Need some Advice on Blood Tests and Sugar levels

this is too difficult

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Diet only
You could stop going to the ball kicking.
If you have to drink a lot of beer when you go your BG will go high.
Whisky would be my recommendation if you have to.


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Diet only
Your forgetting Brightside that I'm Scottish and assuming it would be singles I would be drinking lol. Also factor in time to down a pint compared to a spirit.

But yeh its definitely got a lot to do with what you drink with it. Thats what my dad reckons made him diabetic,, he was drinking vodka with draught coke every night,,cheap and full of sugar,, by the time he found out it was too late and he was already Type2.

I don't really trust even the diet versions of soft drink. In the house all I drink is flavored waters ,, i might occasionally have pepsi max sugar free, but hardly ever.

I probably wouldn't know what non alcohol drinks to order either tbh,, other than water,, and that would be a cracking day out that would lol.

this is too difficult

Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
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Diet only
Your forgetting Brightside that I'm Scottish and assuming it would be singles I would be drinking lol. Also factor in time to down a pint compared to a spirit.

But yeh its definitely got a lot to do with what you drink with it. Thats what my dad reckons made him diabetic,, he was drinking vodka with draught coke every night,,cheap and full of sugar,, by the time he found out it was too late and he was already Type2.

I don't really trust even the diet versions of soft drink. In the house all I drink is flavored waters ,, i might occasionally have pepsi max sugar free, but hardly ever.

I probably wouldn't know what non alcohol drinks to order either tbh,, other than water,, and that would be a cracking day out that would lol.
look at the ingredients in flavoured water. Not hugely different than some diet drinks.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Yeh, I normally drink water when I go to watch footie because that way I get to see and enjoy more of the game....unless some drunken idiot jumps down a few rows and kicks me unconscious. But you are all so much more refined up there in Scotland, so that would never happen would it? Hang can afford a season ticket and alcohol? Talk about North/South divide!
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Well-Known Member
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Diet only
You could stop going to the ball kicking.
If you have to drink a lot of beer when you go your BG will go high.
Whisky would be my recommendation if you have to.

Not even an option. If I have to give up the football and beer completely I might as well dig a 6ft deep hole and jump in now. I might try whisky and see how that goes,,but when I drink it at home I just have it with ice only and im not that big on it,,i still have half a bottle there from xmas.. I can go out over the course of a day and drink 10 pints and not even get to wasted as I am so used to it,, whisky on the other hand 3 or 4 and I would be starting to roll. Can't imagine drinking it over the course of a whole day. Would be best finding out what lagers are better than others. If pale lager is better then i assume the likes of Guiness is worse,,although I always thought it was better for you due to its Iron content.

Still its only once or twice a month max and I will follow it up that week by beasting myself in the gym and going for a 8-10 mile run. I kind of see it as my cheat day right now and after all the work outs I do always feels like a reward.

At least i have calmed things down from when I was in the RAF ,,at Buchan we would be out Thur/Fri/Sat nights 5pm - 3am,, Sun and Mon was NAAFI for the football and tues/wed NAAFI for champions lg,, god only knows what my levels might have been after that 2 yr posting

this is too difficult

Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
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Diet only
Not even an option. If I have to give up the football and beer completely I might as well dig a 6ft deep hole and jump in now. I might try whisky and see how that goes,,but when I drink it at home I just have it with ice only and im not that big on it,,i still have half a bottle there from xmas.. I can go out over the course of a day and drink 10 pints and not even get to wasted as I am so used to it,, whisky on the other hand 3 or 4 and I would be starting to roll. Can't imagine drinking it over the course of a whole day. Would be best finding out what lagers are better than others. If pale lager is better then i assume the likes of Guiness is worse,,although I always thought it was better for you due to its Iron content.

Still its only once or twice a month max and I will follow it up that week by beasting myself in the gym and going for a 8-10 mile run. I kind of see it as my cheat day right now and after all the work outs I do always feels like a reward.

At least i have calmed things down from when I was in the RAF ,,at Buchan we would be out Thur/Fri/Sat nights 5pm - 3am,, Sun and Mon was NAAFI for the football and tues/wed NAAFI for champions lg,, god only knows what my levels might have been after that 2 yr posting
All beer is bad. If its not that often then you may be fine having rakes of it.
But seriously, cut the carbs.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
True, but the beer is in the fridge, the fridge is not in this room..........'bye!;)
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And high fat. Not many calories in protein.
Changing to brown or wholemeal is not low carbing.

might have to change the wife then to get that past her,,brown rice was a hard fought compromise ,, she's Filipino everything she cooks comes with rice lol
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this is too difficult

Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
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Diet only
Just read your first post again. Go back to your doctors receptionist and as for a printout of your HbA1C result.
They have to give you it.
Do it as soon as you can.
Tell us what it is and we will advise.
I also advise you to get a blood glucose meter.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
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Diet only
I did and I posted back in this thread somewhere,, my test was 43 so only just in the pre range. I have had blood taken for 20 yrs+ for cholesterol (family history) ,, and never had an issue with BS. I think I might just have flooded my system as I was drinking about 3 L a day of Lucozade for about a month prior to that test,,,,its also strange that this was my first test since coming off the statins ,, not sure if that could be related also ??