
My husband has recently been diagnosed with type 2 Diabetes.

The doctor has said the carbs that he is eating are making his sugar levels drop very quickly which is giving him very low blood sugars particularly after morning breakfast and before lunch.

But I'm having trouble with what to give him for breakfast and what is a lower carb options to give him as the main problem with his bloods are mid morning.

He is under a specialist as his diabetes isn't what they class as normal.
He had to have fasting blood tests done over a period of 8hours in hospital. They have given him the medication metformin and Acarbose.

Can anybody help me please as I'm really struggling with ideas, as the Specialist has said I must give low carb, low GI and good fats foods but I have no clue where to start or what to look for.

Thank You


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
The term “new normal “
This is what I eat most mornings, two eggs, salmon and kimchi. Lot’s of nutrients , especially in the eggs, omega 3s in the salmon, kimchi for gut health. Sometimes I also eat a few almonds.

I eat this roughly 2-3 hours before I go to the gym.


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
I am not familiar with Acarbose, but it would be a very odd type two who has a problem with low blood sugars.
We can get false hypos when we are used to high blood glucose levels and they begin to fall due to eating fewer carbs, but true hypos are surely down to medication.
There is the condition called reactive hypoglycaemia, where carbs result in a sudden fall in blood glucose due to the mismatch in timing and output from the pancreas - maybe that is the actual problem?
We can't give a diagnosis - but when symptoms don't add up we are left rather puzzled as to what to advise.
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Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
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Diet only
Eggs (scrambled/poached/fried), bacon, chipolatas (or sausages without extra carbs added), fried mushrooms, avacado.

Small handful berries with full fat greek yoghurt.

Steak and eggs.
Salmon and hollandaise.
Smoked kippers.
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Trevor vP

Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
My husband has recently been diagnosed with type 2 Diabetes.

The doctor has said the carbs that he is eating are making his sugar levels drop very quickly which is giving him very low blood sugars particularly after morning breakfast and before lunch.

But I'm having trouble with what to give him for breakfast and what is a lower carb options to give him as the main problem with his bloods are mid morning.

He is under a specialist as his diabetes isn't what they class as normal.
He had to have fasting blood tests done over a period of 8hours in hospital. They have given him the medication metformin and Acarbose.

Can anybody help me please as I'm really struggling with ideas, as the Specialist has said I must give low carb, low GI and good fats foods but I have no clue where to start or what to look for.

Thank You

Plain Greek Yoghurt, Omega 4 seeds, nuts , Chia seeds a little milk and some fruit a little ( calc the Carbs raspberries blue berries) and heat in sauce pan. I have completed 3 half Ironmans starting with this breakfast .

For fun mornings Protein Pancake - 10 mins
For 2 People
3 X Eggs
3 x Table spoons oil or butter
1 x Heap table spoon coconut flour (17Grams)
42 Grams pure whey protein powder ( I find pink sun on Amazon the best 2 scoops)
1 x Teaspoon Baking powder
1 x Banana
Mix together and cook in hot pan a few mins each side... Can be eaten with Butter/Cream etc and maybe some Raspberries


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
The term “new normal “
Plain Greek Yoghurt, Omega 4 seeds, nuts , Chia seeds a little milk and some fruit a little ( calc the Carbs raspberries blue berries) and heat in sauce pan. I have completed 3 half Ironmans starting with this breakfast .

For fun mornings Protein Pancake - 10 mins
For 2 People
3 X Eggs
3 x Table spoons oil or butter
1 x Heap table spoon coconut flour (17Grams)
42 Grams pure whey protein powder ( I find pink sun on Amazon the best 2 scoops)
1 x Teaspoon Baking powder
1 x Banana
Mix together and cook in hot pan a few mins each side... Can be eaten with Butter/Cream etc and maybe some Raspberries
I wouldn’t really recommend this to a new T2, especially with the banana and coconut flour. That’s more than my daily carb intake.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 1.5
Treatment type
Hi, Welcome

There may be some confusion, most type two's would benefit from lowering our carbs, sounds like this may be the case for your husband, if so thats easy peasy, he must try to reduce his carbs wherever possible, breakfast for example, bacon and eggs but without the toast would be a great start to the day, have a red of the forum, there are "what have you eaten today" posts that people tell us what they eat, this should give you some ideas,

But if he has not normal diabetes, that could be wrong, be nice to get some clarity to what that means. Carbs would normally make our sugar levels rise not fall but we are all different so who knows.

