake. I’m not sure what these levels mean
There is a lot of information on this site ... not just the very informative forum members.
Take a look at and you will find things like this: which will start to explain your recent readings.
Have a look around, ask questions and, as @Knikki said "DON'T PANIC". Or at least try to - I know it is easier said than done.
Managing diabetes is a long term activity, don't expect to learn or even understand everything on day 1 - I was diagnosed with type 1 nearly 15 years ago and still learning.
My other advice is to look for people in the public eye who have diabetes and remember if they can win Oscars, tour with a band, play professional rugby, lead a country, ... it is possible to wrestle this beast under some sort of control.
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Active Member
Thanks, I’m in heavy duty meds already for my colitis. I’m on immune suppressants and biological infusions every 8 weeks. I guess this may get abit complicated


Retired Moderator
Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
Hypos, rude people, ignorance and grey days.
Hello @Emma3627G Welcome to the forum and a big hug, it's the uncertainty of not knowing which causes anxiety.

I will be honest until you know for sure then please simply try and take some deep breaths and keep calm, there's not point spouting information at you when you are in this state of limbo, most of it won't register and when you know more after your appointment come back and we can help support you through this worrying time.

Regardless of how today turns out you will be ok so please try not to worry too much.


Type of diabetes
I reversed my Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
I’m in the doctors at 2pm today. Hopefully I get some answers. I’m alarmed at how sudden this has all occurred
There might have been signs before, but you might have chaulked them up to the colitis? I thought mine were due to my thyroid... I was an undiagnosed T2 for years until stress made my sugars that much worse and I became very ill, seemingly out of nowhere. Do you remember urine smelling sweet? Infections lasting forever? Fatigue? Stuff like that could indicate things weren't what they should have been for a while... You're on the path to answers now, and with answers come possible solutions. Hang in there!


Active Member
Hello @Emma3627G Welcome to the forum and a big hug, it's the uncertainty of not knowing which causes anxiety.

I will be honest until you know for sure then please simply try and take some deep breaths and keep calm, there's not point spouting information at you when you are in this state of limbo, most of it won't register and when you know more after your appointment come back and we can help support you through this worrying time.

Regardless of how today turns out you will be ok so please try not to worry too much.

The link above helped a little. So I expect to undergo a series of tests now. Ok I can deal with that, you’ve all been here at this point, worrying, being in that space between diagnosis and what to do in the meantime. Being sent straight to A&E was very upsetting. It sent my BP soaring. Do they normally do anything to bring your levels down ? My ketone level was 4 I think and blood sugar 15.6.


Active Member
There might have been signs before, but you might have chaulked them up to the colitis? I thought mine were due to my thyroid... I was an undiagnosed T2 for years until stress made my sugars that much worse and I became very ill, seemingly out of nowhere. Do you remember urine smelling sweet? Infections lasting forever? Fatigue? Stuff like that could indicate things weren't what they should have been for a while... You're on the path to answers now, and with answers come possible solutions. Hang in there!
Yes my pee and breath smell sweet
I’ve had blurry vision on a few occasions over the last 6 months, tiredness which I put down to maybe low B12 but the last few weeks I honestly thought the night sweats, peeing, thirst, flushing and uti and a bout of thrush was me starting menopause. We’ve been trying for a baby since March and it just wasn’t happening and I really though all those symptoms were onset of the change
Now I guess I’m gonna have to put pregnancy on the back burner now too


Retired Moderator
Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
Hypos, rude people, ignorance and grey days.
The link above helped a little. So I expect to undergo a series of tests now. Ok I can deal with that, you’ve all been here at this point, worrying, being in that space between diagnosis and what to do in the meantime. Being sent straight to A&E was very upsetting. It sent my BP soaring. Do they normally do anything to bring your levels down ? My ketone level was 4 I think and blood sugar 15.6.

Unfortunately it is the state of limbo of not knowing anything for sure, there is no point making any assumptions though at this point, otherwise your poor mind will be overstretched with thinking about every eventuality and most of it may well be irrelevant so theoretically a waste of energy.

I don't want to fuel your current state so as I said just take deep breaths, go for a walk or anything that will keep you calm until you are seen this afternoon, you are on the radar and you will have answers soon :)


Type of diabetes
I reversed my Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Yes my pee and breath smell sweet
I’ve had blurry vision on a few occasions over the last 6 months, tiredness which I put down to maybe low B12 but the last few weeks I honestly thought the night sweats, peeing, thirst, flushing and uti and a bout of thrush was me starting menopause. We’ve been trying for a baby since March and it just wasn’t happening and I really though all those symptoms were onset of the change
Now I guess I’m gonna have to put pregnancy on the back burner now too
Does sound like it's been brewing for a while. Getting numbers under control would be a priority, but seeing uncontrolled diabetes makes pregnancy kindof tricky for mum and baby alike, it's a *good thing* you're finding out now something's up, not when you're already pregnant. Sure is plenty motivation to get your bloodsugars under control as fast as you can, right? (And that can happen pretty quick.). Maybe have a read over a or Dr. Jason Fung's books to see what you yourself can do to bring your numbers down. IF you're a T2, lowering carb-intake can make that big a difference. Cutting out spuds, rice, pasta, corn, cereal, bread, fruit save for berries, avocado and a few tomatoes... Sounds like a lot, but eggs, meat, fish, cheese, butter/ghee, leafy greens/above ground veggies, nuts, olives, are all fine. (That's the really short version).

