Self isolation for 12 weeks ?????


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There is cause for concern in many countries - that the 'cure' could in fact result in many more deaths than intended. There is CONCRETE evidence than many one-day workers are dying from starvation because of their governments hasty action to protect their capitals by shutting down every mode of transport leaving the workers to walk many hundreds of kilos to their villages. No names no pack drill as they say but sections of other countries shut down all non-food premises laying off their staff without money AND THIS WAS EIGHT WEEKS AGO. The moral being - if COVID-19 doesn't kill you - your Government WILL. God help the so-called recovery aftermath - only the US has really done anything to ease the workers'[
plight. Countless small businesses will never recover.
One person every 45 seconds is dying from this virus in America because their government completely messed up.
Must be murder by the way walking kilos!


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Bigotry, reliance on unsupported 'facts', unkindness, unfairness.
I’ve been reading back through all these posts, it’s an interesting, and damning, snapshot of the UK’s inability to react swiftly enough to COVID. The WHO has marked out the US and the U.K. as two places that failed to heed, and act on the warnings. Just look after yourselves and others everyone!
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Well here in the UK we started warehousing people in giant prisons in the sixteen hundreds with the building of naval prisons such as HMP Preston.
Thousands of men had no choice but to do it and thousands do it today in prisons around the world so I think the majority of people can survive it ok.
Prepare yourself mentally and yes you should be fine.
they are not alone. Many people are having to self isolate alone.


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Hi I am a T1 and have been for 25 years. I work in the NHS and have been fighting for weeks to work from home. We get sent a risk assessment form which was assessed by someone of the sane grade as me in which it sets out section one, which is all people with low immunity either due to their condition or due to medication they take for their condition. These are the people who should get a letter and should be shielding for 12 weeks. Section two is the category we are in and this is the section of people who aren’t at a greater risk of catching the virus but are still vulnerable of developing a serious illness and complications if they do develop the virus. Diabetes after all is an autoimmune disease itself which means your immune cells attack your healthy cells in different parts of your body, in type 1’s that’s your islet cells which produce insulin. As everyone knows diabetics don’t heal very well. So our chances of developing severe complications from Covid-19 are very high and thereby good chance of taking up a bed in critical care. When I was diagnosed my consultant told me that I could end up in hospital with a cold and that’s why sick day rules are so important. As I have got older my diabetes reacts quite badly to common viral illness and the last one in 2017, a tummy bug, in a matter of two days I ended up in a coma with a GCS of 5. My son found me unresponsive. By the time I reached hospital the A&E consultant told my family I may not make it. They were just about to intubate me and at the last second, with tube in my mouth, I made a groaning sound so they stopped. I ended up in ITU and then HDU before getting well enough to be looked after on a normal ward. So I wish with all my heart that someone would listen to our plight and let us protect ourselves at home. I don’t want to sit at home doing nothing, I still want to contribute and work from home but even giving all this information to my manager, my risk assessment failed. I also have high blood pressure and tachycardia along with gastroparesis which makes your digestion really slow so trying to synch insulin with food digestion is very difficult but Libre sensors have been a marvel to me. The government advise that anyone with diabetes, there is no difference between T1 and T2 that they know of so far, should work from home if you can work from home but I wish NHS Management would read that bit and show a bit of care to their staff. I have worked in the NHS for over 30 years and this is how you get treated when you need their help. They just don’t care. It depends which health authority you work in also because I know that all the non-clinical staff at other health authorities in Scotland have been sent home to work. They are supposed to be a caring profession. I really feel for the domestic who was writing earlier because one of our ward clerks had just went off with a cough, so it’s not just the doctors and nurses who are at risk, we all are. I thought their main aim was to stop vulnerable people taking up beds, well I think the NHS management missed that memo, we are vulnerable people and are being FORCED to come to work when we don’t need to as can easily work from home and are very likely to take up a bed. Do the math. Their latest excuse is there is a waiting list for IT to give remote access and the clinicians come first - thought most of them already had remote access and aren’t they the ones you need in the building and not at home. There should be as little staff as possible in the hospital to protect everyone. Rant over.

Hmmmmm. I work in the public sector too and my take is that it's not up to your Employer to decide whether you are medically at risk, THAT has already been decided! What they should be doing is deciding whether you are in a role where you actually can work from home (are you?). If the answer to that is yes (ie office type work or online consulting instead of face to face, etc) then you SHOULD be working from home. If they are saying no to that then get it in writing because it is putting you at risk. I went through a similar thing, 'oh, maybe we can get you an office away from everyone', erm,no , all I need is a laptop. Put it this way, I now have the laptop. x


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Hmmmmm. I work in the public sector too and my take is that it's not up to your Employer to decide whether you are medically at risk, THAT has already been decided! What they should be doing is deciding whether you are in a role where you actually can work from home (are you?). If the answer to that is yes (ie office type work or online consulting instead of face to face, etc) then you SHOULD be working from home. If they are saying no to that then get it in writing because it is putting you at risk. I went through a similar thing, 'oh, maybe we can get you an office away from everyone', erm,no , all I need is a laptop. Put it this way, I now have the laptop. x
Yes my job can be done from home but they have compiled a waiting list of people waiting to be set up with remote access and a laptop but I have my own laptop so believe I just need a dongle. I keep getting told the clinicians are a priority but all the clinicians were provided with laptops quite a number of years ago for this purpose but surely the clinicians and any other member of staff with underlying health conditions should be priority before anyone else. Please believe me when I say there aren’t many members of staff who are complying with the 2m distancing policy and that’s fine if they want to put themselves at risk but some people around them are vulnerable and not everyone has the personality to challenge their colleagues, let’s just say you would fall out with just about everyone from doctors, nurses, physios, domestics. I don’t think I’m asking for much but pushing it any further than I already have, my cards will be marked. Life is cheap it seems!! Thanks for your thoughtful reply as when I challenged the outcome of my risk assessment I was then called by a nurse who just left me feeling guilty and completely selfish about caring about my own life. She said I know you are anxious but we all are. Eh I thought this call was about me?!! As I keep saying the people at the top of the list are those who are most at risk of contracting the virus because their immunity is low and should be SHIELDING, but the rest of us in the second section are extremely vulnerable of developing a serious illness if they do contract the virus and Boris Johnson’s words were if you are the usual people who get the flu jab then you should be working from home or at home and that were HIS words so why are we having to personally fight our case with management who are purposefully misinterpreting the guidelines to suit them.


