Low Carb Forum - Facebook


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Has anybody come across a Low Carb or T2 Diabetes Group run by their local surgery on Facebook?

This one has been established at the Bay Medical Group, an NHS surgery group in the Morecambe region in the North West of England.



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There seems to be little interest in this. We complain that our local surgeries give out the wrong advice but it seems that here is one trying to do something about it with their Low Carb Group on Facebook.

I did phone BMG the other day to ask about how they ran the Facebook group and am hoping for some feedback from them on it.

One of the obvious benefits is that such a group might capture those that wouldn’t otherwise end up on this forum.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
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Tablets (oral)
Not a bad idea, @Listlad

I don't use Facebook myself,
So not sure of its efficacy, but any avenue to direct people here, sounds like a good thing
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I think that any type of communication is a good thing. I have quite a few clients living rurally who do not have any access to the internet- That makes me sad as the chances of them finding in formation that could change their lives is so much ,lower. Something like this may trigger their family. I think when not all the medical professionals are on board with the changes that will work to reduce blood sugar levels the more avenues to get the information out the better.
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Not a bad idea, @Listlad

I don't use Facebook myself,
So not sure of its efficacy, but any avenue to direct people here, sounds like a good thing
Yes. Understood.

On a slightly different note, of course, such a group in the BMG case is strictly private, open only to those in the group.

It is something that is being explored alongside or instead of a live drop in type arrangement.


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Diet only
I think that any type of communication is a good thing. I have quite a few clients living rurally who do not have any access to the internet- That makes me sad as the chances of them finding in formation that could change their lives is so much ,lower. Something like this may trigger their family. I think when not all the medical professionals are on board with the changes that will work to reduce blood sugar levels the more avenues to get the information out the better.
And in our case we are rural. Many patients are out in the countryside.


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The example may only be one of its kind. But they have 149 members and have been running since August of this year. The title implies that some members might be participating from the weight loss slant, or other linked conditions such as hypertension.


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To be honest, @Listlad, I doubt it's that there is little interest in it, but to be honest, the chances of someone like me, living about 150 miles away, being involved in a group there is unlikely.

My assumption (and it may be wrong) is that the core objective of the group is to attract patients of their own to adopt lifestyle changes, to encourage better health outcomes. Someone, they know nothing of, posting from afar is unlikely to be affirming for those people. (Assuming anyone can sign up.)

I'm impressed they have built up 149 members, but the more important stats are on electronic footfall and whet the members do when they log in.

I envisage newly diagnosed, relevant people, and those having reviews, will be sign-posted to the group. Signing up and doing anything with it are very different things.

I truly wish the group well. I am not, in any way poo-hooing it. All I am doing is attempting to apply a practical overview.


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Diet only
To be honest, @Listlad, I doubt it's that there is little interest in it, but to be honest, the chances of someone like me, living about 150 miles away, being involved in a group there is unlikely.

My assumption (and it may be wrong) is that the core objective of the group is to attract patients of their own to adopt lifestyle changes, to encourage better health outcomes. Someone, they know nothing of, posting from afar is unlikely to be affirming for those people. (Assuming anyone can sign up.)

I'm impressed they have built up 149 members, but the more important stats are on electronic footfall and whet the members do when they log in.

I envisage newly diagnosed, relevant people, and those having reviews, will be sign-posted to the group. Signing up and doing anything with it are very different things.

I truly wish the group well. I am not, in any way poo-hooing it. All I am doing is attempting to apply a practical overview.
I believe it is restricted to their local patients only. The surgery itself is evidently pro LCHF which of course helps.

If one were to be set up in my town then it would very likely serve the patients registered at the two surgeries here and nobody else.
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This surgery also runs a regular low carb meet of 1.5 hours duration, in tandem.


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I believe it is restricted to their local patients only. The surgery itself is evidently pro LCHF which of course helps.