Don't give up on your dreams just yet!


Active Member
Ok so I’ve seen the nurse and had urine tested and finger prick glucose test
My blood sugar was 13
Keytones at 2

Signs of infection in my urine so given macrobid for 7 days. Have to go back Monday for all those tests that they do for diabetes etc

I guess this is the ball rolling
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Type of diabetes
I reversed my Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Ok so I’ve seen the nurse and had urine tested and finger prick glucose test
My blood sugar was 13
Keytones at 2

Signs of infection in my urine so given macrobid for 7 days. Have to go back Monday for all those tests that they do for diabetes etc

I guess this is the ball rolling
The only way is up, from here on in. It's a lot to wrap your head around, but you will.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
Ok so I’ve seen the nurse and had urine tested and finger prick glucose test
My blood sugar was 13
Keytones at 2

Signs of infection in my urine so given macrobid for 7 days. Have to go back Monday for all those tests that they do for diabetes etc

I guess this is the ball rolling

Hi Emma, your numbers were EXACTLY like mine on diagnosis only they kept me in hospital for 24 hours and sent me off with insulin. Have they given you any advice in the meantime? x


Active Member
Hi Emma, your numbers were EXACTLY like mine on diagnosis only they kept me in hospital for 24 hours and sent me off with insulin. Have they given you any advice in the meantime? x
They just told me to try not to worry. How quickly do the results come back after you have these tests ? I think I’m having a fasted test, one to check my averages over the last three months and something else. He said he didn’t want to prescribe tablets because if it’s type 1 they won’t work. He said if I feel unwell to just go the hospital


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
They just told me to try not to worry. How quickly do the results come back after you have these tests ? I think I’m having a fasted test, one to check my averages over the last three months and something else. He said he didn’t want to prescribe tablets because if it’s type 1 they won’t work. He said if I feel unwell to just go the hospital

Hi Emma. It seems to be different everywhere so I can only speak for my area (Solihull). I came out of the hospital on insulin as they leant towards me being a type 1 on presentation. For the first 3 months or so I adjusted my insulin up and down on their advice as I had several hypo's. On my first Specialist appointment following that, they tested my C Peptide levels and antibodies. About a month after that, those tests came back. The C peptide was the low end of normal, so they called that inconclusive. One of my antibody tests came back with what they called a 'low positive'. They then looked at everything together and declared type 1. It all took about a year and of course 15 months into it now, I still am under the consultant apparently in the 'honeymoon' period.
My point being is that these things seem so slow and sometimes you don't get a conclusive result from any one thing. Whilst all this is going on, it is all about test, test, test. They did give me a glucose monitor right away (did you get one?), that was the only way to find out what my levels were doing, the 'go to the Doctor's if you feel unwell' is not helpful advice at this stage, I felt GREAT all the way though this whether I was low or high and I felt well all the way through my hospital stay when my levels were in the high 20s and my ketones were over 4 but according to the hospital, could have gone into a coma at any minute!


Active Member
Hi Emma. It seems to be different everywhere so I can only speak for my area (Solihull). I came out of the hospital on insulin as they leant towards me being a type 1 on presentation. For the first 3 months or so I adjusted my insulin up and down on their advice as I had several hypo's. On my first Specialist appointment following that, they tested my C Peptide levels and antibodies. About a month after that, those tests came back. The C peptide was the low end of normal, so they called that inconclusive. One of my antibody tests came back with what they called a 'low positive'. They then looked at everything together and declared type 1. It all took about a year and of course 15 months into it now, I still am under the consultant apparently in the 'honeymoon' period.
My point being is that these things seem so slow and sometimes you don't get a conclusive result from any one thing. Whilst all this is going on, it is all about test, test, test. They did give me a glucose monitor right away (did you get one?), that was the only way to find out what my levels were doing, the 'go to the Doctor's if you feel unwell' is not helpful advice at this stage, I felt GREAT all the way though this whether I was low or high and I felt well all the way through my hospital stay when my levels were in the high 20s and my ketones were over 4 but according to the hospital, could have gone into a coma at any minute!
No they didn’t give me a monitor. They just said to go to A&E if I feel unwell. I guessed it would have to be ordered anyway as most pharmacy don’t keep them in stock. My levels last night were 13.6 and ketone level 4. The GP was surprised A&E just let me go home.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
No they didn’t give me a monitor. They just said to go to A&E if I feel unwell. I guessed it would have to be ordered anyway as most pharmacy don’t keep them in stock. My levels last night were 13.6 and ketone level 4. The GP was surprised A&E just let me go home.

I'm surprised too Emma. For the next few days then it's complete guess work! I don't wish to alarm you but I would be straight down the Doctors again and getting a monitor, the monitor my Dr gave me tested for glucose and ketones. x
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