Carbohydrates - Food of the Devil?


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We seem to love fat and sweet things.
"They" literally have food scientists putting these combinations together, with a perfect ratio, mouth feel and finally the "bliss point". Then by classifying their version of deordarised, bleached "fat" as regular fat, those who want to take pot shots have an open goal. As if by magic on MSN:

We had the experiment of the low fat (fad diet) and seen the correlative results (I know doesn't prove causation but can the graph curves really be coincidental), now they haven't learned their lesson and continue to mess with food production rather than stepping aside. I just want the choice to chose traditional foods at no extra cost and not to have any back door forcing of soy based products on me and mine.


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I thought about the correct place to put this question. When posting I wasn’t sure which would be best.
If you’re going to use the word carbohydrates then it doesn’t really matter which place you choose to post. The forum is always well patrolled.


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Poor grammar, bullying and drunks.
Breast milk (and formula milk) contains 7g/100grams of carbs. This debunks any myth that we were never meant to consume them.

Human breast milk has carbs in the form of oligosaccharides, these are a tad different.

Babies in the womb are in ketosis as are babies fed exclusively on the breast. Then of course, we the parents wean them onto such goodies as baby rice and Farleys Rusk...


Well-Known Member
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Human breast milk has carbs in the form of oligosaccharides, these are a tad different.

Babies in the womb are in ketosis as are babies fed exclusively on the breast. Then of course, we the parents wean them onto such goodies as baby rice and Farleys Rusk...
Human breast milk has carbs in the form of oligosaccharides, these are a tad different.

Babies in the womb are in ketosis as are babies fed exclusively on the breast. Then of course, we the parents wean them onto such goodies as baby rice and Farleys Rusk...
Then we expose our most important new members of society to the below (taken less than a week ago in Colchester):

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Diet only
Then we expose our most important new members of society to the below (taken less than a week ago in Colchester):

View attachment 31854

Chatting to Mrs Listlad her grandparents lived into their nineties without very much in the way of medical support, on a diet of rice, vegetables, some fruit and meat and mainly fish. Rice three times a day and from what I have seen rice filled about 50% of their platter.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
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Diet only
I’ve got three teenagers watching me go keto. I also have a carboholic, vegetarian, serious cyclist other half. As I, and their grandfather, have the type 2 genetics it figures they may have too. So I’m trying to educate them that sugar is almost a legal drug to be consumed as such ie infrequently (who knows hopefully when feeling rebellious they’ll go have a dibdab rather than some other stuff ). In all seriousness I’m trying to guide them towards carb moderation. To avoid sugar, to have things like rice, bread, pasta, potatoes but in smallish portions, to go for beans,lentils etc. To have a larger portion of vegetables, good size protein portions and avoid low fat products. In other words head for a mid ground between their parents so they don’t end up like me in later years having overworked their carb management system between now and then.
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Diet only
"They" literally have food scientists putting these combinations together, with a perfect ratio, mouth feel and finally the "bliss point". Then by classifying their version of deordarised, bleached "fat" as regular fat, those who want to take pot shots have an open goal. As if by magic on MSN:

We had the experiment of the low fat (fad diet) and seen the correlative results (I know doesn't prove causation but can the graph curves really be coincidental), now they haven't learned their lesson and continue to mess with food production rather than stepping aside. I just want the choice to chose traditional foods at no extra cost and not to have any back door forcing of soy based products on me and mine.
I learned about this back in the nineties. Actually from the child that I posted about earlier. For some reason she learned about this sort of thing as a teenager. I can’t recall exactly how. I think she had an interest in foods and nutrition. She is an adult now. She flunked her university degree and ended up nursing and specialised in dietetics. But yeah, she highlighted to us parents back then in the nineties how we all love fat, sweet foods and salt and how that drove the supply of products that were available.