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I think T1's have been taken off the at risk group no?


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I think T1's have been taken off the at risk group no?
I don’t think anyone has changed groups. It’s just being misquoted left right and centre. Full details in my signature lists

3 groups.
Main population social distancing,
those vulnerable (diabetes, over 70 etc) being stringent about social distancing and
those at high risk (immune compromised, cancer etc) who should be 12 week shielding along with anyone identified by their drs by letter.


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Yes my job can be done from home but they have compiled a waiting list of people waiting to be set up with remote access and a laptop but I have my own laptop so believe I just need a dongle. I keep getting told the clinicians are a priority but all the clinicians were provided with laptops quite a number of years ago for this purpose but surely the clinicians and any other member of staff with underlying health conditions should be priority before anyone else. Please believe me when I say there aren’t many members of staff who are complying with the 2m distancing policy and that’s fine if they want to put themselves at risk but some people around them are vulnerable and not everyone has the personality to challenge their colleagues, let’s just say you would fall out with just about everyone from doctors, nurses, physios, domestics. I don’t think I’m asking for much but pushing it any further than I already have, my cards will be marked. Life is cheap it seems!! Thanks for your thoughtful reply as when I challenged the outcome of my risk assessment I was then called by a nurse who just left me feeling guilty and completely selfish about caring about my own life. She said I know you are anxious but we all are. Eh I thought this call was about me?!! As I keep saying the people at the top of the list are those who are most at risk of contracting the virus because their immunity is low and should be SHIELDING, but the rest of us in the second section are extremely vulnerable of developing a serious illness if they do contract the virus and Boris Johnson’s words were if you are the usual people who get the flu jab then you should be working from home or at home and that were HIS words so why are we having to personally fight our case with management who are purposefully misinterpreting the guidelines to suit them.

They are very wrong, please make sure you get their 'assessment' in writing citing their reason for not following the govt advice and more importantly for not enabling you to follow it. If you haven't already, read your works internal policy if they've done one, I happened to read mine and once it had spoken about those shielding, it said 'all those in the vulnerable group are to work from home immediately and if not possible, they must go onto special leave'....that's the Police. x


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I’m a civil servant and we were told 3 weeks ago to work from home and nobody is allowed into the building except to pick up office chairs, keyboards and monitors. We were all given laptops about 6 months as they removed the CPUs.


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I’m a civil servant and we were told 3 weeks ago to work from home and nobody is allowed into the building except to pick up office chairs, keyboards and monitors. We were all given laptops about 6 months as they removed the CPUs.[/QUOTE] I don't understand this?


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Maybe she meant desktop computers were replaced with laptops?


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So why were the CPU's removed from I presume the old desktops?
Ok I'm guessing you mean the computers were removed and maybe the hard drives were removed from the computers before they were binned or sold.
I don't think the CPU's were removed but it isn't important I was just curious.


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CPU - central processing unit. @Mr_Pot is correct - we all work from laptops now.
To the technical pedant such as myself the the Central Processing Unit (nowadays integrated into the microprocessor chip) is a small but vital part of any computer be it desktop or laptop. I could understand @JTL 's confusion when you said the CPUs had been taken out as no computer could function without one . If the main part of a PC is colloquially known as a CPU then that is technically incorrect.


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Shielding is for 12 weeks, is for the extremely vulnerable, if your in this group, you should have received a letter, people in this group include persons with cancer, severe asthma etc. you should have little or no contact with anyone or leave the house even for exercise or shopping
Self isolation is if you have any signs of Covid 19
Social distancing is for everyone. Who are fit and well. As a diabetic you should be strict with social distancing
Hope this helps a little. And this is what I understand all the terms to mean. ( I’ve got to shield for 12 weeks and it’s duff but not forever)
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To the technical pedant such as myself the the Central Processing Unit (nowadays integrated into the microprocessor chip) is a small but vital part of any computer be it desktop or laptop. I could understand @JTL 's confusion when you said the CPUs had been taken out as no computer could function without one . If the main part of a PC is colloquially known as a CPU then that is technically incorrect.
Technology never was my strong point:(:(


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Litterbugs war mongers hate mongers propagandists.
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They are very wrong, please make sure you get their 'assessment' in writing citing their reason for not following the govt advice and more importantly for not enabling you to follow it. If you haven't already, read your works internal policy if they've done one, I happened to read mine and once it had spoken about those shielding, it said 'all those in the vulnerable group are to work from home immediately and if not possible, they must go onto special leave'....that's the Police. x
Thanks again for agreeing with me and your helpful advice. The NHS policy across the board is that ANYONE, not just those who are vulnerable, who can work from home should be working from home so I’m flummoxed why they are not heeding their own policy. Again their excuse is there is a waiting list to be given remote access by IT. By the time they get to us, this will all be over - that’s the norm in the NHS though and you can tell by the amount of doctors and nurses etc complaining about the lack of PPE and who want to remain anonymous, what kind of environment we are working in!! No one feels safe to complain.

Thank you again, it is very much appreciated.