We love our four-legged friends


The Netherlands
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I reversed my Type 2
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Diet only
I will!
Vet visit was yesterday but a rethink will be in order tomorrow.
Not tonight anymore, I posted a question on it on a large facebook group and the amount of manure which has been dumped on me is unbelievable.
So tomorrow is soon enough. Sleep well!
Other forums don't compare to this place. (The last time I asked about dietary stuff in a FB setting I was promptly "diagnosed" as bipolar, and got similar manure dumping. Wait, whut!? I was asking about food!!!). All in all, you know your cat best. The break looks horrible and if he won't take it easy, I kinda think 6 weeks of painkillers and wait-and-see are a waste of time and money. I don't understand why a splint was out of the question, complication-wise, but they must have their reasons? If he keeps jumping on tables and such though... I'd chop it off. Considerably cheaper than getting hardware put in there, and he'd be up and running again in no time at all, able to just be his jumping-on-everything self. (I watch a lot of vet shows and often wonder why they're doing 4.000 pound operations when it can be fixed cheaper and with rather short recovery time. A bum leg that needs physical therapy, or no hinderance at all and just a few weeks of recuperation? But then... I am wired all-or-nothing, and anything I say should be taken with a grain of salt).

In any case... I hope you'll both get through this stressfull time okay!
Jo, who's off to the vet too this afternoon, because Charlie's got something going on in his mouth. (Blood in his saliva)


Retired Moderator
Friesland (the Netherlands)
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Oh man that looks bad. I bet whatever happens he will indeed hunt another day! What delicate bones cats have! I am envisioning a teeny tiny surgery to pin the bone, or internally splint it or something ingenious.
Your FB group should be ashamed of themselves....
Problem with the teeny tiny surgery is that it will have anything but a teeny tiny price tag. And it's not guaranteed it will work, especially with a cat which can't be locked in a crate for weeks...
Good thing I had braced myself before posting on the fb group. I knew what would be coming but I still wanted to hear other peoples experiences with either amputation or letting it heal by itself. Good thing there were some very nice reactions as well :)
And extra double points for me for managing to stay as polite as I am on here, regardless of what horrible things people told me :angelic::smug:

I like your thinking @JoKalsbeek , and I agree. But after consulting my vet again I decided to see how he reacts to being locked in the spare room and do some waiting and seeing until after the weekend. She gives the leg a good chance of regaining enough function to be of more benefit than no leg. So if Maartje seems to be doing okayish in the spare room on pain medication we will wait, if he seems utterly unhappy the leg can go next week.

But first I'll have to wait until he shows himself again, I can't find his sleeping spot.


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Diet only
okra. Cigarette smoke, old, new, and permeating a room, wafting from a balcony, etc etc. That I have so many chronic diseases. That I take so very many meds. Being cold. Anything too loud, but specifically non-classical music and the television.
@Antje77 I should have said, my vision of that surgery was nothing but a vision, not a suggestion for reality; I'm very sorry if it was one of the horrible things! The spare room option sounds very worth a try. It's good your vet is giving him a good chance; makes the spare room more worth the weekend. In any event, it's good he's sleeping!


Retired Moderator
Friesland (the Netherlands)
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@Antje77 I should have said, my vision of that surgery was nothing but a vision, not a suggestion for reality; I'm very sorry if it was one of the horrible things!
Definitely not one of the horrible things, in fact a good suggestion :)
Horrible things were things like 'all your animals should be taken away from you and you should never be allowed to own an animal ever again because you choose not to do the operation', 'who's in for a trip to Antjes house and we'll rescue the cat and give it the life it deserves', 'you are such a nasty mean person, I can't believe it, they should break your leg and deny you treatment', stuff like that.
Don't you love the internet!


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Diet only
okra. Cigarette smoke, old, new, and permeating a room, wafting from a balcony, etc etc. That I have so many chronic diseases. That I take so very many meds. Being cold. Anything too loud, but specifically non-classical music and the television.
Definitely not one of the horrible things, in fact a good suggestion :)
Horrible things were things like 'all your animals should be taken away from you and you should never be allowed to own an animal ever again because you choose not to do the operation', 'who's in for a trip to Antjes house and we'll rescue the cat and give it the life it deserves', 'you are such a nasty mean person, I can't believe it, they should break your leg and deny you treatment', stuff like that.
Don't you love the internet!

