Type 2 or Lada, really confused, need help!



I spotted so many people here being experts in Lada and thought this is the right place to share my concerns.

Breakdown of my situation:
At diagnosis (June 2020): I went for just a check up, I had no symptoms (no thirst, no frequent urination, nothing suspecting any diabetes).
Age : 37
BMI : 22
Hba1c: 8.8%
Fasting BS: 10.5
C peptide: 1.68 ng/ml (normal lab range 0.01 - 40)
Gad65: Negative
Very strong family history of type 2 diabetes from both mother and father and sister.
No autoimmune diseases for myself neither in the family.
Urine: no ketones, presence of glucose
Ultrasound in abdomen showed moderate fatty deposits on liver, high visceral fat. I had a belly.
My diet was high carb, especially breads, fruits juices, pasta etc.
Blood pressure: 137/90 (slightly high)
Triglycerides: 180 mg/dl (high)
LDL Cholesterol: 170 mg/dl (high)

Doctor diagnosis: Type 2 diabetes - immediately put on metformin and statins for cholesterol.

I only used the meds for 10 days, immediately switched to a low carb version of a Mediterranean diet with healthy fish and fats (olive oil, nuts, seeds) and lot of walking and excercice.

After 2 weeks, fasting BS started to fall, and remained consistently under 5.5.
Postprandial rarely reached 7.5.

May 2021, new tests:
Lost 7 kg through low carb diet since last summer.
Hba1c: 5.3 (non diabetic range)
Triglycerides: 82 (normal)
LDL cholesterol: 123 mg/dl
HDL: 69 mg/dl
Total Cholesterol: 201 mg/dl
BP: normal since months.

Ps: all this with no meds and no insulin.

But here is my confusion:
Since a month, I'm on intermittant fasting (from 1 am to sunset), I started to see morning blood sugar (around 10 am) when I wake up, around 6 - 6.5. But after 12 pm, it goes down to under 5.5 until almost 5 by sunset. But post prandial never over 6.
When I went for testing, 3 days ago, I was tired because of side effects of second dose covid vaccine that kept me in bed for 1 day, the next day I went to my appointment for this blood test.
Honestly, whenever I go to the doctor, I get super stressed and anxious. My BP creeped up to 150/90. My heartbeat over 130/min.
So as you could see, the doctor was amazed by my results. But my fasting BS came high at 8.3. He told me that it is not relevant to your overall results, it is high most likely because of your high level of anxiety and stress.
When I went back home, it started to fall gradually.
Since 2 or 3 days of these last blood tests, my morning fasting blood sugar are around 7.2 that gradually starts to fall. My postprandial at night never exceeds 6.8.

My question is:
Are these new high morning readings due to stress and intermittant fasting or end of honeymoon period of Lada? Even though I'm negative Gad65, strong family history of type 2 and have no autoimmune diseases?

Thank you so much once again and sorry for this long text!
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Well-Known Member
Hi I was only pre diabetic when diagnosed have had normal hba1c's ever since low carbing but my fasting is sometimes pre diabetic. If I don't eat breakfast it definitely goes up so I'd put it down to the fasting in the morning,


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
The covid jab has caused higher blood sugars for some diabetics (both T1 and T2), so it could be that and also stress can easily raise blood sugar
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Hi I was only pre diabetic when diagnosed have had normal hba1c's ever since low carbing but my fasting is sometimes pre diabetic. If I don't eat breakfast it definitely goes up so I'd put it down to the fasting in the morning,

That's what happens to me since the start. I would wake up in the morning, test and find a nice under 5.3. If I skip breakfast or just walk around the block before eating, it jumps to 6.5 immediately!


The covid jab has caused higher blood sugars for some diabetics (both T1 and T2), so it could be that and also stress can easily raise blood sugar

Yeah, that's what I'm expecting too. If it was Lada, Hba1c should've been higher.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
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Diet only
Cauliflower pretending to be rice and any vegetable pretending to be pasta
Hi @Amine83

Stress can certainly impact BG levels. But it would seem the biggest change since those great levels you have achieved is the intermittent fasting. I would give the fasting a miss and see if that has been a factor. You can always return to it if it does not improve your BG levels.


Hi @Amine83

Stress can certainly impact BG levels. But it would seem the biggest change since those great levels you have achieved is the intermittent fasting. I would give the fasting a miss and see if that has been a factor. You can always return to it if it does not improve your BG levels.

