Is it too good to be true? Questionable testing?


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Diet only
I just received the results from my recent HBA1C test, and I'm a bit puzzled by the outcome. Yesterday, I got tested privately with a 24-hour turnaround time, and my score came back as 30, which translates to 4.90% ! This time last year, my HBA1C was 94, and just 8 weeks ago, it was around 46.

Over the past year, I've made significant lifestyle changes. I've been exercising regularly and following a loose keto diet plan, resulting in a weight loss of around 60 pounds. Interestingly, I can't even remember what sugar tastes like, and I've been diligent about my dietary choices.

However, despite these positive changes, I'm starting to wonder if my current HBA1C score of 30 is too good to be true, especially for someone with type 2 diabetes. Is it possible that my levels have dropped too low?

Lately, I've been experiencing some neuropathy, which I felt when I first started to aggressively cut sugar last year. It's something that has been concerning me, especially considering the significant drop in my HBA1C levels. Doctors say this happens when you cut HBA1C aggressively.

So, here are my questions:
  1. Is a score of 30 too low for someone managing type 2 diabetes given NHS says that we should be targeting 48?
  2. Could my drastic lifestyle changes have caused such a significant drop in my HBA1C levels?
I must admit that over the last couple of weeks, I've been experiencing some concerns. Unfortunately, my message got cut off before I could elaborate further. I'd love to hear from anyone who has insights or experiences to share regarding managing diabetes and sudden drops in HBA1C levels.

Thank you for taking the time to read this and for any insights you can provide. I'm also planning to get my official test via NHS tomorrow to compare, as I am slightly dubious around private lab tests.


Well-Known Member
I did 101 to 46 in 3 months so it's entirely possible. I'm not sure there is a 'too' low. The aim at 48 is mainly because they expect a T2 to have a raised bg I think anyway.
All my symptoms went fairly quickly during the three months. Eyes cleared and stopped being blurry, cramps went, tingling fingers went etc. A big change of bg, especially if you have been running high for a while will definitely make you feel a bit odd until things settle.
30 would be a level at which some would say reversed, others in remission and I would say exceptionally well managed. Going back to a higher level of carbs etc will push it back up again so I don't like remission or reversed.


Retired Moderator
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Is a score of 30 too low for someone managing type 2 diabetes given NHS says that we should be targeting 48?
Perfectly healthy number unless you're on medication that can cause hypos!
Your profile says you're on tablets, but it doesn't say which ones.
Even on such medications 30 can be a perfect score, but only if it isn't caused by frequent hypos.
This time last year, my HBA1C was 94, and just 8 weeks ago, it was around 46.
What was your diet like during the 2-3 months before the 46 result, and was it any different from your diet in the past 2 months?


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
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Tablets (oral)
Congratulations on making significant lifestyle changes. Even small changes can add up to much improved health.

Please bear in mind that different laboratories may use slightly different protocols.

For peace of mind, I would see your GP or practice nurse. S/he knows the medication you were prescribed and may want to adjust the dose. They will arrange an HbA1c test using the same lab as your last NHS HbA1c test. The result will then be strictly comparable.


Well-Known Member
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Diet only
Perfectly healthy number unless you're on medication that can cause hypos!
Your profile says you're on tablets, but it doesn't say which ones.
Even on such medications 30 can be a perfect score, but only if it isn't caused by frequent hypos.

What was your diet like during the 2-3 months before the 46 result, and was it any different from your diet in the past 2 months?
Thanks. Probably similar diet although I had a bad 2 week spell in November when I ate a lot of junk....the last 2 months have been 95% keto. Even during December I did not over indulge as I caught covid.


Well-Known Member
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Diet only
Congratulations on making significant lifestyle changes. Even small changes can add up to much improved health.

Please bear in mind that different laboratories may use slightly different protocols.

For peace of mind, I would see your GP or practice nurse. S/he knows the medication you were prescribed and may want to adjust the dose. They will arrange an HbA1c test using the same lab as your last NHS HbA1c test. The result will then be strictly comparable.
Perfectly healthy number unless you're on medication that can cause hypos!
Your profile says you're on tablets, but it doesn't say which ones.
Even on such medications 30 can be a perfect score, but only if it isn't caused by frequent hypos.

What was your diet like during the 2-3 months before the 46 result, and was it any different from your diet in the past 2 months?
Also, whilst I was prescribed meds, I never took them as was scared of side effects. They are in my cupboard just collecting dust.


Well-Known Member
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Type 2
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Diet only
I'd say that's entirely possible. Though I'd wait for your NHS test before for confirmation.

I took a path similar to yours: I went low carb, cutting out sugar, supermarket bread, cakes etc. I also lost about 4 stone, and went from 69 to 37 in about 9 months. I took metformin for a few weeks, but didn't get on with it, so stopped them.

But well done on a great result!


Well-Known Member
If it was a finger-prick blood test, some people argue that they're not worth the paper they're printed on.

Was it finger-prick or venous draw...?


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
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Tablets (oral)
I suspect that score is inaccurate, but that you will be in non diabetic numbers. The only target is ANYTHING below 42. Most of the population fall between 38 and 42. lower is not necessarily better, but shouldn't be any problem. I also suspect we have a bottom level that each and everyone of us cannot go below, but again with everything we've experienced, we know nobody is the same.
As for the neuropathy, that is most likely your nerves which were bathed in sugar for so long, are starting to repair the damage done to them. This is quite common, and can last a long time or be very quick, again you cannot compare with anyone elses experience.
Your score dropping so fast is VERY possible when being relatively tight Keto, it merely shows how well you're smashing it out of the park. WELL DONE, keep it up.