What was your fasting blood glucose? (full on chat)


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
Tripe and Onions
8.2 this morning.
Had a bit of a dispiriting two weeks on a ward packed with Diabetics minus various body parts.
And had one guy in his forties telling e he didn’t believe in all that carb counting rubbish didn’t know what bolus was had lost most of the toes on his left foot had a gangrene infection of his right foot accepted all this as inevitable and had a locker full of chocolate biscuits and sweets and his best hope was that he would only loose his right foot not the leg what do you say to that person I kept y thoughts to my self.

He had been Type 1 since he was 10 years old it’s hard not to despair when you know it was avoidable.
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Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
Thank you for sharing the very tranquil art. If that was the product of yesterday then time was far from squandered. Anyhow, this pernicious idea that one must always be "doing" is actually is insecurity - fomo. The obsession wit living and - over - sharing your "best" life - as if one had several lives - in selfies/tiktoks or step counting to be "properly/fully" alive is egregiously offensive to those who can't and positively harmful to those who can. Yours, King Edward de Couch of Grumpy Old Man Towers :D
Thanks @ianpspurs


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
8.2 this morning.
Had a bit of a dispiriting two weeks on a ward packed with Diabetics minus various body parts.
And had one guy in his forties telling e he didn’t believe in all that carb counting rubbish didn’t know what bolus was had lost most of the toes on his left foot had a gangrene infection of his right foot accepted all this as inevitable and had a locker full of chocolate biscuits and sweets and his best hope was that he would only loose his right foot not the leg what do you say to that person I kept y thoughts to my self.
You are not responsible so yes, thoughts to yourself is probably best for your own sake.


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
@ianpspurs, I'm looking at your post right now and wanted to give it a like and to add that the issue was covered in this morning's Breakfast programme on BBC1, but the website says the post could not be found - even though it is right there! Websites can be very odd things and come up with some very odd responses.


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
Tripe and Onions
Isn’t it ironic I found out during my appointment that it is possible to self test for warfarin dosage there is a meter you can by and get test strips on prescription and that the NHS actively encourages this I know it’s not quite the same but the way we are as T2 diabetics are discouraged from self testing is in marked contrast.

Lamont D

Type of diabetes
Reactive hypoglycemia
Treatment type
I do not have diabetes
A bitter day today

My nephew who I posted about earlier, died early yesterday morning .

Hug those you love a little closer.
Tell those you love, you love them.

Tomorrow is not a given, for any of us .

RiP little brother.

My deepest sympathies my friend.


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
The spectre of clouds on the horizon for Tim.
A lot of ZOE's advice, including around eating more whole foods and fewer processed foods, is sensible, she thinks but she believes this message is "not compelling enough" to sell a £300 product.
Full article here
Meanwhile, @JohnEGreen was confined with some climate deniers/flat earther types.


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Isn’t it ironic I found out during my appointment that it is possible to self test for warfarin dosage there is a meter you can by and get test strips on prescription and that the NHS actively encourages this I know it’s not quite the same but the way we are as T2 diabetics are discouraged from self testing is in marked contrast.
By self-testing do you mean for HBa1c or for current BGs? Here we are expected to wait for a (supposedly) 6 month clinic appointment (which never happens these days) for HBa1c check but monitoring current levels is expected. Not so in other areas of Scotland where DIL's father was told NOT to check and not prescribed a monitor of any kind because he wouldn't understand it anyway and it wouldn't be helpful! "Just keep taking the Metformin". Different Health Boards, different approaches.

Lamont D

Type of diabetes
Reactive hypoglycemia
Treatment type
I do not have diabetes
You certainly do have my sympathy. When my restless legs get too much to bear, I take some paracetemol and, after about 30-45 minutes, it calms them down for a while. I'm lucky in that being a simple solution. Until it does kick in, I have to be on my feet to ease it off a bit. Is there nothing that can help you when the restlessness starts up?

Have as good a weekend as you can. Hope Mrs L has a good weekend as well.
I can take paracetamol, but I have get that energy out of my legs by having a walk or doing something.
My feet are never still tho.
Even when I'm doing breathing exercises and trying to stand still, that is harder to do. As well as sitting doing the exercises.
But I manage, or should I say have a go at managing.
That is all we can do.
You have a restful weekend.

Lamont D

Type of diabetes
Reactive hypoglycemia
Treatment type
I do not have diabetes
A mobile phone is one of those things I can't get on with. I do have 2 of them, but can't make either of them work. Neil's no help with that - he has always refused to have anything to do with mobiles, so knows nothing abu them.

Received an e-mailed invoice for the container but they are quoting for just 4 weeks instead of the 6 I asked for and no mention of delivery. I think they have my order mixed up and have forgotten that I wanted it delivered to the house, not to be kept on their site. Phoned to try to clarify but they seem to have stopped working for the afternoon, and won't be working over the weekend. Sent an e-mail anyway and will need to try

With any luck there will be room for it in the container for a few weeks until we can work something out. I'll ask my friend if she knows anyone who would want it - she has loads of contacts around the place, so might well know someone who could use it.
When I worked for the academy, my office, working area, store, machinery and dining area with kettle, fire and workbench/table was in a container. They can be adapted to your needs.
You defo need a heater in the winter cos of the frost.

Lamont D

Type of diabetes
Reactive hypoglycemia
Treatment type
I do not have diabetes
Isn’t it ironic I found out during my appointment that it is possible to self test for warfarin dosage there is a meter you can by and get test strips on prescription and that the NHS actively encourages this I know it’s not quite the same but the way we are as T2 diabetics are discouraged from self testing is in marked contrast.
The fun I had with my surgery when it was found that I had been misdiagnosed.
My GP didn't want me to have test strips and he taken off the register for prescriptions.
It took a letter from my endocrinologist, insisting that I remain on the register and get enough test strips to control my BG levels.
Have a word mate, get those strips.

