Transition to real food post newcastle diet


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Ok - so the fasting idea continues. It seems to be working ok. I dropped 4kg in 4 days. Mostly water I suspect. Back down to the weight I was at the end of the NP.

I have to see my GP next Friday for a meds review. I'll keep the fasting pattern going til then. I'll pay attention at the GP's this time and collect up all of my scores over the last few blood tests so I can see what, if any, difference the NP has made.

Last time I went to the GP I was 97kg - so I'm expecting a 'gasp' - or at least a noticeable intake of breath - otherwise I'll be disappointed. ;)

Hope you post them Steve, would be very interested in doing some comparing


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So - end of week 2 of intermittent fasting. Fasting blood 4.7. weight 84.6. Very happy - but still not able to break through the 84kg threshold. Might do the Slimfast diet next week - mic things up a bit. Dr's on Friday - would be good to get below 84 for that!
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End of week 9
Still doing intermittent fasting from evening to afternoon and weight has remained stable.
But my fasting bg's are all 5.1 to 5.3 Not seeing a lot of 4's anymore
post pardinal jumps are still negligible whether i eat high carb or low but I try and stick with low carbs most of the time except when I really want to let myself loose for social reasons, that does not happen very often, once in a month is about average.
All looks ok, I see dn next week and see what she says, I would like to get one more a1c done to see what the figures are like now but i doubt she will give me another test in 3 months again.
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End of week 9
Still doing intermittent fasting from evening to afternoon and weight has remained stable.
But my fasting bg's are all 5.1 to 5.3 Not seeing a lot of 4's anymore
post pardinal jumps are still negligible whether i eat high carb or low but I try and stick with low carbs most of the time except when I really want to let myself loose for social reasons, that does not happen very often, once in a month is about average.
All looks ok, I see dn next week and see what she says, I would like to get one more a1c done to see what the figures are like now but i doubt she will give me another test in 3 months again.
Good to hear Brettsza

I'll be seeing my GP on Friday. My story is more or less the same as yours. No more weight loss - fasting bloods int eh 5.5. range. All good.
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Thats nice to hear Steve
I actually just wanted to point out that in last 1 and a half week I have only been having salads so a lot of green leafy salads and a piece of fish or chicken all put together with some yogurt and salt and pepper. Its very filling, and you get veggies and proteins. But my readings are all between 4.8 and 5.3 fasting and 4.9 and 5.5 pp
I did introduce fruit but have backed off a little from it after going crazy on raspberries on sunday.
Also as there have been loads of threads discussing protein roll, I have tried the lidl protein rolls if someone is interested. I found myself staying flat on those.
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@brettsza , @Steve50

Hi Guys,

I'm finding similar results to you. BG mainly in the 5's with the very occasional high 4 thrown in. I seem to have adjusted to this style of eating (LCHF) now and my weight is down marginally from the end of ND, 4 weeks ago, but only by 1 1/2 lbs. Had blood tests done last week and see the GP tomorrow for the results - the first A1C since starting all of this, so fingers crossed. My Surgery is very good at testing bloods and lets me book in every 3 months for full checks.
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@brettsza , @Steve50

Hi Guys,

I'm finding similar results to you. BG mainly in the 5's with the very occassional high 4 thrown in. I seem to have adjusted to this style of eating (LCHF) now and my weight is down marginally from the end of ND, 4 weeks ago, but only by 1 1/2 lbs. Had blood tests done last week and see the GP tomorrow for the results - the first A1C since starting all of this, so fingers crossed. My Surgery is very good at testing bloods and lets me book in every 3 months for full checks.
Good to hear Rob

It seems we are all three more or less at the same point - post NP. I have had difficulty keeping my weight low - and without the introduction of fasting days, I am sure I would have gained. Happy to try the protein bars if they suppress the appetite.

I'll have my results on Friday - and post them here.

Just about to go for a long walk. Am sure with Friday looming, I am going into some sort of subconscious preparation!
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All the best @RobOwen
Update us on your results.
Atleast this tells us that we are all doing same post nd.
I was anyways on LCHF and maintaining that to make sure bg's behave and weight stays down.
Hopefully our long term progress on a1c's will tell us more about how the recovery is going for us.
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@brettsza , @Steve50

Hi Guys,

I'm finding similar results to you. BG mainly in the 5's with the very occasional high 4 thrown in. I seem to have adjusted to this style of eating (LCHF) now and my weight is down marginally from the end of ND, 4 weeks ago, but only by 1 1/2 lbs. Had blood tests done last week and see the GP tomorrow for the results - the first A1C since starting all of this, so fingers crossed. My Surgery is very good at testing bloods and lets me book in every 3 months for full checks.