The obvious carbs to cut out are Bread, Potatoes, Rice and Pasta, this is simplified but gives you a starting point, seems ridiculous but you will learn that this is very possible and there is still plenty to eat, keep reading and asking questions, even if you think they are daft questions, because they are not daft.

Best of luck.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
My husband has recently been diagnosed with type 2 Diabetes.

The doctor has said the carbs that he is eating are making his sugar levels drop very quickly which is giving him very low blood sugars particularly after morning breakfast and before lunch.
Sorry but either your doctor is an idiot or someone has misunderstood what he said (were you there at the time of diagnosis?).

If the "carbs causing lows" is true then your husband likely has reactive hypoglycemia and not T2.

If he has T2 then his bloods will be going higher after a "regular" type of breakfast.

Did the doc give you any medication or are you trying a diet only approach?


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
Cold weather, angry people, queues,
Definitely a misunderstanding somewhere isn't there ? as Bulkbiker said sounds more like reactive hypoglycemia and will need sorting as quickly as possible before any harm is done .


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
I wouldn’t really recommend this to a new T2, especially with the banana and coconut flour. That’s more than my daily carb intake.

It maybe higher than what you prefer but it's still a low carb breakfast I guess unless the poster is on about keto.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
The term “new normal “
12.5 Grams of Carbs for 1 person
Yeah, no bananas for me lol. Especially when I was first diagnosed. They spiked me, in the not allowed list lol


Type of diabetes
I reversed my Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
My husband has recently been diagnosed with type 2 Diabetes.

The doctor has said the carbs that he is eating are making his sugar levels drop very quickly which is giving him very low blood sugars particularly after morning breakfast and before lunch.

But I'm having trouble with what to give him for breakfast and what is a lower carb options to give him as the main problem with his bloods are mid morning.

He is under a specialist as his diabetes isn't what they class as normal.
He had to have fasting blood tests done over a period of 8hours in hospital. They have given him the medication metformin and Acarbose.

Can anybody help me please as I'm really struggling with ideas, as the Specialist has said I must give low carb, low GI and good fats foods but I have no clue where to start or what to look for.

Thank You
Hi @Debz1961 ,

What you're describing isn't a form of diabetes, but as others mentioned, reactive hypoglycemia. So that's why everyone's double-checking. Thing is, some doctors don't know RH exists, or that there is a name for it, and as it's a blood sugar issue, they just say it's diabetes. Which it isn't, but can sometimes turn into.

The thing is, if it is RH, and you really want to find out for certain, low carb eating would fix that for the most part. ( is a bit of a how-to, geared to T2's, but would serve an RH too.). If this is what's going on, your husband's blood sugars soar right after eating carbohydrates, and his pancreas is a bit slow with the release of insulin. But when it does release it, it massively overshoots, which would result in a hypoglycemic episode; low blood sugars, or a sugar crash. Every time he eats carbs, his pancreas'll overreact, meaning his blood sugars are all over the place, highs and lows, which can make a person feel absolutely wretched physically and mentally, make them pass out etc. Not good. Cut out the carbs, then you stop the overreaction and blood sugars remain stable.

But again, that is only if he actually has RH. Normally I'd tell you to get a blood sugar meter, but in this case, I think you'd want to invest in a CGM for a few weeks, at least. A continuous blood glucose monitor would catch all the highs and lows, so you know exactly what is going on. And while we can't diagnose on here, we can help read the results. Thing is, a diabetic doesn't get lows without assistance from injectable insulin or medication... We go up, not down. So if he has a clear picture of what his blood sugars do, a diagnosis of RH or T2 or whatever type, would be a lot more clear.

Good luck to the both of you!
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