COVID 2019 Comorbidity with Diabetes


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I was more referring to his hysterical "modelling" than his bedroom antics..
Yes, we’re at 60,000 excess deaths from only 7% of the population having had it so far (and no overwhelmed NHS) given our quasi lockdown.

His model of 500,000 deaths from 80% of the population getting it (and overwhelming NHS critical care beds) with no lockdown does now look a little light, I agree.

Hopefully we get track and trace working, therapeutics are found, even a vaccine, and we keep deaths into the low hundreds of thousands from here.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
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Diet only
we keep deaths into the low hundreds of thousands from here.

I think you'll find that most of the people at extreme danger of death have died.

I'll be watching the death stats from the ONS closely for the rest of the year to see if overall deaths go down after this.
Sending the elderly and infirm back to care homes from hospital caused a lot of the "excess" deaths.
The fudging of death certs to show COVID as a cause is a national disgrace and will taint the stats for years to come.
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Yes, we’re at 60,000 excess deaths from only 7% of the population having had it so far (and no overwhelmed NHS) given our quasi lockdown.

His model of 500,000 deaths from 80% of the population getting it (and overwhelming NHS critical care beds) with no lockdown does now look a little light, I agree.

Hopefully we get track and trace working, therapeutics are found, even a vaccine, and we keep deaths into the low hundreds of thousands from here.
It seems that the notion that 80% of the population will get it was over-cautious.


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I think you'll find that most of the people at extreme danger of death have died.
Those who have not caught the virus because they have been shielding, isolating or just lucky are still at the same high risk of dying as they were before.


Type of diabetes
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Diet only
Those who have not caught the virus because they have been shielding, isolating or just lucky are still at the same high risk of dying as they were before.

Not really as the number of those who are infectious is reducing daily so less chance of getting it wouldn't you say?


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Not really as the number of those who are infectious is reducing daily so less chance of getting it wouldn't you say?
Maybe less chance of getting it but still at the same risk if they do. About 12,000 have died in care homes in the UK but that leaves another 400,000 or so in care homes who could still be at risk.


Well I suppose when scientists have to be a mouthpiece of politicians they have a muzzle or are muzzled because they are paid servants.
They should stipulate their independence in their contracts.
There is one notable exception who my wife and I have a lot of respect for.
Professor van tam, I would describe him as, a Daniel in the yes mens den.
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Maybe less chance of getting it but still at the same risk if they do. About 12,000 have died in care homes in the UK but that leaves another 400,000 or so in care homes who could still be at risk.

Although I'd be far more interested in the number who have been infected and not died.. woudln't you?


Retired Moderator
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Although I'd be far more interested in the number who have been infected and not died.. woudln't you?

I’m interested in all the numbers - especially the ones before people grab them and then lay interpretation after interpretation on them just to further their own agenda - and it will be years before the mists clear on the real numbers, if they ever do.

I’m particularly concerned about countries like India, Brazil and Chile.


I am also concerned about the UK, it certainly seems that the way things are being relaxed and the amount of virus there is in our country, the virus will take off again.
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I find it interesting (and perhaps not surprising) this new drug which helps people fight the disease is an anti-inflammatory. For me, it underscores the importance of reducing inflammation as much as possible through diet. (At the moment I am trying to be more ruthless about seed oils :D)
It only helps those on ventilators though.. maybe implying that putting COVID patients on ventilators might not be either beneficial or necessary...


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It only helps those on ventilators though.. maybe implying that putting COVID patients on ventilators might not be either beneficial or necessary...

From the article; "It's only suitable for people who are already in hospital and receiving oxygen or mechanical ventilation - the most unwell." I read that to be basically the drug helps those most unwell (ventilation not being a factor, just something they are on because they are so unwell). It doesn't really make it clear though if it helps those which are-kinda-unwell-but-not-enough-for-a-ventilator :) It would be interesting to know.


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From the article; "It's only suitable for people who are already in hospital and receiving oxygen or mechanical ventilation - the most unwell." I read that to be basically the drug helps those most unwell (ventilation not being a factor, just something they are on because they are so unwell). It doesn't really make it clear though if it helps those which are-kinda-unwell-but-not-enough-for-a-ventilator :) It would be interesting to know.
The article says....
According to the scientists who carried out the trials, one in three deaths could be prevented among patients on ventilators.
For patients on oxygen, it could prevent one death in five.
There was no significant benefit for patients who were not receiving respiratory support.


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It does seem as though 'scientists' are starting to break ranks with the politicians. Read somewhere that the scientific community is anxious that the general public might start to view science itself as hocus pocus.

The daily press conferences of the UK government are a disgrace

Richard Horton, editor-in-chief of The Lancet, ... “It’s a betrayal of science,” he says. “It’s a betrayal of science’s responsibility to the public. It’s actually an abuse of power.” He is incensed by the two scientists standing like altar boys and girls either side of the hapless minister du jour. “They’re supposed to be giving independent advice to the government. But they don’t give independent advice.
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Type of diabetes
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Diet only
I actually find it pretty funny that Richard Horton is pontificating about "betrayals of science" given the Lancet's track record over the past few years :D
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If Dex will stop in future 5000 out 40,000 plus deaths, its a good finding and also swift action on a well conducted trial.

Yes, the daily briefings are a joke.
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