Stupid idea by my boyfriend?

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These examples of shop assistants helping a diabetic in distress are heart warming & commendable..
But there is still the misguided view by most non Ds that "you must never give sugar to a diabetic". Some even think you must give more insulin..

There is no way I would take that chance with people I don't know.
I carry my own at all times...
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Mud Island Dweller

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An awful lot.
I have just discovered the insulin thing today. Am having a confusing discussion with someone over lactose intolerance but l made point saying lactose they apparently when saying lactose meant full dairy duh! ... she then told me that diabetics can take insulin but she can not take dairy....

Also full argument with some ambulance "driver" (deliberately derogatory l generally have lot of respect for paramedics over how they treated my folks) on same forum who tells me LCHF is a lie and l dont know what l am talking about it is dangerous yadda yadda. As he is now on ignore haven't the foggiest if he responded to my last reply.
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These examples of shop assistants helping a diabetic in distress are heart warming & commendable..
But there is still the misguided view by most non Ds that "you must never give sugar to a diabetic". Some even think you must give more insulin..

There is no way I would take that chance with people I don't know.
I carry my own at all times...

I agree with @Jaylee we should carry our own hypo rescue at all times. Even sitting here at home, I have adequate supplies in my pocket. My Insulin pen, meter and phone are within sight, just in case I have to rush out at a moment's notice.
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Michael Gove and his insane educational? policies!
There is a petition asking David Cameron to review benefits sanctions in the light of this case --> Petition. I've signed it because it appals me both as a diabetic and a father. My youngest son, who is autistic, is on benefits and one day he may get sanctioned because he doesn't always understand when and where he's meant to attend meetings.
Thanks! I've just signed.utterly appalling that such a vulnerable person should die due to some faceless bureaucrat who was only following rules.


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There is a petition asking David Cameron to review benefits sanctions in the light of this case --> Petition. I've signed it because it appals me both as a diabetic and a father. My youngest son, who is autistic, is on benefits and one day he may get sanctioned because he doesn't always understand when and where he's meant to attend meetings.

Thanks for the link. Have signed.


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There is a petition asking David Cameron to review benefits sanctions in the light of this case --> Petition. I've signed it because it appals me both as a diabetic and a father. My youngest son, who is autistic, is on benefits and one day he may get sanctioned because he doesn't always understand when and where he's meant to attend meetings.

Just signed this too.. It also looks like this guy also sacrificed a carreer to care for his sick mother.. Admirable in my book..
The man shouldn't have gone out like that.
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People that can't listen to other people's opinions.
People that can't say sorry.
I always carried what my hosp 30years had advised... But I hated them and so rarely used them that the glucotabs had gone really hard in my bag. Some diabetics get argumentative (i used to, no longer) and my mum knew at home I easily drank milk and sugar. I changed after that incident to sweets that I love and don't melt or go hard. My stomach does not tolerate jelly babies or gelatin products of any kind.

Signed petition too.

Loving life

Deleted member 83869

Or you could keep him, another one might not be so kind.
LOL thank you I wanna keep him....after all it's only because he cares...and it will no doubt be a mission to get my hypo stop on prescription so then what do I do??

Never expected this post to cause such an uproar ha....kinda regret posting it now but heyho.....each to there own.....

Deleted member 83869

And anyway some people might not be as kind as to help someone with low blood sugar....especially where I live!!


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Never expected this post to cause such an uproar ha....kinda regret posting it now but heyho.....each to there own.....

The way I see it, if a non D or "norm" made a comment about free hypo treatment for all in the form of a card, which was spurred on by a newspaper article about a diabetic ex soldier living in abject poverty after forgoing his job at BT to take care of his mother.. The end towhich was this poor man died of ketoacidosis....

I got no idea how long you have been in this relationship.. But if it had been someone I knew that had said this to me on the above premise?
I would have posted it here...
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Deleted member 83869

The way I see it, if a non D or "norm" made a comment about free hypo treatment for all in the form of a card, which was spurred on by a newspaper article about a diabetic ex soldier living in abject poverty after forgoing his job at BT to take care of his mother.. The end towhich was this poor man died of ketoacidosis....

