I've completely fallen off the low-carb wagon. :(


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Ruth B

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Remember everyday is a new day to start a fresh. You have done it once, you can do it again, I know many here go for very low carb diets, I find I am better with a liberal low carb (about 80 -100 a day) spread over 3 meals and to an extent dictated by my meter. It is a system that works for me and I feel that it is a regime I can face for the rest of my life. BS are coming down, but may be not as quickly as the true low carbers, but we all have to work out what works for ourselves.

As much as I don't want to loose fingers, toes eyesight etc, fear has never been a motivator for me, it puts me off trying more and then I comfort eat. Seeing the BS numbers on the meter drop is more my style (I had my first 5.0 a couple of days ago, now I am looking forward to the time it shows a 4) I weigh myself every morning contrary to all advise but I don't expect it to go down each time, when I see half a pound come off after several static readings it perks me up for the day.

Find what wagon suits you and get on it.
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Don't feel guilty about it you are just being human and everyone does it sometimes I'm sure even if they don't confess to it..Just call it a blip and start again but do allow yourself a little treat sometimes that makes it more bearable.. my guilty pleasure is chips with lots of vinegar naughty but oh so good.... I think sugar stuff is more likely to make you want more but I don't have much of a sweet tooth never have had
You have had some stress lately and that would have contributed to your slip from the diet but no harm will have been done so just start again and I am sure you will manage it.
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Like others have said don't be too hard on yourself.
I have fallen off also, yesterday was not a good day and I felt I needed something to cheer me up.......who's actually made me feel a whole lot worse.
I've felt I've achieved something as this has been week 4 of low carbing and I've never stuck to an eating plan that long.
I've not lost any weight but then prior to this I was also never taking my novo rapid insulin so will take a bit of time for my body to get used to things.
You know you can do this so there's no need to feel like you have failed.
Tomorrow is a new day.......and it's pretty early on to be able to start today.
Chin up x

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Remember everyday is a new day to start a fresh. You have done it once, you can do it again, I know many here go for very low carb diets, I find I am better with a liberal low carb (about 80 -100 a day) spread over 3 meals and to an extent dictated by my meter. It is a system that works for me and I feel that it is a regime I can face for the rest of my life. BS are coming down, but may be not as quickly as the true low carbers, but we all have to work out what works for ourselves.

As much as I don't want to loose fingers, toes eyesight etc, fear has never been a motivator for me, it puts me off trying more and then I comfort eat. Seeing the BS numbers on the meter drop is more my style (I had my first 5.0 a couple of days ago, now I am looking forward to the time it shows a 4) I weigh myself every morning contrary to all advise but I don't expect it to go down each time, when I see half a pound come off after several static readings it perks me up for the day.

Find what wagon suits you and get on it.

I really do agree with you very low carb is hard core and would be much harder to stick to for life.. I do moderate myself just cut out the starchy stuff and that suits me and I am happy with my BG levels but I would not tell others they should do it that way, as you say you have to find the way thatsuits you personally
I don't think scaring people into thinking if they don't do LCHF they will get complications as some on this forum do especially when telling newbies about it At least tell them the LCHF diet has got to be done for a lot of years yet to prove anything one way or the other
All we know at the present time is that low carb is good for weight loss and keeping BG levels down. There will always be those who have complications and those that don't whatever they do because there is more to it than just keeping BG levels down What is known though is that high blood pressure plays a big part in having complications as can other medical conditions
Dr Bearnstein may not have any complcations but maybe he would not have had them anyway thousand don't and have never heard of low carbing but both he and us will never know that now
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I really do agree with you very low carb is hard core and would be much harder to stick to for life.. I do moderate myself just cut out the starchy stuff and that suits me and I am happy with my BG levels but I would not tell others they should do it that way, as you say you have to find the way thatsuits you personally
I don't think scaring people into thinking if they don't do LCHF they will get complications as some on this forum do especially when telling newbies about it At least tell them the LCHF diet has got to be done for a lot of years yet to prove anything one way or the other
All we know at the present time is that low carb is good for weight loss and keeping BG levels down. There will always be those who have complications and those that don't whatever they do because there is more to it than just keeping BG levels down What is known though is that high blood pressure plays a big part in having complications as can other medical conditions
Dr Bearnstein may not have any complcations but maybe he would not have had them anyway thousand don't and have never heard of low carbing but both he and us will never know that now
She was asking about personal experience of the members on how they stay motivated, and to each their own, people have different ways of coping and what may work for me may not work for you. Others use their family as their motivation, or their own personal well-being and health, while others get theirs through positive reinforcement and what not.

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The goal is to have BG within a safe range. This can be done with diet, exercise and medication.
A T2 can eat 300g or more of carbs if they want to and do the exercise and take the meds to keep the BG within a safe range

Avocado Sevenfold

At least tell them the LCHF diet has got to be done for a lot of years yet to prove anything one way or the other

My species has survived largely on LCHF for hundreds of thousands of years. That's good enough for me. The healthy plate is a modern invention.
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Thank you all so much for your great advice and kind words. I will not forget those photos in a hurry, especially because I've already had a minor foot infection (completely cleared).

