What was your fasting blood glucose? (full on chat)


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Thank you @Lamont D. In my case it's from top to bottom - neck. shoulders. arms. hands, hips, back, knees and ankles. I spend a lot of time sitting down, but have to keep getting up and doing little jobs around the house. Better than sitting still all the time. Excess weight doesn't help. Never thought I would get to this stage but who knows where this is going? It could be worse ... and probably will be. Just grateful that so far, it isn't.
Hi @Annb
Always make sure your phone is on you, so that you can least call one of your family members to come and help sooner rather than wait all day until your son comes home.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
A bitter day today

My nephew who I posted about earlier, died early yesterday morning .

Hug those you love a little closer.
Tell those you love, you love them.

Tomorrow is not a given, for any of us .

RiP little brother.

Extra hugs for you and your family @jjraak


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
Morning all from another sullen skied start to the day in Little America. Until some all purpose pub quizzer type relieves themselves of their surplus yes but whataboutery (is that extremism now?) on my (halloumi) chips I'm feeling virtuous for having put out two bags of clothes for recycling and sourcing wild Alaskan sockeye salmon for my main meal. For you mathematicians it also passed through my mind that the best odds I can find for LC bringing remission are 48% (hardly a double blind study) whereas praying for it, logically, must have a 50/50 chance.:angelic: I shall still enter all my food into cronometer and eat basically clean (ish) keto but you scientific /mathematical types love a few numbers - like Linus' blanket for you guys :D @dunelm thanks for sharing the art, good news on the beef stew and what a loving thing to do for Mrs Miggins' brother. My dad's family used to have lunch together regularly but je suis enfant unique (read into the unique what you want) and JKP's sister is dead. Enjoy your Friday but allow people to savour their metaphorical - and real - chips. Song lyrics
Thanks @ianpspurs


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
Fbg 6.6

Finally uploads to the CLOUD were completed around 3:15 in the early hours this morning...


I had a quick look and one caught my eye. I don't know who took it, no smart phones then...it was around 2002 possibly when they took it. Not very good quality. It is of me & J. I don't mind posting it because you are not going to recognise me from this. As you can see, I wore colourful clothes then. And colourful hats. I never saw this photograph until 2015 six years after J died, when they posted it on Facebook. My little Hearing dog for the Deaf, Meg, was about one years old then. I'll put it as an insert if you want to look at it.

Wildlife camera
Three Badgers & Cats...

Creative is some celandines...In SketchClubApp...
Plenty of bright yellow in my garden at the moment ...

Time for a wee nap!
But a cuppa first...

Have a good day!View attachment 66749

View attachment 66750
Lovely colourful photo of you, J and Meg - thanks for sharing - not a stock photo :) . Wonderful Cenendines, it’s looking like spring.


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
you would think, that because we have been diagnosed with arthritis and the cold and damp affects it so much.
that the good people in the world would allow us to spend six months in the winter time in sunnier climates, somewhere not as good as Bali, but maybe Bondi beach. That would be good for our health in so many ways.
Then be back for the cricket season.
However, if that happened, those with seasonal adjustment disease would kick up a fuss!

I know it sounds as if I'm after sympathy, but, I'm not, well, maybe a little.
but I too have to get up and sit down to rest and get up to ease the small aches, my restless legs syndrome, though a result of the breakdown I had, my anxiety, my nervous system over stressing, my feet are never still. But I still have to get up. It is a thing that I don't notice much but I have so much energy to get rid of, due to low carbing and the build up in my muscles, I just have to get up!
Have a nice weekend.
You certainly do have my sympathy. When my restless legs get too much to bear, I take some paracetemol and, after about 30-45 minutes, it calms them down for a while. I'm lucky in that being a simple solution. Until it does kick in, I have to be on my feet to ease it off a bit. Is there nothing that can help you when the restlessness starts up?

Have as good a weekend as you can. Hope Mrs L has a good weekend as well.


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
A bitter day today

My nephew who I posted about earlier, died early yesterday morning .

Hug those you love a little closer.
Tell those you love, you love them.

Tomorrow is not a given, for any of us .

RiP little brother.

So sorry to read of your loss.


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
BG at 0310 was 6.5. Up to 7.4 after a cup of tea.

Early breakfast and, with any luck, it should be enough for the day.

Got through to the container people. They are sending out an invoice today and expect to deliver on Tuesday. I think the charity shop left their phone "off the hook" because it was engaged every time I called. Need to get Neil to go in next time in town. The alternative is just to leave it outside in the weather, which would be a pity because it is a good leather 3 piece suite and there is only one charity shop in Stornoway that takes furniture.
Well I hope that the charity shop can take the suite - will be so useful for someone.


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
Not only does diabetes require a bit of mental acrobatics to manage it, but so, it seems, does arthritis. At least, I think this afternoon's event was arthritis related. Em and Neil were in the kitchen and I had gone into the hall, looking for title deeds for the house Alistair lives in when suddenly first one, then the other leg developed really severe pain in the side of my knees. I almost fell as they both threatened to stop holding me up. I was stuck, unable to move so had to call for help. Neil came to hold me up and Em brought my zimmer frame (I had been using sticks due to reduced space with all the stuff waiting to go out into the container). Between them they nursed me back to my chair in the kitchen. I was lucky not to be on my own. If I had been, I would have fallen and would just have had to stay there until someone came in to pick me up. Really made me feel vulnerable. If I had fallen there was a lot of stuff there to do me some damage if I had gone down. All's well that ends well - the pain has subsided and I can stand up under my own steam again. Gives one to think though. :joyful:
It’s quite frightening. My mum fell last year. Dad was in the shower - luckily I was there to help. She now has a device round her neck which when pressed, calls for aid. I have also persuaded her to also carry her mobile phone at all times - alos round her neck in a phone pouch.