Lamont D

Type of diabetes
Reactive hypoglycemia
Treatment type
I do not have diabetes
Another 7.0 don't understand it, maybe the doctors in that report are right but all my experience and my logical thinking says they are following the rhetoric that people testing using glucometer and strips of CGM cost too much money.
Why is money more important than health?
People not the economy!

Anywho, big footie day.
Never mind the facup, N.Wales is getting an invasion of an army of SWA.

A busy morning after a quiet day yesterday, too many chores on a Saturday, so some will have to wait for tomorrow.

Will be back later after the sport.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Good morning everyone on a surprisingly sunny start to the day here in the dark and dangerous north. Smashing morning yesterday and a lovely walk in the sunshine but then bitterly cold towards the evening when we ventured out again. Last night’s high tide was crashing up against the sea wall and having a right old go at the daft wooden fence that the brewery have put up at the pub (and taken by the sea three times to date already this year) - luckily not hurtling over like it did on a spring tide last week as it then flings pebbles and the odd rock over the lower prom - ouch! Darwin awards are always at hand for those who venture too close for that unbelievable selfie :jimlad: :bigtears: :bag: :oldman: :eek::nurse:. Same people who need ‘caution hot’ on takeaway koffy cups or venture past the huge red sign that states, ‘danger - cliff liable to fall on your bonce without warning’.
Art bit - not much time yesterday, I squandered most of what was available. So, wet on wet, blockbuster video card scraper - hairdryer - finish off. Sounds like getting ready for a fab night out! I thought it was Saturday yesterday so will have a repeat today but not the ides - hope yours is a good one - I simply must have koffy darlings.

View attachment 66767
Absolutely beautiful again @dunelm


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Fbg 6.9

Sorry I am late...

I had to be out early to do food shopping, collecting meds, collecting parcel from the post office, and more. It was too much to do in one shopping etc outing but I hadn't been able to do my mid week shop, and the fridge was now bare.

But it was a hard morning. In one shop I struggled to get in with my walker, and the doors were winning. So a passer by helped me, whereas the shop employee inside who walked past me and the doors did not. The passer by was so disgusted with him she yelled at him. But he took no notice. So she had a rant about his disgusting behaviour.

Then at the pharmacy they said the medicine dispensing bot had broken down, and they did not know when it would be fixed, and so they cannot dispense any medicines at all.

I did try a few sketches from the car but I was seriously too tired by now. What tires me out is the physical act of getting myself in and out of the car, and getting my walker in and out each time. So, I was drop dead exhausted when I got home.

I unloaded the chilled goods straight into the fridge, the rest will have to wait, and went to bed and fell into a sound sleep...

When I woke up, I noted I had been asleep for 3 hours, but I was incredibly relaxed, and so I went into "no mind" relaxation/meditation, because I was already in that state having just woken up. I had no thoughts and no body. Total relaxation. My eyes were open, but I wasn't seeing anything. I always meditate with my eyes open...

Then I was aware of the light fading, and as I need to sort out trail cameras etc, so I checked the time. I had been 'no mind' meditating for nearly 2 hours. I have never done it for that length of time before...

Nighttime wild life videos
Cat Midnight decides it is too noisy & windy outside & so he comes inside to bed with me..

Creative...something (a drawing) I started last night and finished just now...

Time to sort out the beasties...

Have a good rest of your day...

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Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
Fbg 6.9

Sorry I am late...

I had to be out early to do food shopping, collecting meds, collecting parcel from the post office, and more. It was too much to do in one shopping etc outing but I hadn't been able to do my mid week shop, and the fridge was now bare.

But it was a hard morning. In one shop I struggled to get in with my walker, and the doors were winning. So a passer by helped me, whereas the shop employee inside who walked past me and the doors did not. The passer by was so disgusted with him she yelled at him. But he took no notice. So she had a rant about his disgusting behaviour.

Then at the pharmacy they said the medicine dispensing bot had broken down, and they did not know when it would be fixed, and so they cannot dispense any medicines at all.

I did try a few sketches from the car but I was seriously too tired by now. What tires me out is the physical act of getting myself in and out of the car, and getting my walker in and out each time. So, I was drop dead exhausted when I got home.

I unloaded the chilled goods straight into the fridge, the rest will have to wait, and went to bed and fell into a sound sleep...

When I woke up, I noted I had been asleep for 3 hours, but I was incredibly relaxed, and so I went into "no mind" relaxation/meditation, because I was already in that state having just woken up. I had no thoughts and no body. Total relaxation. My eyes were open, but I wasn't seeing anything. I always meditate with my eyes open...

Then I was aware of the light fading, and as I need to sort out trail cameras etc, so I checked the time. I had been 'no mind' meditating for nearly 2 hours. I have never done it for that length of time before...

Nighttime wild life videos
Cat Midnight decides it is too noisy & windy outside & so he comes inside to bed with me..

Creative...something (a drawing) I started last night and finished just now...

Time to sort out the beasties...

Have a good rest of your day...

View attachment 66768
Hug for the bad behaviour of the shop assistant and the lack of meds but big winner for the atmospheric creative. I hope this evening and tonight are relaxing and restorative after the tiring day.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Hug for the bad behaviour of the shop assistant and the lack of meds but big winner for the atmospheric creative. I hope this evening and tonight are relaxing and restorative after the tiring day.
Thank you @ianpspurs

Just seen to the beasties, and trail cam etc, and so the rest of tonight is mine...