Finally started on metformin


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I was at Hb1AC 48, then 47, then 57, then 65, and then I had it done again, and they didn't tell me the number, but said I have to start on metformin. I will try to get the number, but it often seems that your medical records are regarded as nothing to do with you. You have to keep on asking to get the information. My first metformin was today. The nurse wants me to make an telephone appointment to learn all about diabetes - I'm dreading being given very generic information that falls into the category of general knowledge. I don't want someone to talk down to me on this subject. When I went for the last blood test, the nurse wanted a full rundown of what I eat, and told me to ditch the full-fat yoghurts and eat low-fat yoghurts instead. I tried to explain that low-fat yoghurts substitute fat for carbohydrates, but she refused to accept that, and stated that low-fat yoghurts are low in sugar too. So I had to just let her say what she felt like saying, without interrupting her. I don't like the way diabetes is a subject that every lay person has a view on, although they generally know nothing about it...


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I think it is the regular metformin. There is no mention of extended-release on the box. I've been told take one tablet with breakfast for a week, and then one at breakfast and one at dinner for a week, and thereafter two at breakfast and two at dinner-time.


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I'm afraid your nurse has been brainwashed with the incorrect PHE mantra about fats being bad for you. You are right so just keep on doing what you are doing and I would politely ignore the nurses advice about yoghurts.

Deleted member 475901

Apart from full fat yogurt (and is that plain or flavoured with sugar?) what do you usually eat?


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Totally concur with you regarding yogurt lol. My nurse pulled out a bible on food and I had to patiently listen to generic info. At the end of the mantra I asked her if she was a qualified dietician - nope. Nuff said !

Like you I was offered Metformin. I declined it because it was contraindicated in my case. I had done my research whereas the nurse hadn’t.

Deffo do your research thoroughly, challenge your practitioner, get second opinions, take a view.


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exercise, phone calls
@Languagelearner I see you are T2 and have been diet controlled. - Do you have a Blood Glucose Meter , and do you 'eat to it'?
If so then an HbA1C of65 or more means that Low Carb Way Of Eating isn't enough and you need medication (or you are really a Type 1/LADA ).

If you don't have a BG meter, but can afford one, then you have been denying yourself your best shot at T2 remission.


Well-Known Member
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Apart from full fat yogurt (and is that plain or flavoured with sugar?) what do you usually eat?
I've started buying a leg of lamb each week, and then snacking on that throughout the week. I don't really like zero carbs, so I have yoghurts (full fat), peanuts, cheese, drink plenty of cherry juice.

It's not like I'm eating proper meals. I don't sit down to meat and veg. Because of the carb restriction, it's difficult to eat a proper meal. I might have beef slices one meal and then snack on some cheese and then have some lamb. And then have some yoghurts later on. I'm definitely not having an haute-cuisine experience.


Well-Known Member
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Diet only
@Languagelearner I see you are T2 and have been diet controlled. - Do you have a Blood Glucose Meter , and do you 'eat to it'?
If so then an HbA1C of65 or more means that Low Carb Way Of Eating isn't enough and you need medication (or you are really a Type 1/LADA ).

If you don't have a BG meter, but can afford one, then you have been denying yourself your best shot at T2 remission.
I've got a blood glucose monitor, but have only used it twice. I figured that if I limited carbs, what do I need to measure my blood sugar for?
As far as diabetes like symptoms, I can fall a sleep in the afternoon, and had a long problem with my legs, which became very itchy all the way up the knee - itchy enough to draw blood. But if I stick to eating meat, it goes away.


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I'm thinking metformin may make me drink less - as diabetes is associated with greater thirst. I had less to drink today than normal.


Staff Member
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exercise, phone calls
I've got a blood glucose monitor, but have only used it twice. I figured that if I limited carbs, what do I need to measure my blood sugar for?
As far as diabetes like symptoms, I can fall a sleep in the afternoon, and had a long problem with my legs, which became very itchy all the way up the knee - itchy enough to draw blood. But if I stick to eating meat, it goes away.

Without initially testing to find which meals are OK for you and then periodic testing to check you are maintaining low Blood Glucose, then how do you know your version of 'Low Carb' is low enough.

Until I tested there was no way I could have known that peas, apples, carrots were all too high in carbs for me!
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Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
drink plenty of cherry juice
Check the carbs in that. Its easy to drink a large amount and the carbs go up correspondingly, e.g a 250ml serving has 2.5 times the carbs per 100ml. Soon adds up
And yes meals can look different than the full carb diet. I often lunch on just meat and/or cheese but make sure I have enough to be satisfied until the next meal. Snacking can mean you re having more carbs than if you ate the same foods at meal helps if we can triangles our bodies to wait until meal times as it burns more bg that way
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