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
Japanese hippies?

I have heard of a similar methods of meditation. And have been advised to try, to use and find a way to suit me.
which I am doing.

The thing is I have never heard of a Scouse method.
There has to be one.
If there is a Scouse way of doing something, for example, borrowing stuff.
I will discover it, or invent one!
I will ask a local hippy, if I can get last the smoke!

Just splendid fusion of tones and hues.
Ha Ha - thanks @Lamont D - I have heard that hub cap collecting is very soothing.


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Hi @Annb
Always make sure your phone is on you, so that you can least call one of your family members to come and help sooner rather than wait all day until your son comes home.
A mobile phone is one of those things I can't get on with. I do have 2 of them, but can't make either of them work. Neil's no help with that - he has always refused to have anything to do with mobiles, so knows nothing abu them.
Well I hope that the charity shop can take the suite - will be so useful for someone.
Received an e-mailed invoice for the container but they are quoting for just 4 weeks instead of the 6 I asked for and no mention of delivery. I think they have my order mixed up and have forgotten that I wanted it delivered to the house, not to be kept on their site. Phoned to try to clarify but they seem to have stopped working for the afternoon, and won't be working over the weekend. Sent an e-mail anyway and will need to try
Well I hope that the charity shop can take the suite - will be so useful for someone.
With any luck there will be room for it in the container for a few weeks until we can work something out. I'll ask my friend if she knows anyone who would want it - she has loads of contacts around the place, so might well know someone who could use it.


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
A bitter day today

My nephew who I posted about earlier, died early yesterday morning .

Hug those you love a little closer.
Tell those you love, you love them.

Tomorrow is not a given, for any of us .

RiP little brother.

Sorry for your loss @jjraak - life is quite fragile and you are right, hug those you love a little closer…


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
Good morning everyone on a surprisingly sunny start to the day here in the dark and dangerous north. Smashing morning yesterday and a lovely walk in the sunshine but then bitterly cold towards the evening when we ventured out again. Last night’s high tide was crashing up against the sea wall and having a right old go at the daft wooden fence that the brewery have put up at the pub (and taken by the sea three times to date already this year) - luckily not hurtling over like it did on a spring tide last week as it then flings pebbles and the odd rock over the lower prom - ouch! Darwin awards are always at hand for those who venture too close for that unbelievable selfie :jimlad: :bigtears: :bag: :oldman: :eek::nurse:. Same people who need ‘caution hot’ on takeaway koffy cups or venture past the huge red sign that states, ‘danger - cliff liable to fall on your bonce without warning’.
Art bit - not much time yesterday, I squandered most of what was available. So, wet on wet, blockbuster video card scraper - hairdryer - finish off. Sounds like getting ready for a fab night out! I thought it was Saturday yesterday so will have a repeat today but not the ides - hope yours is a good one - I simply must have koffy darlings.

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Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Good morning everyone on a surprisingly sunny start to the day here in the dark and dangerous north. Smashing morning yesterday and a lovely walk in the sunshine but then bitterly cold towards the evening when we ventured out again. Last night’s high tide was crashing up against the sea wall and having a right old go at the daft wooden fence that the brewery have put up at the pub (and taken by the sea three times to date already this year) - luckily not hurtling over like it did on a spring tide last week as it then flings pebbles and the odd rock over the lower prom - ouch! Darwin awards are always at hand for those who venture too close for that unbelievable selfie :jimlad: :bigtears: :bag: :oldman: :eek::nurse:. Same people who need ‘caution hot’ on takeaway koffy cups or venture past the huge red sign that states, ‘danger - cliff liable to fall on your bonce without warning’.
Art bit - not much time yesterday, I squandered most of what was available. So, wet on wet, blockbuster video card scraper - hairdryer - finish off. Sounds like getting ready for a fab night out! I thought it was Saturday yesterday so will have a repeat today - hope yours is a good one - I simply must have koffy darlings.

View attachment 66767
I think I can just about see a Japanese sniper taking aim at a Japanese hippie on the other hill.....mmhh.


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
Good morning everyone on a surprisingly sunny start to the day here in the dark and dangerous north. Smashing morning yesterday and a lovely walk in the sunshine but then bitterly cold towards the evening when we ventured out again. Last night’s high tide was crashing up against the sea wall and having a right old go at the daft wooden fence that the brewery have put up at the pub (and taken by the sea three times to date already this year) - luckily not hurtling over like it did on a spring tide last week as it then flings pebbles and the odd rock over the lower prom - ouch! Darwin awards are always at hand for those who venture too close for that unbelievable selfie :jimlad: :bigtears: :bag: :oldman: :eek::nurse:. Same people who need ‘caution hot’ on takeaway koffy cups or venture past the huge red sign that states, ‘danger - cliff liable to fall on your bonce without warning’.
Art bit - not much time yesterday, I squandered most of what was available. So, wet on wet, blockbuster video card scraper - hairdryer - finish off. Sounds like getting ready for a fab night out! I thought it was Saturday yesterday so will have a repeat today but not the ides - hope yours is a good one - I simply must have koffy darlings.

View attachment 66767
Thank you for sharing the very tranquil art. If that was the product of yesterday then time was far from squandered. Anyhow, this pernicious idea that one must always be "doing" is actually insecurity - fomo. The obsession with living and - over - sharing your "best" life - as if one had several lives like sets of clothes - in selfies/TikToks to be "properly/fully" alive is egregiously offensive to those who can't and positively harmful to those who can. Yours, King Edward de Couch of Grumpy Old Man Towers :D
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