I got no idea how long you have been in this relationship.. But if it had been someone I knew that had said this to me on the above premise?
I would have posted it here...
Well he did say it before that article but heyho! and a year and a half I wouldn't say it's that stupid though....he just wants the best and worries a hell of a lot!


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Well he did say it before that article but heyho! and a year and a half I wouldn't say it's that stupid though....he just wants the best and worries a hell of a lot!
Lol don't get me wrong.. I wish you both well.!
I've been putting up with stuff like this for 38 years.. Yep, it's a well meaning comment. I've had worse from exes. I get them on odd occasions from my wife.. But she soon gets the message when I start "intellectualising" feminism from a "guys perspective" to the point of "right on" condescending sympathy... ;)
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Deleted member 83869

Lol don't get me wrong.. I wish you both well.!
I've been putting up with stuff like this for 38 years.. Yep, it's a well meaning comment. I've had worse from exes. I get them on odd occasions from my wife.. But she soon gets the message when I start "intellectualising" feminism from a "guys perspective" to the point of "right on" condescending sympathy... ;)
He know's it's stupid too deep down...but he's a guy he won't admit it ha! But seriously he takes the worrying to a whole new level!
Yes I would carry hypo stop with me at all times...if I had the money at all times to buy hypo stop then I would.....I am only 20 so im not rolling in money ha! and like people say I can probably get it on prescription but it's not easy! rant over kinda lol
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These days most shops (uk) accept debit card payments with no lower limit on spending so I shall be using one of my debit accounts to ensure that I always have access to cash.
It's a pain but in an unfamiliar location it's my best bet.
I'm not loaded but I can afford to store a fiver

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He know's it's stupid too deep down...but he's a guy he won't admit it ha! But seriously he takes the worrying to a whole new level!
Yes I would carry hypo stop with me at all times...if I had the money at all times to buy hypo stop then I would.....I am only 20 so im not rolling in money ha! and like people say I can probably get it on prescription but it's not easy! rant over kinda lol

He's a caring young man who thinks a lot about you and your medical condition, now that sounds like the start of a new thread Nicola:). Especially with some of the awful things we hear on the radio, newspapers and TV You sound like a great couple, long may it last......... and as for the card, always positives and negatives Nicola, a few good posts though. With best wishes .
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@Robinredbreast perhaps there is a possibility this young bow could sign in as a "diabetic friend" & make an introduction in a new topic ?
We could could gauge this suitors honourable intention..
The ladies could then retire to the sewing room making sure new needles are used on every stitch.
While the gentlemen continue in the lounge smoking diabetic cigars & laying off the brandy..! :p
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Bullies, Liars, Trolls and dishonest cruel people
@Robinredbreast perhaps there is a possibility this young bow could sign in as a "diabetic friend" & make an introduction in a new topic ?
We could could gauge this suitors honourable intention..
The ladies could then retire to the sewing room making sure new needles are used on every stitch.
While the gentlemen continue in the lounge smoking diabetic cigars & laying off the brandy..! :p

That's a great idea Jaylee,I wonder what Nicola would make of it ? I especially liked the last two sentences I've highlighted. The sentences do make good sense, you have all the right content, but not necessarily in the right order ;)hmmmmm lol

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That's a great idea Jaylee,I wonder what Nicola would make of it ? I especially liked the last two sentences I've highlighted. The sentences do make good sense, you have all the right content, but not necessarily in the right order ;)hmmmmm lol

RR, I understand where your coming from with the "last two sentences"... Lol I have been known to do running repairs myself on buttons & tears...!

I feel good old fashioned victorian values should be applied here. ;)
Come to think of it...?!
I have also been subject to a good "grilling" from an over protective dad in my youth, even though the relationship was purely "plutonic"....
Another occasion it was the mother who had consumed about 3 bottles of red one early evening while I waited on the front room for my date to get ready..
This "mother" after an emotional praising of her daughter, turned the mood even darker by crawling across the living room past the coffee table from her couch to my adjacent seat & proceeded to aggressively nibble on my ear...! There was absolutely no doubt about "Mrs Robinson's" intentions.. & she nearly got caught out by the daughter....

All good protective upbringing....! :confused:
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