If one were to be set up in my town then it would very likely serve the patients registered at the two surgeries here and nobody else.

In that case, it seems your thread will be of limited use to anyone, except those who might likely know about it already.


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Diet only
In that case, it seems your thread will be of limited use to anyone, except those who might likely know about it already.
Not at all. If such groups could be set up at each surgery then the patients at their respective surgeries could get the benefit. Surely an improvement on what we know is happening at present.

The thread might be of some value to me at PPG level, my surgery and the adjacent surgery and to that end I was looking to see if any forum members knew about this group, maybe even members of this group or a similar group that I am unaware of.

On the BMG example. We don’t know. It could be a complete failure. On the flip side it could be very successful.

Nothwitstanding I am now in contact with this surgery and will of course enquire about the degree of success they might be having with their patients.
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Retired Moderator
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The thread might be of some value to me at PPG level, my surgery and the adjacent surgery and to that end I was looking to see if any forum members knew about this group, maybe even members of this group or a similar group that I am unaware of.

Might I suggest @Listlad that if you’re interested in a broader conversation or have specific questions for others, you frame that in your OP?

That way you’ll likely get more responses and the thread might have wider appeal.


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Diet only
Might I suggest @Listlad that if you’re interested in a broader conversation or have specific questions for others, you frame that in your OP?

That way you’ll likely get more responses and the thread might have wider appeal.
I think I did, right at the top of the opening post. I was hoping to capture some response from that opening question and then follow up from there. It may be a unique case though, so narrow from that standpoint. But the spinoff might be that other such groups might be set up in the future.

What’s your take on this topic?


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I run a group with a Facebook page called Blandford Type 2 Diabetes Support Group. However, most of my diabetic contacts don’t use their computers much and aren’t on Facebook. I have to add that the group meetings are generally poorly attended.....so many people seem to be happy to rely on ever increasing levels of medication and are not prepared to take control of their condition. It can be dispiriting for me.


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Diet only
I run a group with a Facebook page called Blandford Type 2 Diabetes Support Group. However, most of my diabetic contacts don’t use their computers much and aren’t on Facebook. I have to add that the group meetings are generally poorly attended.....so many people seem to be happy to rely on ever increasing levels of medication and are not prepared to take control of their condition. It can be dispiriting for me.
Thanks for replying. Yes, I hear what you are saying. I was chatting to a T2 work colleague the other day that didn’t know what his HbA1c was and was on Metformin. Difficult to be sure but he didn’t seem too concerned about that.

Are you a nurse or do you work for the NHS?

And do they advocate LCHF as the solution?
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Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Maybe this site could maintain a log of any such groups with faebook link and identification of the surgery contact. Would require approaching the surgery upfront to get their permission of course. Then maybe add a link to the thread in the Newbie info pack we provide to newcomers?

I have frequently seen links to our site in the popup advertising that Faceache sends me unsolicited. based on my research activities. I often read things in threads that I posted on the forum appearing in this feed, so beware. This is why we are moderated so deeply. Before anyone complains about this, remember that we have already been warned that this is a public access forum, so this should not surprise anyone.
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There is at least one group on Facebook for low carb eating - not to control diabetes though I have mentioned it, but for weight loss and some PCOS and other medical problems.


Type of diabetes
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Diet only
There is at least one group on Facebook for low carb eating - not to control diabetes though I have mentioned it, but for weight loss and some PCOS and other medical problems.
Thanks I have seen a few too. I was looking yesterday. However I was thinking of ones specifically tied to surgeries i.e. owned and run by the surgery themselves.


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Diet only
There are lots of Facebook low carb groups, some UK based some not. A few are run in conjunction with courses, real life groups or surgeries. Some are public, some secret and non searchable and in between. Somewhere in the last few weeks I saw another surgery was doing similar to the one you posted @Listlad but for the life of me I can’t find it now. The PHC are supporting groups run out of drs surgeries and often have Facebook pages associated with each cohort.