Ohmigosh Antje that is beyond the pale, but I know it's very common, and it's why I don't do social media. I am on FB in that I have an account and a few actual mostly IRL friends. I belong to two whole groups-- my church's covid-coping one and my "Mount Anthony Union High School Class of 1970" one, neither of which I visit. Fora like this one are my addiction lol.
Thank you for setting my heart at rest! I definitely could not keep either of my now-cats in a crate for 6 hours, much less 6 weeks! They would not be able to even stand up after that amount of time confined so closely.


The Netherlands
Type of diabetes
I reversed my Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Definitely not one of the horrible things, in fact a good suggestion :)
Horrible things were things like 'all your animals should be taken away from you and you should never be allowed to own an animal ever again because you choose not to do the operation', 'who's in for a trip to Antjes house and we'll rescue the cat and give it the life it deserves', 'you are such a nasty mean person, I can't believe it, they should break your leg and deny you treatment', stuff like that.
Don't you love the internet!
.....They.... Said... WHAT?! Really.... The nerve of some people. You love your animals to bits! What utter @#$%^&*()_(*&^%$$%^&*!!!!
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Friesland (the Netherlands)
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.....They.... Said... WHAT?! Really.... The nerve of some people. You love your animals to bits! What utter @#$%^&*()_(*&^%$$%^&*!!!!
Yes, they did, and not just one or two of them. I wasn't going to repeat any of it, but I wanted to make very sure @zauberflote knew I wasn't just being nice to her! Zauberflote, your vision was just perfect, because in your vision I'm sure there weren't problems with healing due to the cat jumping or biting his stitches, and there wasn't 4 weeks of confinement after the operation, nor the dreaded cone of shame :)

The group I posted it in is a very large group, with mostly nice and friendly people. It's just animal suffering and racism which gets very strong reactions, and are acted on by mods quickly. I chose to interpret even the worst reactions as being given out of love for animals, and people being frustrated when they hear of a suffering animal without being able to do something. It's only human nature to want to point out the guilty party, even if the guilt is very much debatable.

I did however turn off the reply function this morning, 287 comments plus a multiple of that amount in likes, hearts or angry faces is quite enough, especially as I fear at least 200 of those comments were less then friendly.

Makes me realise how happy I am with the strong rules and moderation of this forum, even if it's annoying or seems over the top sometimes!

Pretty sure the mods on the Fb group only left the thread because I stayed polite and thanked members for all reactions, even the ugly ones, as they were given out of concern for my cat. My backspace key looks remarkably clean though, after all the deleting of sharp answers before hitting 'post reply' :D

More importantly, I've put Maartje in the spare room, he's eating well and seems to make himself comfortable on the bed. Purrs and gives cat kisses when being petted, so my hopes on healing to an acceptable level are up!
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Diet only
okra. Cigarette smoke, old, new, and permeating a room, wafting from a balcony, etc etc. That I have so many chronic diseases. That I take so very many meds. Being cold. Anything too loud, but specifically non-classical music and the television.
@Antje77 yes, that was why it was a vision! I knew it could cost as much as one of my hips, but I magicked the cage away, and completely forgot about the cone of "I'm not wearing this nosirree ma'am not no way in heJJ am I wearing this!!!" SO glad Maartje is doing well! Those are signs that he is happy, to me.


The Netherlands
Type of diabetes
I reversed my Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Yes, they did, and not just one or two of them. I wasn't going to repeat any of it, but I wanted to make very sure @zauberflote knew I wasn't just being nice to her! Zauberflote, your vision was just perfect, because in your vision I'm sure there weren't problems with healing due to the cat jumping or biting his stitches, and there wasn't 4 weeks of confinement after the operation, nor the dreaded cone of shame :)

The group I posted it in is a very large group, with mostly nice and friendly people. It's just animal suffering and racism which gets very strong reactions, and are acted on by mods quickly. I chose to interpret even the worst reactions as being given out of love for animals, and people being frustrated when they hear of a suffering animal without being able to do something. It's only human nature to want to point out the guilty party, even if the guilt is very much debatable.

I did however turn off the reply function this morning, 287 comments plus a multiple of that amount in likes, hearts or angry faces is quite enough, especially as I fear at least 200 of those comments were less then friendly.

Makes me realise how happy I am with the strong rules and moderation of this forum, even if it's annoying or seems over the top sometimes!

