What was your fasting blood glucose? (full on chat)


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Unfairness/ use of offensive language.
Good morning one and all. A shocking fbs of 10.0 greeted me this morning. :arghh: Haven't been testing for a while and have been struggling with a strange sore/ dry mouth this week. A chicken and egg situation. Have my sugars been up and causing the mouth infection or vice versa? Didn't think my diet had been too bad recently but stricter control of what I eat, more water to drink and more testing are on the cards methinks! Enjoy the rest of the week-end folks wherever you are and whatever you are doing. Stay well and safe.:)
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Diet only
@Krystyna23040 perhaps I have found a way forward with the Nespresso pod mountain and me. Caramelizio (230 mls) plus Aeorcino lowest level (lacto free milk and 25 mls cream combo) with 2 sweeteners and 2 tsps inulin. Works for me as I clearly don't like coffee much just lightly flavoured milk and means Julie can keep the month old Nepresso - for now .
So pleased that Julie can keep her.Nespresso machine - I have to confess that I have my new machine plus a backup machine just in case the new machine breaks down. That means I don't have to go without my Nespresso for even one day.

Sounds like you have devised a good 'work around ' for the cream issue.


Type of diabetes
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Diet only
So pleased that Julie can keep her.Nespresso machine - I have to confess that I have my new machine plus a backup machine just in case the new machine breaks down. That means I don't have to go without my Nespresso for even one day.

Sounds like you have devised a good 'work around ' for the cream issue.
Just 1 backup? I'll find out just how many we have when we move. I know of 4 ( not sure I'm meant to) but pretty sure there are more. On the other hand I'm not sure Julie knows just how many socks or coats I have because I actually don't:angelic:


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
8.1 on a foggy but sunny Sunday morning.

Happy Birthday to Mrs @Muddy Cyclist !

@gennepher I love your painting. Thank you for posting it. :)

@dunelm I feel inspired by your carnivore post and am going to try carnivorous eating between now and my next A1C appointment. That is just over a week away now; I may try to reschedule it for early February.
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Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
@jjraak I thought about you and Lauren of Arabia earlier. I was watching Back To the Future Part 2 during breakfast. The movie was made in 1989, but set in 2015. It was interesting to see how the moviemakers in 1989 thought life would be in 2015, and all the things they got wrong --
And then in one scene I saw a huge travel poster that said SURF VIETNAM. :)


I hope your Steph is OK. You know you are an awesome dad.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Thanks for the 5’o @jjraak ( I was hoping you’d do that) but hugs to you and @PenguinMum for the higher fbg. @HarryBeau no hug for you because it sounds like you had a lovely evening and I suspect it was well worth it.
We’ve just come back from seeing the new Guy Ritchie film ‘Gentlemen’ anyone seen it? I thought it was great, very Guy Ritchie - along the lines of Snatch. Hugh Grant is a revelation.

Muddy Cyclist

Well-Known Member
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All family gone, peace at last, but great day. Not much time for painting so a quick sketch with a watercolour wash for me after seeing a sunset on the horizon this evening, sorry only 20 minutes in my sketch book.


Did you use a 'resist' for the first wave picture or is it dry brush?
Yes I did use an old candle to add wax resist. I don't like doing this on watercolours so the seascape I paint will have to be white paper, lots of water and pushing the paint around, I will hopefully eventually upload the finished large seascape. Be brave I look forward to seeing your art.

@gennepher another great painting. Hope all is well with your property and yourself.

Thank you all on the behalf of Mrs MC for the birthday wishes I know she's had a great day with our daughter, son and grandchildren.


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Diet only
Lost a bit of faith in my libre. This disc seems to be scanning ok fingers crossed.

Had a busy few days with one thing and another. Holiday hunting proves demanding for me. I have to get the best bargain. Lots of cross referencing! I love it but it can be time consuming. Catching up on forum tonight. It moves very fast this thread. Blink and you miss....a LOT.


Well-Known Member
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Diet only
Fbg 6.9

Up at silly o'hour, so done my painting for today....

Here is my daily challenge painting. A3 size, acrylics, 2 shaving brushes and two rigger brushes used to paint this one. No other tools used apart from a sleepy brain...back in bed now...

Have a brilliant day.
Have fun.
Hugs if you need them.

View attachment 37696Sorry it went sideways, but it was upright in my device!
so cricks in neck if you want to view this...


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
All family gone, peace at last, but great day. Not much time for painting so a quick sketch with a watercolour wash for me after seeing a sunset on the horizon this evening, sorry only 20 minutes in my sketch book.

View attachment 37772

Yes I did use an old candle to add wax resist. I don't like doing this on watercolours so the seascape I paint will have to be white paper, lots of water and pushing the paint around, I will hopefully eventually upload the finished large seascape. Be brave I look forward to seeing your art.

@gennepher another great painting. Hope all is well with your property and yourself.

Thank you all on the behalf of Mrs MC for the birthday wishes I know she's had a great day with our daughter, son and grandchildren.

All appears okay. No ridge tiles missing, but I cannot see rest of roof...I need a drone to investigate...

That is a great little sketch.

Glad you all had a good day.


