Ketone blood meter


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Diet only
I have bought a ketone meter, but as the strips are quite expensive. I was wondering when is it best to test, fasting? Same time each day ,or something else? I have also converted my husband to keto, not that he had much choice, but he has noticed an improvement in his rheumatoid arthritis symptoms. Has anybody else had family that have benefited from keto?


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I have been in ketosis for several years, initially I tested at random times during the day, not every day, as you say the strips are expensive. I found that no matter when I tested, I was always showing ketones levels from about 1 ( in the morning) up to 3.5 ( in the late afternoon). Nowadays I test for ketones about once a fortnight and the readings are usually between 1 and 2. My advice would be to follow a similar plan and see where your own readings lie.
I used to get mild arthritis symptoms in my hands, since I went low carb I very rarely get any problems, so I can relate to your hubby’s changes. Low carb and ketosis helps with inflammation in many ways.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
I did have milk in my tea an hour ago soo think that is why they were 8


Type of diabetes
Type 2
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Tablets (oral)
I have 3 months to get my hba1c down from 80 or it’s an increase in medication.


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It is much cheaper to use urine ketone testing strips. If you can manage without knowing your exact numbers I'd recommend doing that. It's what I used when I was on a keto diet.


It is much cheaper to use urine ketone testing strips. If you can manage without knowing your exact numbers I'd recommend doing that. It's what I used when I was on a keto diet.

A good idea at the outset but be aware that urine strips only measure waste ketones. Keto aficionados once fully adapted become very efficient at burning them for fuel, and so urine levels tend to fade whilst blood levels remain robust.


Type of diabetes
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Diet only
Thought I would ask for recommendations for a ketone + glucose meter as the OP has helpfully titled this thread to fit!


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Thought I would ask for recommendations for a ketone + glucose meter as the OP has helpfully titled this thread to fit!
Caresens do one, but the keto test strips are quite pricey
I started with a the TEE2 just for bloods and then bought a separate caresens for the keto bit. They both feed into the same app, Smart log from the parent company i-sens, which is useful.
This way the bulk of my strips are reasonable cost, but I do have the 2 meters


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Hi, my GlucoRx HCT does both, just need the special strips, no idea what they cost if you are paying for them, I remember I have bought the freestyle libre ones, they were £30 for 10


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The caresens dual ones are 15 pounds for 10 from spirit health, (from a quick google), $25 in New Zealand. My doctor prescribes me 1 pack every 3 months as a T1.

Deleted member 543160

I originally used Ketostix but wondered why I always got very low results until I discovered i was just seeing waste ketones in my wee. After a bit of research I bought one of the original Ketonix breathalyser gadgets, which records ketone levels via acetone on breath, and uses a traffic lights system to show these. It was a highish one-off cost but I've had it now for over seven years. It 's somewhat less accurate though than blood ketone meters, but more accurate than the urine strips, and its main benefits are that I can use it as often as I choose for no extra costs. Later versions are much more sophisticated now AND much more expensive.

I've also used my Libre reader which as well as scanning the sensors will act as a meter and takes both blood and ketone strips.

And @Camoo, while husband is a dedicated carboholic, I've seen a number of health benefits from eating a low carb/ketogenic type diet - so I've not only improved my glucose levels, but no longer suffer from life long chronic migraines, and especially important to me as my mother suffered from senile dementia, is that my elderly brain runs much more happily and clearly on "keto power".


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Tablets (oral)
I have the Glucomen Areo 2K, although I get the strips on prescription, I can only get 10 ketone strips for the same 'price' as 100 BGs as they are expensive. Works well, but the Glucomen was the one I was given at diagnosis, so I have nothing to compare with.


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
Hi, my GlucoRx HCT does both, just need the special strips, no idea what they cost if you are paying for them, I remember I have bought the freestyle libre ones, they were £30 for 10
I've gone for the GlucoRX HCT. Thanks for the input.
The glucose strips are about £15 for 50, the ketone strips are also about £15 but for 10.
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