Pretty sure the mods on the Fb group only left the thread because I stayed polite and thanked members for all reactions, even the ugly ones, as they were given out of concern for my cat. My backspace key looks remarkably clean though, after all the deleting of sharp answers before hitting 'post reply' :D

More importantly, I've put Maartje in the spare room, he's eating well and seems to make himself comfortable on the bed. Purrs and gives cat kisses when being petted, so my hopes on healing to an acceptable level are up!
This is indeed a good, safe place. And you are a saint for remaining polite. I have no idea how you managed that. None. *hugs* <-- feel free to share those with Maartje
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Retired Moderator
Friesland (the Netherlands)
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Thanks, both of you!
Wish your vision was true, and I think this is exactly the vision many of those angry people had, and thought I didn't want to give my cat! It's only I like the way you worded it way better, @zauberflote :happy:
And yes, I'll share your hugs (very careful hugs!) with Maartje, @JoKalsbeek !
I like the saint thing, but I'm afraid it was more a case of getting what I needed. Same as dealing with a ******* of a HCP: as long as you need something from them you stay polite. In this case what I needed was shared experiences or good advice, if I had let myself be drawn into a useless fight, the thread would've been rightly closed or deleted for nasty bickering.
Besides, trying to tell myself all the nastiness aimed at me came from caring hearts made it somewhat easier to digest :hilarious:.
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Retired Moderator
Friesland (the Netherlands)
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Finally, a good picture of Maartje in the room which will be his hospital for at least 5 weeks.
He hates being locked in and wants out, poor cat.



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Diet only
okra. Cigarette smoke, old, new, and permeating a room, wafting from a balcony, etc etc. That I have so many chronic diseases. That I take so very many meds. Being cold. Anything too loud, but specifically non-classical music and the television.
What a wise and elegant (and blindingly white-furred!) creature! That face!!


Retired Moderator
Friesland (the Netherlands)
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What a wise and elegant (and blindingly white-furred!) creature! That face!!
Not sure how to connect wise and elegant to being foolish and clumsy enough to break a leg, but he sure is a pretty cat, and yes, I love the look on his face as well!
This was my little cat gizmo had her for 20 years
Twenty years, that's wonderful! And what a handsome cat too!
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Not sure how to connect wise and elegant to being foolish and clumsy enough to break a leg, but he sure is a pretty cat, and yes, I love the look on his face as well!

Twenty years, that's wonderful! And what a handsome cat too!
thanks antje77,she was a real character think she thought she was a dog at times :happy:


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Diet only
okra. Cigarette smoke, old, new, and permeating a room, wafting from a balcony, etc etc. That I have so many chronic diseases. That I take so very many meds. Being cold. Anything too loud, but specifically non-classical music and the television.

Teehee this was my Jenny. "What's wrong with this picture?" We called it a "Full Jenny".
The first time we saw her do this, her head was touching her toes. I thought she was dead!


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Diet only
okra. Cigarette smoke, old, new, and permeating a room, wafting from a balcony, etc etc. That I have so many chronic diseases. That I take so very many meds. Being cold. Anything too loud, but specifically non-classical music and the television.
@Chook. The signs of a constipated cat can be very clear when said cat has been doing this for 7-8 years, half his lifetime. It begins with crying at the litter box while straining in the poop position, walking from spot to spot out in the yard doing same, vomiting more than ordinary, throwing up a whole meal, eating poorly followed by eating not at all, then lethargy and apathy and obvious misery.
For our cat, it also involves butt-wiping on any and all surfaces, of what little he may have expelled, passing liquid around the rock hard impaction-- which results in little gooey smelly prints on the floor every time he sits down.
It's been a long journey for this poor beast. Unless he resolved it overnight, I will try for the vet today. I will request/insist on sedation, as the last time they sedated him, he relaxed and gushed, and she was able to manually remove enough that he didn't need an enema.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
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Tablets (oral)
People who think they know everything.
@Chook. The signs of a constipated cat can be very clear when said cat has been doing this for 7-8 years, half his lifetime. It begins with crying at the litter box while straining in the poop position, walking from spot to spot out in the yard doing same, vomiting more than ordinary, throwing up a whole meal, eating poorly followed by eating not at all, then lethargy and apathy and obvious misery.
For our cat, it also involves butt-wiping on any and all surfaces, of what little he may have expelled, passing liquid around the rock hard impaction-- which results in little gooey smelly prints on the floor every time he sits down.
It's been a long journey for this poor beast. Unless he resolved it overnight, I will try for the vet today. I will request/insist on sedation, as the last time they sedated him, he relaxed and gushed, and she was able to manually remove enough that he didn't need an enema.

OMG - poor cat and poor you!
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