Room 101 (like the TV prog)


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. wondering if there'd be a special section available for ex-wives at all? Especially ones who expect their ex husbands to continue paying child support after said older child has turned 18 and left school.... you wish!

Hmm, yes, she should not expect that, but then there is the 18 year old. There seems to be an expectation these days that not only should we parents provide for the young ones until they become adults, but that we should carry on until they complete their 'education'. For some that extend the student experience to post graduate studies, that means until they are aged around 30. Then some of them have the nerve to say that the baby boomers are depriving them of affordable houses etc.

I say let's put in anyone over 18 who thinks the world, or their parents, owe then a living.
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Bible Bashing , Tub Thumping, Pulpit Pilots, who with one word turn a wonderful rejoicing of the seriously cut short life of a terrific young man, carefully planned to help his young daughter come to terms with her fathers death, into a fiasco, I have never felt like killing someone before but......
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Bible Bashing , Tub Thumping, Pulpit Pilots, who with one word turn a wonderful rejoicing of the seriously cut short life of a terrific young man, carefully planned to help his young daughter come to terms with her fathers death, into a fiasco, I have never felt like killing someone before but......

Oh, no! Feel like explaining?


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Son in laws brother died suddenly of a hear attack only 36, had to wait for an autopsy, then at the funeral little one had put all her dads and her favourite music sing along songs on tape, pig preacher said Dora the explorer wasn't suitable and until then she had been holding it together, upshot one very hurt little girl, very large upset group of friends and family, hopefully one pig preacher regretting his mouth
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Son in laws brother died suddenly of a hear attack only 36, had to wait for an autopsy, then at the funeral little one had put all her dads and her favourite music sing along songs on tape, pig preacher said Dora the explorer wasn't suitable and until then she had been holding it together, upshot one very hurt little girl, very large upset group of friends and family, hopefully one pig preacher regretting his mouth

Oh, my word! What an awful ordeal!
So, sorry for you all having such a tragic loss. That little girl should have been able to have expressed her feelings in a way personal to her and her daddy.
I don't think that we need to put the preacher in, seems he is there already.
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Thanks Pipp, just needed to let it go,

Looks like I missed a lot of fun here, and like you I am the perfect MIL.
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Son in laws brother died suddenly of a hear attack only 36, had to wait for an autopsy, then at the funeral little one had put all her dads and her favourite music sing along songs on tape, pig preacher said Dora the explorer wasn't suitable and until then she had been holding it together, upshot one very hurt little girl, very large upset group of friends and family, hopefully one pig preacher regretting his mouth

I think Dante reserved a circle of hell just for the likes of him, but hey, I'm impatient, throw the pompous ass in!
Good to see you back BTW !:happy:

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Thanks Pipp, just needed to let it go,

Looks like I missed a lot of fun here, and like you I am the perfect MIL.


I would not have been able to keep my hands from around his throat.

I hope that little girl finds that there are decent understanding people in this world.

I feel such contempt for people like that 'man of faith', I can only imagine the angst he caused you all.

Sorry, I fear that if I don't shut up I will add to your grief.
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Thanks @Heathenlass Love the new avitars
Good to be home amongst friends
@Pipp No you won't do that, it makes it easier to know I wasn't being stupid for feeling murderous. and Daisy is o.k. we just turned up the volume and let rip.
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Good to have you back.
So sorry about the whole experience.

That man deserves worse than 101.


How did your exMIL's funeral go?

Hugs all round. We need them.
Perhaps we should hug the pig preacher.
He would probably implode.
We could video it.
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Thanks @Brunneria . Love the new avatar, definitely you,

Is there anywhere worse than 101, I would love to see him implode, could be messy though. ewwwwww
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Thanks @Brunneria . Love the new avatar, definitely you,

Is there anywhere worse than 101, I would love to see him implode, could be messy though. ewwwwww

I would say keep him out for a while, but away from 'ministering' to anyone. Make him reflect on what he has done, give him nightmares about it for a while, and then find the vilest corner in 101 for him.
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I would say keep him out for a while, but away from 'ministering' to anyone. Make him reflect on what he has done, give him nightmares about it for a while, and then find the vilest corner in 101 for him.

With a loop playing Dora the explorer song at full volume, and rats knawing at his bible, cassock and dog collar. oh yes.
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Thanks @Brunneria . Love the new avatar, definitely you,

Is there anywhere worse than 101, I would love to see him implode, could be messy though. ewwwwww

New avatar is courtesy of @Scandichic and this thread.

I'm still adjusting to the cup size. ;)

By the way - don't you dare change your avatar. I should have included it in the Perfect list. Because it is.
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Its a selfie, only I don't have the shorts anymore, or the green hair, but I may just go green again, did think about a change, but at least if we ever met you would know me immediately,
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Good to have you back.
So sorry about the whole experience.

That man deserves worse than 101.


How did your exMIL's funeral go?

Hugs all round. We need them.
Perhaps we should hug the pig preacher.
He would probably implode.
We could video it.

Thanks for asking, it was grim :mad: Another "Minister" who should be in 101 for sure. He waffled on and on about roses which Jean was never interested on, holidays in Tenerife which she never had, and we did wonder if he had actually got the right funeral :( He had never actually met her, and if he had done, she would have made mincemeat out of him as she was an agnostic, and his description of her now finding peace in a rose garden with Himself would have had her crying with laughter.

Oh, and he banned the playing of "Solveig's Song " from Peer Gynt, on the basis of it not being "Christian " , ignoramus that he is. If he had bothered to research this , he would have found it perfectly acceptable, even if not to his musical tastes :rolleyes:

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Thanks for asking, it was grim :mad: Another "Minister" who should be in 101 for sure. He waffled on and on about roses which Jean was never interested on, holidays in Tenerife which she never had, and we did wonder if he had actually got the right funeral :( He had never actually met her, and if he had done, she would have made mincemeat out of him as she was an agnostic, and his description of her now finding peace in a rose garden with Himself would have had her crying with laughter.

Oh, and he banned the playing of "Solveig's Song " from Peer Gynt, on the basis of it not being "Christian " , ignoramus that he is. If he had bothered to research this , he would have found it perfectly acceptable, even if not to his musical tastes :rolleyes:


So sorry to hear you suffered the same ignominy, Solveig's song is a beautiful piece of music, a bit maudlin but beautiful stupid man, perhaps we could put both together in a corner with the loop playing both pieces of music, serve them right.
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It's beautiful.
And even I can see how appropriate.

I'm so sorry.

I tell you what, let's handcuff them together, or put them in their own enclosed little sub-room. Nothing but the two of them without any distractions. They can spend the rest of time telling each other that they are right, the other minister is wrong, and judging everything.

We could sell tickets: 'masterclass in hypocracy' and 'how to avoid Christian Charity'.
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Its a selfie, only I don't have the shorts anymore, or the green hair, but I may just go green again, did think about a change, but at least if we ever met you would know me immediately,
I've been there with the green hair (accidentally, trying to unblonde myself. Didn't know I had to make it red before I put the brown on lol)
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It's beautiful.
And even I can see how appropriate.

I'm so sorry.

I tell you what, let's handcuff them together, or put them in their own enclosed little sub-room. Nothing but the two of them without any distractions. They can spend the rest of time telling each other that they are right, the other minister is wrong, and judging everything.

We could sell tickets: 'masterclass in hypocracy' and 'how to avoid Christian Charity'.

Even better than my idea.