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Diet only
Mornng All. 6.1 at 0800. Still the slow come down from carby Sunday I suspect. Mr PM working from home today and friend popping in for a soup lunch. Not sure how all that blends but it will. @Goacher55 and @Cumberland welcome back each good to hear from you. @HarryBeau Charlie and Lola have grown so much but seem very happy and relaxed. @gennepher thank you for another beautiful painting. This turning into the best calender ever for dull January. @Debandez good to see you hope little Jasper and his mum are doing well. Have a good Wednesday everyone. Stay well, stay safe.
Thank you lovely PM. Tax return time, plus new grandchild hugs, holiday hunting and just life getting in the way of me and my fave thread! Enjoying catching up as always.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Relaxing on this lovely evening. The window is open and the breeze blowing in is cool and refreshing as a summer evening breeze should be and seldom is.
This afternoon we had a little bit of excitement in the garden -- this fine feathered fellow was so motionless we thought he was injured, or crying out to a fallen fledgling. Then between the four humans watching, and the HVAC fan suddenly starting up, he flew away. The crying continued, however, and then a big squirrel darted out from cover and fled.
We guessed the hawk had had the squirrel cornered but couldn't get in to him and that the crying had been the squirrel. But we all thought prey animals went silent when cornered by a predator ...


Afterwards we heard the same crying sound coming from the direction in which the squirrel had fled. Maybe he was alerting the other squirrels. ...


Well-Known Member
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Diet only
Fbg 6.9 at 4:30 am

Painting this morning.
View attachment 37715

Tools used - two shaving brushes (as paint brushes) to paint, two fine rigger brushes (for the trees), and a tiny natural make up sponge. And acrylic paints.

This one is A4 sized, as opposed to the larger A3 of the last few days.
I don't like it because of the frustration with painting in a smaller size.
Also I didn't get the luminosity of the area round the misty sun that I wanted. I accidentally got some black in that area, and had to wipe it out and then dry it and paint it white and rework it. That did not make me happy...

I will do this smaller A4 sized for next few days to see how I get along with the size.

Anyways thanks to @PenguinMum for suggesting The Works. I went yesterday to the clearance outlet. They had odds and ends of stuff I have never seen in the normal Works shops. I got some 500ml System 3 acrylics for half price (I've never seen System 3 at The Works ever before). And some other stuff. And paper. They had a watercolour pad 230gsm, but it was smaller than A3 but larger than A4, (15x10.5"). I like the longer shape of it.. All I need to do is prime the pages in advance, and it will be fine for acrylics. So I bought all they had....

I don't know if it is a regular Works line. But I have enough paper for a few months now!!!

I just cannot convince myself to like the above painting. But I have spent an hour on it, so I stop now! I think it is the proportions and smaller size of the A4 paper.

Have a good day.
Back in bed with cat now. I had a disturbed night's sleep, so I don't feel in the best of moods. Feel dissatisfied with stuff this morning. You know the way you get a sadness descend for no apparent reason? Got to get rid of this feeling. So going to have a nap, and I will wake up bright and cheery.
Hugs for those who need them
Take care.
The day can only get better!
Its fabulous!!!


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
From YouTube:
A Thai temple cat's bid for affection during solemn Buddhist prayers for the new year on Tuesday was enough to test the patience of a monk trying to maintain his concentration. Video of the saffron-robed monk gently trying to push away the cat who crawled into his lap during the five-hour-long prayers delighted Thais who saw the footage on Facebook.



Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
.Fbg = 5.3 (± 5%) @ 4.12. Day 4 of DD 2 month :bigtears: diet and most of the basket of deplorables I associate with LC/Keto now in place. Zero dark 30 awake, bg not great, no transit (4 days now), cold. So far no gout or strange virus/lack of energy. I could obtain all these benefits without paying for a "specially formulated for me" diet but good to know they aren't just my badly formulated regime. Now drinking my first ever bulletproof tea (yes MCT oil is quite expensive) which is not part of the DD diet but I really don't want caramelised onion sausage frittata @ <5.00 pm. Have a great day. I'm going to watch the rest of NFL (fell asleep by 1/2 time last night) - see if Mahomes really is a wunderkind. @Muddy Cyclist loved the landscape. @trick60 have a good day at work wattever you are up to. Get ohm safely and see the potential difference of lower carbs.:angelic:
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Well-Known Member
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Day 2 of carni OMAD and I have a 5.7 this morning.

My weight is an appalling 104.5kg, that is 4.5kg up since Nov. I was 100kg at diagnosis and did drop to 94kg following a fast, but 100 seems to be where I was staying. Given that I'm only a short fella it puts my BMI around 37 :bag:.

Hopefully, admitting all this here will drive me to actually get it lower. Given how much I gave up following diagnosis I'm not happy that my weight stayed the same and that starvation seems to be the only thing that moves it. At least my grocery bill will be light ;)


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
From YouTube:
A Thai temple cat's bid for affection during solemn Buddhist prayers for the new year on Tuesday was enough to test the patience of a monk trying to maintain his concentration. Video of the saffron-robed monk gently trying to push away the cat who crawled into his lap during the five-hour-long prayers delighted Thais who saw the footage on Facebook.

I had to laugh @SaskiaKC
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