Unfortunately I cannot throw away all the junk in the house. My nearly 22 year old step-son lives primarily on junk food. He is thin as a rail and absolutely refuses to eat any vegetables or anything not-processed (except for fruit). It might be an excuse but I do think it would be far easier if my house wasn't full of junk food (and I work from home).

I know something has to just "click" in my head again. I think looking at those photos before every meal just might do the trick.

Thank you again, everyone. I will read this thread again and again!
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Michael Gove and his insane educational? policies!
Thank you all so much for your great advice and kind words. I will not forget those photos in a hurry, especially because I've already had a minor foot infection (completely cleared).

Unfortunately I cannot throw away all the junk in the house. My nearly 22 year old step-son lives primarily on junk food. He is thin as a rail and absolutely refuses to eat any vegetables or anything not-processed (except for fruit). It might be an excuse but I do think it would be far easier if my house wasn't full of junk food (and I work from home).

I know something has to just "click" in my head again. I think looking at those photos before every meal just might do the trick.

Thank you again, everyone. I will read this thread again and again!
Does he contribute to the food bill? If not, then is it possible to tell him tough! (Unless it would upset your hubbie?) let him keep his assorted **** in his room! I am in rant mode at the mo as I am making my 2 tidy up all their stuff which is spilling over into our room as they like to climb into our bed and play minecraft on their tablets - probably because their room is so untidy they can't find the bed! Is it possible to explain to him that you are struggling with all of that temptation, especially as you work from home and it would be helpful if he could keep it in his room - preferably with a padlock on the door for your weaker moments! :D
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Now Scandi's padlock system is working quite well with me and alcohol....but it is only day 4!


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Michael Gove and his insane educational? policies!
Now Scandi's padlock system is working quite well with me and alcohol....but it is only day 4!
I know what you mean! We bought a wine box for daughters birthday as there were 15 adults coming. Only 2 of us had a glass. In the past it wouldn't have been a problem but now I don't drink a glass of wine with my evening meal every day but at the same time the thought of binning it brings tears to my eyes!


Type of diabetes
Type 2
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Tablets (oral)
Thank you all so much for your great advice and kind words. I will not forget those photos in a hurry, especially because I've already had a minor foot infection (completely cleared).

Unfortunately I cannot throw away all the junk in the house. My nearly 22 year old step-son lives primarily on junk food. He is thin as a rail and absolutely refuses to eat any vegetables or anything not-processed (except for fruit). It might be an excuse but I do think it would be far easier if my house wasn't full of junk food (and I work from home).

I know something has to just "click" in my head again. I think looking at those photos before every meal just might do the trick.

Thank you again, everyone. I will read this thread again and again!
You know we know exactly what you are going through. I have lost 10kg but I'm still 105kg and have had carb attacks/binge. Luckily I've been able to correct the next days diet. No one is saying its easy. It's a daily thing like an x-smoker or an alcoholic
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Does he contribute to the food bill? If not, then is it possible to tell him tough! (Unless it would upset your hubbie?) let him keep his assorted **** in his room! I am in rant mode at the mo as I am making my 2 tidy up all their stuff which is spilling over into our room as they like to climb into our bed and play minecraft on their tablets - probably because their room is so untidy they can't find the bed! Is it possible to explain to him that you are struggling with all of that temptation, especially as you work from home and it would be helpful if he could keep it in his room - preferably with a padlock on the door for your weaker moments! :D

Does he contribute to the food bill? Thanks, Scandichic, for the biggest laugh of my day! :hilarious: The kid hasn't worked a single hour in his life! By his age I had babysat (with several customers), delivered three paper routes, held several yard sales, worked in a mall, worked at a post office, in a retail store, in a grocery store, had finished uni and was married! He will have had almost 5 months off before he starts on his Master's Degree. It's his "holiday time", doncha know? And no, I mustn't upset the boy genius! Sorry, I am in rant mode today as well!

I will, however, suggest he move his food upstairs, or at least the ones I am most tempted by. Good idea, thank you. :)
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You know we know exactly what you are going through. I have lost 10kg but I'm still 105kg and have had carb attacks/binge. Luckily I've been able to correct the next days diet. No one is saying its easy. It's a daily thing like an x-smoker or an alcoholic

The funny thing was, aside from a bit of inconvenience, I really didn't miss the carbs that much, or not nearly as much as I thought I would. That birthday ice cream started it all. Now I want *everything* that is carby (and I've had it!) I figure, "I've screwed up so much now, what's one more candy bar? or doughnut? or plate of pasta?"

When I got that ice cream, I actually asked the lady if she had any sugar-free version. She said no, but that she's been getting requests for it. I felt like saying, "Then why don't you SELL IT?" ;) I guess because dummies like me then say, "Oh okay. I'll have the regular then." It wasn't even regular. It was a double scoop of gourmet ice cream. I went whole hog.

Anyway, new day!!!

I had Greek youghurt for lunch and some celery sticks with lower-carb peanut butter. I am planning on broiled fish and green beans for supper, and berries for dessert. I think I have to take this one meal at a time now. We're going food shopping tonight so I will get in a lot of my low-carb favs, veggies, Greek youghurt, eggs and the like.

