Room 101 (like the TV prog)


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I would have suggested all air fresheners but thought that would be considered excessive.:eek:
Be as excessive as you like. It is amazingly cathartic. And fun!


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In answer, fresh air, if there is any, is the best remedy for bad smells
Yup, like try opening the window.
Although perhaps, Enclave could have a little lavender oil and a spray bottle. Thats what I use when I can't be bothered opening the window. That is not really an air freshener by the way. It is an air cleanser. A subtle difference. Oh and it helps me to sleep. Not quite as well as when I have 4 pints of Guinness, though.

I am rambling now, aren't I? Yup. Thought so.


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MIA = missing in action

It's ok, you are excused. Busy with flood related activities will provide lots of lovely (or not so lovely) additions to 101 when you do return to us.

Seriously though - must be hell for you. Did you lose power? Can you still cook?

Love to the Hounds.
Is the doggy do on the new carpet?!? That would be awful!
Thanks .. It's been a long day .. Mia .. Yes it makes sense now :banghead: dogie do not on the new carpet .. But over most everything else ! Now he's run of of liquid it's puffing out in dust .. Stinks :yuck: Saluki's don't like disruption .. So we should expect something ...nose peg anyone .....
@Pipp .. Yes we have the windows open and the fire alight it freezing ....
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Thanks .. It's been a long day .. Mia .. Yes it makes sense now :banghead: dogie do not on the new carpet .. But over most everything else ! Now he's run of of liquid it's puffing out in dust .. Stinks :yuck: Saluki's don't like disruption .. So we should expect something ...nose peg anyone .....
@Pipp .. Yes we have the windows open and the fire alight it freezing ....

Oh poor Mr and Mrs Enclave

Doggie doo, definitely in, have to include doggie trumps too. We were looking for something else toxic to send in to the cold callers et al.


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How about essence of chicken farm ... That should get the cold callers feathers ruffled :)
Did I say I live next door to a chicken farm :(
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Thanks .. It's been a long day .. Mia .. Yes it makes sense now :banghead: dogie do not on the new carpet .. But over most everything else ! Now he's run of of liquid it's puffing out in dust .. Stinks :yuck: Saluki's don't like disruption .. So we should expect something ...nose peg anyone .....
@Pipp .. Yes we have the windows open and the fire alight it freezing ....

Wait a minute, @Enclave
I recall your dog, Joseph, saying in an early post that his poo smelled sweet.
Was Joseph telling porkies then?
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Anyone noticed that we've got a few MIA? @satindoll @chris lowe @Mrs B @Enclave @Andrew Colvin (and many others...)

I hope no one thinks they can wimp out with the feeble excuse of family commitments and bank holiday activities

Come on - we have to fill an inter dimensional tardis-like room of infinite capacity - no slacking!

Mind you, bank hols and families may prove fertile ground for 101 entries...
And @Bluetit1802
Not seen you for ages!
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Well I want to extend air fresheners to all perfume. Why on earth do people think they need to smell any different than they really do. Nature has a way with its own smells!


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My addiction to carbs
Well I want to extend air fresheners to all perfume. Why on earth do people think they need to smell any different than they really do. Nature has a way with its own smells!
But Andrew it's generally someone else's smell we want to cover up, not our own .... We have this rancid stuff in Oz called Nil Odour ... it's meant to get rid of any smell... The reality is the stuff itself smells so vile that the underlying smell is far preferable.


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Planning Inspectors and developers. Throw the lot in.

Our small rural market town is doubling in size with no extra facilities such as schools, doctors and so on. Our roads and bridges were built in the days of cart horses and were never meant for cars, let alone the numbers currently using them. Our local planning officers used to listen to the people and turned down the ridiculous large development applications, but these go to appeal and the Inspectors overturn the decisions. This had led to the local planners now allowing the developments because they can no longer afford to go to the inevitable appeals.
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Retired Moderator
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Anyone noticed that we've got a few MIA? @satindoll @chris lowe @Mrs B @Enclave @Andrew Colvin (and many others...)

I hope no one thinks they can wimp out with the feeble excuse of family commitments and bank holiday activities

Come on - we have to fill an inter dimensional tardis-like room of infinite capacity - no slacking!

Mind you, bank hols and families may prove fertile ground for 101 entries...

Flimsy excuses if you ask me. I've relocated 4500 miles, so that I have more time to contribute to this thread!!!

OK. So, that's actually a lie. But a good lie, eh? ;)
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I have no excuse *hangs head in shame*

Just got sidetracked by elderly mother in law coming over so had to repeatedly nag MrB to clear up the bomb site previously known as my house. MiL is doddery delicate kind of 83 and is all "how are you feeling, you are such a poor thing, I've been so worried about you, can I make you some tea, do you want me to pop round and help you when everyone goes out tomorrow afternoon blah blah" really? NO!!!! Please go away. I am capable of being left alone for an hour or 10 without dying. I am happy for some peace so I can sleep and recuperate and really don't want to have to get up to let you in the house then have to make polite conversation for 2 hours. Don't you know I'm re-growing bone matter? In the 3 weeks since I did it I've been looking after 1 hubby and 3 boys until Wednesday, then down to 1 hubby 1 boy since. I have yet to have even an afternoon nap in peace.

Please put my mother in law into room 101 (carefully tho as I don't really want to kill her off just yet).

Rant over ;) ;) xx
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You can also put in supermarket shopping delivery drivers that try to hand me my shopping to carry into the house when they can see I'm on crutches grr

And electric toothbrushes that don't turn off properly so that they splatter you with toothpaste when removed from your mouth............. And children that think this is hilarious :)
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Staff Member
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I have no excuse *hangs head in shame*

Just got sidetracked by elderly mother in law coming over so had to repeatedly nag MrB to clear up the bomb site previously known as my house. MiL is doddery delicate kind of 83 and is all "how are you feeling, you are such a poor thing, I've been so worried about you, can I make you some tea, do you want me to pop round and help you when everyone goes out tomorrow afternoon blah blah" really? NO!!!! Please go away. I am capable of being left alone for an hour or 10 without dying. I am happy for some peace so I can sleep and recuperate and really don't want to have to get up to let you in the house then have to make polite conversation for 2 hours. Don't you know I'm re-growing bone matter? In the 3 weeks since I did it I've been looking after 1 hubby and 3 boys until Wednesday, then down to 1 hubby 1 boy since. I have yet to have even an afternoon nap in peace.

Please put my mother in law into room 101 (carefully tho as I don't really want to kill her off just yet).

Rant over ;) ;) xx
Could she cope with being a holding area monitor? Just to wind up the queue in the waiting room?
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