Diabetes cured


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Litterbugs war mongers hate mongers propagandists.
I'm sure there's more.
Depends on the sort of arthritis. Its a bit of a minefield, just like diabetes. If it is degenerative arthritis ( often termed nowadays by docs as 'wear and tear' rather than osteo-arthritis) and you have bony spurs pressing on the nerves it can be excruciating. Need to strengthen the muscles around the area. I almost dare to suggest cycling. ;)

Since I can't use a bike or walk far, then I swim to keep as mobile as possible.

Keep on proving the docs wrong @JACKTHELAD. You know you can.
I seem to have both kinds of arthritis plus damaged nerves which causes me to have chronic pain syndrome.
Some of the spurs have bridged.
That is one spur on one vertabrae has merged with a spur from the next vertabrea.
I've also had vertabrae moving out of place but they seem to have gone back to almost normal position but thayt's caused the bottom half of my spine to go rigid ... poker straight.
It appears I also have something not quite right on my sacral bone/nerve.
The scan image shows an abnormality there but no one is sure yet what it is ... it's of concern because of cauda equina syndrome so I'm waiting to see a specialist this Friday.
I can't swim.
Have no fear of water but cannot for the life of me coordinate breathing and moving in water ... some people just can't swim.
I chuck myself in and can do a kind of back stroke doggy paddle to remain alive and have fun ... or could do haven't been in the water for a few years now.


Well-Known Member
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Treatment type
Not a cure... just a way to manage it. I was diagnosed with Type 2 at 49. With levels of 25+ it looked pretty dismal. Got into fitness/diet control, lost some weight and the numbers just kept dropping. Diet control and building muscle is the key for me. (not Schwarzenegger type muscles...) Muscle burns energy and helps me control blood sugar. So now, at 57, no drugs and life is pretty normal. Best part is, I was tortured with rheumatoid arthritis since my mid-thirties and now that is completely gone! Eat "well", exercise (especially resistance) and look for information. (a body builder helped me...) Takes time and persistence, but the payoff is big.

Same experience here and resistance and more muscle mass is almost as important as what you eat. If you are using insulin you can use it to help boost your muscle building ( not saying abuse but timing your insulin will increase your muscle mass quicker than not )

But you are right time and persistence is good plus pushing your muscles to failure. Weights don't have to be heavy either.


Staff Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
I know all about spine pain. Mine was dodgy from teenage years, and damaged further in an accident in my 30s. With this sort of damage, and that described by @JACKTHELAD it is not possible to keep mobile and exercising as intensely as others are.

I am convinced that the amount of exercise I can manage (at least 6hours a week) water based exercise is a factor in my blood glucose control. Also despite often intense pain, to keep moving as much as possible.

@JACKTHELAD, I hope you get good news at your appointment on Friday. Dare I suggest even though you can't swim, you try to get some hydrotherapy? The water takes your weight and makes it easier to move.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Litterbugs war mongers hate mongers propagandists.
I'm sure there's more.
I know all about spine pain. Mine was dodgy from teenage years, and damaged further in an accident in my 30s. With this sort of damage, and that described by @JACKTHELAD it is not possible to keep mobile and exercising as intensely as others are.

I am convinced that the amount of exercise I can manage (at least 6hours a week) water based exercise is a factor in my blood glucose control. Also despite often intense pain, to keep moving as much as possible.

@JACKTHELAD, I hope you get good news at your appointment on Friday. Dare I suggest even though you can't swim, you try to get some hydrotherapy? The water takes your weight and makes it easier to move.
I was booked up for some in a heated hydro pool a few months ago but I keep having outbreaks of open sores on my legs.
These bleed quite often so not allowed in.
I've had these on my legs and nowhere else coming and going and scarring my legs for around two years now ... mostly coming rarely going.
The GP tells me this is high sugars from my diabetes tried creams tablets everything and they won't go away.
But ... I have mostly had my bloods under control for a while and still they are there so .... further investigation needed me thinks.
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Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Litterbugs war mongers hate mongers propagandists.
I'm sure there's more.
Just for a moment if I dare go back to food production and waste and our monetary system ....
Our levels of production of everything agricultural came to a head twenty five years ago when everything was over produced to the point where we had beef pork lamb and chicken mountains.
Grain mountains wine lakes butter mountains lard mountains cooking oils carrots coming out of the ceilings ... everything you can name was piling high and becoming worthless.
Our capitalist monetary and production system was starting to lock up so all this stuff for around fifteen years was being dumped in the oceans while people around the world were starving to death.
Our technology is streets ahead now and we can grow even more!
But the answer was the tax payers pay the farmers the bankers the share holders the factory bosses through taxation to destroy the fruits of our talents and then carry on paying people not to produce anything.
This isn't conspiracy theory but everyday news ... everyday reality.
Governments are paying to not produce food ... exactly the opposite of the other guys argument I'm afraid.
Our capitalist system is about monopoly and capitalism hates abundance.
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Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Litterbugs war mongers hate mongers propagandists.
I'm sure there's more.
I like the idea of wine lakes.
Sounds good but we were paying for it ... to be dumped and not getting even a sip!
Some of it went through distillation apparently to recover the alcohol for industrial purposes.
What a waste aye.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Litterbugs war mongers hate mongers propagandists.
I'm sure there's more.
A new problem where we used to grow food for people consumption is the growing of food for machines.
I don't know the acreage around the world but it is apparently huge and global.
Our cars and other machinery are now being fed from our arable land.
There are answers to these problems but very powerful interests .... aren't interested.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
rude d/n nurses and being treated like im wierd because im diabetic
Fabulous Cath. What's your diet like these days?
i tend to stick to no or low carb , bake myself and regular exersize, the weight loss has eased but still nevr gains x
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Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
rude d/n nurses and being treated like im wierd because im diabetic
Something to aspire to, thank you.
Any chance you would keep on posting to inspire others.
it was only the advice from here i got on with it, its certainly changed my life now were are you with ur dabeties are you 1 or 2 xx