Ypsomed my life insulin pump


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Hi @steveo4, I think that the ypsomed is new to most people here. That is the only reason for the delay in answers.
Why not give us your impression of your pump at this stage, the good bits, the challenges, any comparisons you might make with say, the Omnipod etc? People are always interested in a new brand of pump.


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Hi I haven't got the pump yet it's been offered to me due to the insight which I currently use is due to be changed.


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Hi I haven't got the pump yet it's been offered to me due to the insight which I currently use is due to be changed.
Apologies, I did not realise that. All I can suggest is looking at reviews on the net, which you have probably done already. e.g.
type1writes.com/2018/06/18/ypsopump-first-weks-part-one/, and with substituted /2018/06/19/ ... part-two/
www.ipag.co.uk Stephen Dixon why i chose a ypsopump.


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Apologies, I did not realise that. All I can suggest is looking at reviews on the net, which you have probably done already. e.g.
type1writes.com/2018/06/18/ypsopump-first-weks-part-one/, and with substituted /2018/06/19/ ... part-two/
www.ipag.co.uk Stephen Dixon why i chose a ypsopump.
That's great thank you


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What are people's views on the ypsomed my life insulin pump?
What are people's views on the ypsomed my life insulin pump?

Hi Steve I use the Ypsomed pump since April 2017 in conjunction with the Omnipod and I have to say it was the best decision I have made. I find that I have a much better control of my diabetes. There are no wires to get tangled up and I change the Omnipod every 3 days.


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Hi Steve I use the Ypsomed pump since April 2017 in conjunction with the Omnipod and I have to say it was the best decision I have made. I find that I have a much better control of my diabetes. There are no wires to get tangled up and I change the Omnipod every 3 days.
Hi thanks for your reply but it's the ypsomed my life insulin pump I need peoples views on and not the omnipod pump.


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Hi Steve, I'm in exactly the same position as you were. Did you go with the Ypsomed Mylife? If not what put you off?


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Thanks Steve. After looking at the ypsomed I was tending to the "better the devil you know" strategy and going for another insight.


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Hi Steve04,

Allthough you have made your decision already you might still be interested te learn about the Ypsopump. If not, maybe it is of relevance for others.

This week I changed from the Insight to the Ypsopump. Just a few days of experience but I can give you what I found some pro's and con's for me personally. I have diabetes for 40 years and wanted a simple pump. I do not use a boluscalculator, FGM or CGM.

- I wanted a simple pump that is as small as possible: I am very happy with the compact and light Ypsopump. Although the difference in weight and dimensions seems neglibible, for me this is a valuable improvement.
- My skin reacts with thickening from in the past all the injections and now from the inserted canulas. The Insight only comes with teflon canulas and with the Ypsopump I have the possibility to try the steel canulas.
- It is quite a job to get used to the touchscreen of the Ypsopump but once your familiar with it, it works very userfriendly and quick.
- I had trouble with unlocking the Insight manually: pushing the three button so quickly often failed and I had to try several times. The Ypsopump is easier to unlock.
- Giving a blind bolus is much easier on the Insight.
- Giving a standard, slow or mixed bolus on the Ypsopump works faster on the Ypsopump.
- The infusionsets and canulas of the Insight are better protected against pricking into your fingers after use than those of the Ypsopump.
- I find the inserter of the Ypsopump much easier to use than the one of the Insight.
- I used 100cm thread and have to get used to only 80cm with the Ypsopump. 100cm was very comfortable when having the canula in my arm.
- The Insight has more options, for example if you want the sound of a warning harder or softer.
- The Insight as a better organised way of looking at history data per category. The Ypsopump only gives one long list, with all data gathered. These are split in historic actions and historic warnings.
- The Insight has a better personalized option for the warning to replace the insulin cartridge. With the Ypsopump that comes in a very late stage, which means for me that I have to learn to check very frequently myself, how much insulin is in it.
- The infusionsets and canulas of the Ypsopump are packed in larger blisters which I find inconvenient and bad for the environment.

I found it a difficult choice and still think both pumps come very close to each other.

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Hi Rianne thanks for your comments. I was given a trial of the ypsomed my life pump but wasn't impressed. Instead of technology moving forward I felt it has moved backwards. There was no separate hand set to use and only an app which I found quite unreliable sometimes. So to sum up although I would like to change my pump that was the only other one available to me.


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Due to replace animas vibe which I love using have choice of insight , comb or ysomed mylife , confused but thinking mylife will be my choice as I don’t really want to carry handset , bs meter and mobile phone , but like you finding it difficult to find reviews


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How did you see to arrange a trail of mylife pump ? Rep or hospital . Thks in advance


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I was offered a trial by my dsn

Thank you for your help has asked for a trail and agreed to trail the ypsomed as so unsure which pump to choose , choice was insight or combo , the trust decided not to use t slim or the Medtronic ,


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I've been on insight for 3 years and was offered a trial in the ypsomed. I've done it now for nearly 2 months.

They told me ( and my nurse has one) that the cannula rotates so reduces breakage risk unlike others.
Much quicker than the insight.
Easy at a glance app.
Recyclable boxing etc

Well yes my insight was very slow BUT if your blue tooth is slow or not working as has happened more often than it hasn't with the ypsomed....then the insights slowness is no longer a big deal

The first month on the ypsomed the blue tooth wouldn't connect properly and so I was alone again on measuring boluses etc. This was my one concern going into a pump, that things that were second nature to me would become un used then I'd get out of practice. I did. And I'm no longer on simple bolus per grams measurements. Think I may need to re train my brain.
But the point is with the connection not there then the pros of this piece of kit were kind of rendered void. The difficulties and time it took to by pass then was not a good time for me.
I did get help to get a better connection eventually but it still doesn't always work.

Also during that first month my ypsomed had a big malfunction and wiped most of the info so I needed to re do a lot. A bit concerning as a lot to concentrate on especially when I'm so tired such a lot with ME. Unfortunately that night the normally well trained helplines had troubles connecting. Over come eventually.

The next problem was the cannula broke or snapped off or got caught on my clothing far more than I ever had with the insight. In fact it only happened a couple of times with insight in 3 years.

I've let ypsomed know about this and that in my humble opinion I think the cannula stands too proud on the skin. Too easy to catch.
I'd rather have it flat than turning 360.
Just my opinion though.

I also let ypsomed know that I think the cannula and tubing should be separately packaged as if you have to change the cannula more, which I did, then the tubing is wasted.

I have asked if there is a way to have the information displayed in a better way other than a list. Not easy to follow.

So the routine is test with one machine be it a blood machine or libre...

Go to app on your phone and info can be transferred by blue tooth if working or you put it in manually then it works out your bolus...

Then get your pump and tap in insulin needed and delivered by immediate or longer method...

If you are wearing a bra bag or neck bag then you need to take the pump out of this...

I think I prefer the insight

But I have given feedback to ypsomed

Oh and also the warning on low insulin in cartridge ... better system in insight... it can't be missed. Not the same experience I had with ypsomed

I hope I'm not doing it a disservice. It's just my experience which hasn't been a very positive one. But I'm glad to have had the opportunity. My nurse swears by it for her
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Oh forgot to mention... apparently the ypsomed is much cheaper than the insight so this was a big thing in its favour
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Thks megan really helpful and it sounds as if you had a fair amount of time to really get use to the pump , have been accepted for a trial of Ypsomed MyLife in July .
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Thks megan really helpful and it sounds as if you had a fair amount of time to really get use to the pump , have been accepted for a trial of Ypsomed MyLife in July .

Good luck I hope it goes really well for you
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