I also just went upstairs and sorted through a huge tub of clothes that no longer fit me last year. I realized that a few pieces would fit now, and that if I continue to low-carb, I will have a whole new wardrobe of nice clothes that I haven't been able to wear in years by the fall/winter!

Death? Not a huge motivator. Fashion - now that's an incentive. :rolleyes: :p

Thanks again, all! :)
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Hi Fallgal why don't you put a small fridge and a cupboard in his room for all his Junk Food and then it will not be a temptation for you. I started the LCHF regime 4 weeks ago and feel great. I was never one for sweet stuff, chocolate sugar etc so that bit was easy. As I live alone (apart from my dog) its easier for me. My BG has come down, feel better and my cholesterol has come down as well on high fat!!!!. I bought a BG meter and that is a great motivator, check in morning, then before midday meal and 2hrs after. As for the wine I have a glass or 2 on an evening as a reward for being good! Get back on that horse and ride on girl!! ;)


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The funny thing was, aside from a bit of inconvenience, I really didn't miss the carbs that much, or not nearly as much as I thought I would. That birthday ice cream started it all. Now I want *everything* that is carby (and I've had it!) I figure, "I've screwed up so much now, what's one more candy bar? or doughnut? or plate of pasta?"

When I got that ice cream, I actually asked the lady if she had any sugar-free version. She said no, but that she's been getting requests for it. I felt like saying, "Then why don't you SELL IT?" ;) I guess because dummies like me then say, "Oh okay. I'll have the regular then." It wasn't even regular. It was a double scoop of gourmet ice cream. I went whole hog.

Anyway, new day!!!

I had Greek youghurt for lunch and some celery sticks with lower-carb peanut butter. I am planning on broiled fish and green beans for supper, and berries for dessert. I think I have to take this one meal at a time now. We're going food shopping tonight so I will get in a lot of my low-carb favs, veggies, Greek youghurt, eggs and the like.

I also just went upstairs and sorted through a huge tub of clothes that no longer fit me last year. I realized that a few pieces would fit now, and that if I continue to low-carb, I will have a whole new wardrobe of nice clothes that I haven't been able to wear in years by the fall/winter!

Death? Not a huge motivator. Fashion - now that's an incentive. :rolleyes: :p

Thanks again, all! :)
Just read through this thread @Fallgal .
I can identify with your situation. Was going great, having success with Newcastle diet, then tried LCHF. unfortunately took too literally the HF component. Especially the bit that said eat until you feel satisfied. Hmmm, no amount of cheese is enough for me. So I gained a few pounds. Round about the same time, I decided to start testing blood glucose again, and following advice on forum got a meter and started testing..
I take full responsibility for what I did for the next 4 weeks, which was try all sorts of high carb foods to see how they affected my blood glucose levels. Thankfully, they did not spike. My weight did though. Massively. I worry that if I return to my previous weight then the diabetes b g levels will return. Even though I did not enjoy those carby foods, and I ate huge quantities, once I started I craved more. I am only just getting some control of my food intake back.
An important point I would make is that although I take responsibility for the binge eating, it was encouraged by a couple of forum users who goaded me into trying sweet and carby foods. They probably did not realise the effect they were having (I hope) but it was at a time when I was particularly stressed, and emotionally low. It just shows that we never know when or what might make us fall off the wagon. It can be one thing that triggers that lapse, or a combination of circumstances. Most important is to see it as temporary lapse. None of us is perfect. Forgive and learn and move forward.
The smaller clothes must be encouraging for you. I would get rid of any that are now too big as an incentive to not allowing weight gain. Tell yourself you will never need to buy that size again.
Be well
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cold ethyl

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I plan my meals a week ahead so that I know what I am having and include all the things I really enjoy to make up for the lack of carbs. If I am honest, I've not really missed them anywhere near as much as I thought I would taste wise- it's more the convenience of a slice of toast or some chips on way home when you are too tired to cook. I know it forever seems such a big concept, but I just keep thinking that I won't have a tomorrow let alone a forever if I don't do this now. My great granny died when she was in her early 60s from a stroke and uncontrolled diabetes. With new drugs and better awareness, we have a chance to put off those sort of complications but we have to put a lot of the work in ourselves, which includes picking ourselves up and starting again when we fall off the wagon. Think of it as a short diversion on the road to better health, and get back on the right route asap.Find whatever incentive you can to keep you going, be it smaller clothes, a toy boy or whatever and then go for it. I was complimented on my new haircut and weight loss today and it made me realise that I want to keep at this- for years I've felt like I have been invisible to people, especially men and call me shallow, but I want to stop wearing black and seeing the middle aged fatty through their eyes.
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this is too difficult

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I know what you mean! We bought a wine box for daughters birthday as there were 15 adults coming. Only 2 of us had a glass. In the past it wouldn't have been a problem but now I don't drink a glass of wine with my evening meal every day but at the same time the thought of binning it brings tears to my eyes!
It keeps for two weeks.