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Hypos in shops are a nightmare aren't they Squire!!! I couldn't add up 6 plus 7 the other day trying to make sure I hadn't been diddles! Was having hypo and lucozade was in car in car park! Lol xxx

You don't know how reassuring your post is. Until I read it I wasn't really sure that going daffy in a shop could possibly be a hypo. The circumstances were right for one but I have never heard of someone else doing so. I feel better about it now.
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You don't know how reassuring your post is. Until I read it I wasn't really sure that going daffy in a shop could possibly be a hypo. The circumstances were right for one but I have never heard of someone else doing so. I feel better about it now.
Oh yes I can be almost guaranteed to have one on a shopping trip - especially if I've left my lucozade in the car! Don't worry squire you are not alone :) xxx

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Willie said he was not feeling well and broke his computer. Perhaps he's just having a rest from it. He has put in an amazing amount of work for us over the past year.

As for myself, I am a little bemused. Forgot my plastic PIN number in a shop the other day. The queue and the shop keeper were offering advice and it was difficult to make a dignified exit. I then tried to call up the Alliance and Leicester on the net before I remembered that they were taken over by Santander about four years ago.

It might have been a mild hypo. That'll teach me to try to do all the shopping in one go. PIN worked well in two shops ....complete blank in the third.

The hired help sat me down and wiped my chin so I am ok.
If you pm all your bank details and pin numbers to me asap,I will take the necessary action to ensure you never have this problem again.
Besides I need something to do until Wee Willie gets better and sorts out his computer,
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If you pm all your bank details and pin numbers to me asap,I will take the necessary action to ensure you never have this problem again.
Besides I need something to do until Wee Willie gets better and sorts out his computer,

How considerate. I am always reassured by the lengths that my friends will go to help me out in difficult situations. Of course I will PM you with all my bank details and PIN numbers. There is only one condition.

Take a deep breath and hold it until the PM arrives.
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How come these clever scammers can get money out of peoples banks without ever having there pin numbers when we panic and put in the wrong numbers then take our cards and rush off home to find out what our pin number is before the machine takes away our card and eats it:nailbiting:
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How come these clever scammers can get money out of peoples banks without ever having there pin numbers when we panic and put in the wrong numbers then take our cards and rush off home to find out what our pin number is before the machine takes away our card and eats it:nailbiting:

Carol, I have another story. Some days before the incident where I forgot the PIN number I was in the same shop and my card could not be read by the little keypad. The young man took the card and swiped it somewhere else and placed the card on the counter. I retrieved it.

The money was taken from my account but at no time did I enter a PIN number.

What I am at a loss to understand is why this facility was not offered on the day that I couldn't remember my PIN number.


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How considerate. I am always reassured by the lengths that my friends will go to help me out in difficult situations. Of course I will PM you with all my bank details and PIN numbers. There is only one condition.

Take a deep breath and hold it until the PM arrives.


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better still here is my pin number and bank details for your good self.
pin number 34 damm forgot the last 2 numbers


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When we were on holiday my husband went off to get some cash for a takeaway and tried a couple of times but the machine wouldnt give him any money so he had to come back for me so that I could use my card and get the cash .He was most disgruntled because he knew all the numbers but the machine didnt accept anagrams:confused:
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Whelks,winkles... All crustaceous seafood except prawns. Can't do crab.lobster or scallops.
Don't like the way they are killed and cooked. Save our Scallops. SOS !!!
Also HATE evaporated milk.
Forgot to say Get Well Soon Wee Willie....


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the drinks are on me;),
:stop: until Willies back, also forgot to say "get well soon Willie"
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Dictators who positively go out of their way to force misery, tears and fears, upon their countryman's lives.
Politicians who, in dealing with dictators, have a wishbone where a backbone should be.
Hi folks, I've had a rotten week health wise and been in bed.

I enjoyed reading all your posts, your funny ones gave me a laugh and cheered me up no end.
Thank you for your get well wishes, I'm grateful for having you all as online friends, you really are caring and kind.

I'll be back as soon as I feel a little better to update the latest winners.
Meantime, it would be great if one of you could post in some images, as lundalinda suggested.
You don't need to do what I do, just find a subject and post it in as you find it, you'll enjoy doing so.

I'm nowhere near popping my clogs, I'll be back to spoil your happiness. lol

Again, thank you.

Cheers for now.

Enjoy your week-end.
willie x
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Willie your the greatest, glad you will be back soon.:)
I would love to nominate Squire Fullwood to be your deputy as he seems to have some kind of knowledge.( I think)
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Whelks,winkles... All crustaceous seafood except prawns. Can't do crab.lobster or scallops.
Don't like the way they are killed and cooked. Save our Scallops. SOS !!!
Also HATE evaporated milk.

Thanks for the update Willie.

Get well soon....
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Well, I’m flattered but I honestly don’t think I am up to the task. I thought about the possibility but to do what Willie does takes a heck of a lot of time and some posh software.

The first problem is I don’t have the software that can do the job or at least I am pretty sure I don’t.

Then I went off to look at pictures of children (they can’t touch you for it). Loads of strange children but oddly you can recognise about 50% of them on sight. I have never heard of most of the other 50% so I am not even sure they are famous.

If I find a picture of a child that you can’t instantly recognise and I have heard of them before then I will post it.

I think this is just because I wouldn’t give Izzzi by bank details and PIN numbers.
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Whelks,winkles... All crustaceous seafood except prawns. Can't do crab.lobster or scallops.
Don't like the way they are killed and cooked. Save our Scallops. SOS !!!
Also HATE evaporated milk.
Apart from the fact that he is the spit of my little brother at that age I haven't the first idea....

Nice one Squire.....


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Hi Squire Fulwood, sorry for giving you 2 L's earlier.
I am going straight in for guessing it his jean van Damme.