Type of diabetes
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Diet only
I’ve got three teenagers watching me go keto. I also have a carboholic, vegetarian, serious cyclist other half. As I, and their grandfather, have the type 2 genetics it figures they may have too. So I’m trying to educate them that sugar is almost a legal drug to be consumed as such ie infrequently (who knows hopefully when feeling rebellious they’ll go have a dibdab rather than some other stuff ). In all seriousness I’m trying to guide them towards carb moderation. To avoid sugar, to have things like rice, bread, pasta, potatoes but in smallish portions, to go for beans,lentils etc. To have a larger portion of vegetables, good size protein portions and avoid low fat products. In other words head for a mid ground between their parents so they don’t end up like me in later years having overworked their carb management system between now and then.
Well I am just starting with the 6 yo. @kitedoc came up with a good suggestion about a monkey analogy where they are forbidden sweet foods at the zoo because it rots their teeth. I am working on that one just now. :D


Well-Known Member
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Available fast foods in Supermarkets

Chatting to Mrs Listlad her grandparents lived into their nineties without very much in the way of medical support, on a diet of rice, vegetables, some fruit and meat and mainly fish. Rice three times a day and from what I have seen rice filled about 50% of their platter.
Nice and simple whole foods. The rice carbs would have caused a temporary spike which a non over taxed pancreas would easily cope with. A modern version would potentially include junk drinks, vegetable fat based biscuits, cakes, fries, chocolates and the like.


Well-Known Member
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Human breast milk has carbs in the form of oligosaccharides, these are a tad different.

Babies in the womb are in ketosis as are babies fed exclusively on the breast. Then of course, we the parents wean them onto such goodies as baby rice and Farleys Rusk...

I most certainly didn't but I can't see how you would wean a baby onto a low carb/keto diet from around 4 months?? What would they eat? bacon?

Deleted member 308541

Well I am just starting with the 6 yo. @kitedoc came up with a good suggestion about a monkey analogy where they are forbidden sweet foods at the zoo because it rots their teeth
Fruit is part of a monkeys natural diet out in the wild, I would hazard guess that they would not get that much fruit in a zoo to eat. Chimpanzees like to eat meat if they can catch something smaller than themselves.


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Diet only
Fruit is part of a monkeys natural diet out in the wild, I would hazard guess that they would not get that much fruit in a zoo to eat. Chimpanzees like to eat meat if they can catch something smaller than themselves.
I will stick to the original plan. Keep it simple for the youngster. :D. I have just been reading her the BFG where the BFG talks about human bean eating giants which reminds me of my visit to Papua New Guinea (Irish Jaya - closest I ever got to Oz) where cannibalism is rife.[/QUOTE]
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Deleted member 308541

I will stick to the original plan. Keep it simple for the youngster. :D. I have just been reading her the BFG where the BFG talks about human bean eating giants which reminds me of my visit to Papua New Guinea (closest I ever got to Oz) where cannibalism is rife.
Do what my crazy mother used to threaten me with, "I will sell you to the gypsies for a shilling". Always worked for me, but I do not think you have gypsies now do you?

Cannibalism has stopped in PNG apparently because they got there independence from Australia. :D


Carbohydrate in and of itself - as a macronutrient - sucks. It’s basically pure fuel that serves no purpose other than quick energy followed immediately by conversion of the excess into body fat. Unlike dietary fat and protein it cannot be used for building and repairing the body. It’s evolutionary role for humans is to allow us to rapidly gain weight during the summer months. And now also to give us metabolic syndrome as we consume massive quantities of it 24/7/365.

Vastly overrated. That’s my take on it. Others are welcome to disagree.
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Diet only
Carbohydrate in and of itself - as a macronutrient - sucks. It’s basically pure fuel that serves no purpose other than quick energy followed immediately by conversion of the excess into body fat. Unlike dietary fat and protein it cannot be used for building and repairing the body. It’s evolutionary role for humans is to allow us to rapidly gain weight during the summer months. And now also to give us metabolic syndrome as we consume massive quantities of it 24/7/365.

Vastly overrated. That’s my take on it. Others are welcome to disagree.
Probably overrated but essential though. Your reference to energy concedes that point. I suppose as we get older we might expend less of it and thus need less of it but at the other end of the spectrum it is surely essential....


Probably overrated but essential though. Your reference to energy concedes that point. I suppose as we get older we might expend less of it and thus need less of it but at the other end of the spectrum it is surely essential....

It’s not essential though. In fact it’s the only one of the three macronutrients that isn’t essential. We will literally die without fat and protein (both of which can be used for fuel and maintenance) but humans have no need for dietary carbohydrate. People can choose to consume it of course, but that’s a different matter.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Poor grammar, bullying and drunks.
I most certainly didn't but I can't see how you would wean a baby onto a low carb/keto diet from around 4 months?? What would they eat? bacon?

The old fashioned way, pureed whole foods. And breast feeding can go on much longer than 4 months.