Hi Muzza3,

Thank you so much for your input.
I actually started trying intermittant fasting only about 20 days ago. My improved numbers were due to low carb diet. But I just realized that with intermittant fasting, my morning BS are higher than I used to then starts to drop during afternoon to be around 5 before breaking the fast.
But since being in the stressful situation I already mentioned, I realized that this pattern (high morning BS) is taking much more time to drop. It stays between 6.5 and 7 for a longer time before breaking the fast. But at night, my postprandial is somewhat normal (rarely above 7, like my usual readings).



Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type

I spotted so many people here being experts in Lada and thought this is the right place to share my concerns.

Breakdown of my situation:
At diagnosis (June 2020): I went for just a check up, I had no symptoms (no thirst, no frequent urination, nothing suspecting any diabetes).
Age : 37
BMI : 22
Hba1c: 8.8%
Fasting BS: 10.5
C peptide: 1.68 ng/ml (normal lab range 0.01 - 40)
Gad65: Negative
Very strong family history of type 2 diabetes from both mother and father and sister.
No autoimmune diseases for myself neither in the family.
Urine: no ketones, presence of glucose
Ultrasound in abdomen showed moderate fatty deposits on liver, high visceral fat. I had a belly.
My diet was high carb, especially breads, fruits juices, pasta etc.
Blood pressure: 137/90 (slightly high)
Triglycerides: 180 mg/dl (high)
LDL Cholesterol: 170 mg/dl (high)

Doctor diagnosis: Type 2 diabetes - immediately put on metformin and statins for cholesterol.

I only used the meds for 10 days, immediately switched to a low carb version of a Mediterranean diet with healthy fish and fats (olive oil, nuts, seeds) and lot of walking and excercice.

After 2 weeks, fasting BS started to fall, and remained consistently under 5.5.
Postprandial rarely reached 7.5.

May 2021, new tests:
Lost 7 kg through low carb diet since last summer.
Hba1c: 5.3 (non diabetic range)
Triglycerides: 82 (normal)
LDL cholesterol: 123 mg/dl
HDL: 69 mg/dl
Total Cholesterol: 201 mg/dl
BP: normal since months.

Ps: all this with no meds and no insulin.

But here is my confusion:
Since a month, I'm on intermittant fasting (from 1 am to sunset), I started to see morning blood sugar (around 10 am) when I wake up, around 6 - 6.5. But after 12 pm, it goes down to under 5.5 until almost 5 by sunset. But post prandial never over 6.
When I went for testing, 3 days ago, I was tired because of side effects of second dose covid vaccine that kept me in bed for 1 day, the next day I went to my appointment for this blood test.
Honestly, whenever I go to the doctor, I get super stressed and anxious. My BP creeped up to 150/90. My heartbeat over 130/min.
So as you could see, the doctor was amazed by my results. But my fasting BS came high at 8.3. He told me that it is not relevant to your overall results, it is high most likely because of your high level of anxiety and stress.
When I went back home, it started to fall gradually.
Since 2 or 3 days of these last blood tests, my morning fasting blood sugar are around 7.2 that gradually starts to fall. My postprandial at night never exceeds 6.8.

My question is:
Are these new high morning readings due to stress and intermittant fasting or end of honeymoon period of Lada? Even though I'm negative Gad65, strong family history of type 2 and have no autoimmune diseases?

Thank you so much once again and sorry for this long text!
A normal C-peptide range is 0.5 to 2.0 nanograms per milliliter. You were at the higher end of normal at 1.68 ng/ml (rather than the LADA below normal levels).


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
I eat every 12 hours as my numbers are lower now than when eating lunch and dinner.



I spotted so many people here being experts in Lada and thought this is the right place to share my concerns.

You are doing fine, my friend. I think it is normal type 2. I have been suffering from type 2 for more than 35 years.
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Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
I’m seeing type 2 information. The changes in fasting readings are likely explained by fasting itself and maybe the vaccination and most definitely by stress. Nothing suggests LADA at this point to me.

Your liver dumps glucose when fasting (to prevent starvation and normal). The question to ask yourself is it dumping excess glucose you’re better off not storing ie a good thing, or is it creating glucose via gluconeogenisis in which case it might be less helpful over all.