Much the same results here to, though I am a week behind you Rob, my BG's 6.2 - 7.4 sometimes would see 5.8 or 5.9 but that's rare, due to see the Doc soon and get the results of my blood tests, must make an appointment, slowly starting to eat more varied foods and learning what I can't touch, Bread is an absolute no no, except for Lidl rolls, small amount of "twice " cooked pasta is fine, and NO potatoes allowed, retinopathy is better and feel a lot healthier, weight down from 242lbs to between 211 and 214, stuck here but hopefully will achieve my goal of 203lbs, and all because of this thread and the knowledge found here, have learnt portion control and also (I think it was Brettsza that said it) if you don't feel hungry, skip a meal and don't eat just for the sake of it, found that works for me, also if not really hungry I would have a Slimfast instead, gotten to like them, sad I know

Thanks for the journey guys.
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Much the same results here to, though I am a week behind you Rob, my BG's 6.2 - 7.4 sometimes would see 5.8 or 5.9 but that's rare, due to see the Doc soon and get the results of my blood tests, must make an appointment, slowly starting to eat more varied foods and learning what I can't touch, Bread is an absolute no no, except for Lidl rolls, small amount of "twice " cooked pasta is fine, and NO potatoes allowed, retinopathy is better and feel a lot healthier, weight down from 242lbs to between 211 and 214, stuck here but hopefully will achieve my goal of 203lbs, and all because of this thread and the knowledge found here, have learnt portion control and also (I think it was Brettsza that said it) if you don't feel hungry, skip a meal and don't eat just for the sake of it, found that works for me, also if not really hungry I would have a Slimfast instead, gotten to like them, sad I know

Thanks for the journey guys.
Not over yet WR!!!!

We have to keep it off - and I hope we can help each other with that. :depressed:
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Thats nice to hear Steve
I actually just wanted to point out that in last 1 and a half week I have only been having salads so a lot of green leafy salads...
I did introduce fruit but have backed off a little from it after going crazy on raspberries on sunday...

Brettsza - I think it sounds VERY healthy for you to go wild on raspberries! If you are Anglo/N European your people have been going crazy with berries during your summers since people on the British Isles began. All those essential minerals and vitamins! Vitamin C in particular. And we have our sweet tooth to attract us to fruit, and honey, when it is available. (But I know I know - no Type 2 diabetics when we left African sahara and headed Euro-ville.) Do you eat and meter after a berry binge? Because I have been led to believe berries have a very low glycemic load.

I know Dr Mercola is very down on fruit consumption, and many natural health/functional medicine types are very down on T2 types like us imbibing, but Mercola has also written a lot about why he is - and it is often very personal to do with their own food environment and probably tied into the gut biome , uric acid levels, and so on.

But if you and your family and your forebears were pigging out on berries, my guess is your liver and pancreas is probably dealing with it pretty well - as reflected in your BG level an hour or so after the fruit feeding frenzy. Or is it not good?


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Brettsza - I think it sounds VERY healthy for you to go wild on raspberries! If you are Anglo/N European your people have been going crazy with berries during your summers since people on the British Isles began. All those essential minerals and vitamins! Vitamin C in particular. And we have our sweet tooth to attract us to fruit, and honey, when it is available. (But I know I know - no Type 2 diabetics when we left African sahara and headed Euro-ville.) Do you eat and meter after a berry binge? Because I have been led to believe berries have a very low glycemic load.

I know Dr Mercola is very down on fruit consumption, and many natural health/functional medicine types are very down on T2 types like us imbibing, but Mercola has also written a lot about why he is - and it is often very personal to do with their own food environment and probably tied into the gut biome , uric acid levels, and so on.

But if you and your family and your forebears were pigging out on berries, my guess is your liver and pancreas is probably dealing with it pretty well - as reflected in your BG level an hour or so after the fruit feeding frenzy. Or is it not good?
You know what I tested after an hour and I was 5.8 and then I did not bother doing another test till after 4 or 5 hours when I was 5.1 or 5.2
My meter nowadays only gives me readings of 5.1 5.2 and 5.3 mostly
I think either its stuck or I am way too consistent.
I saw a run of 4's but now all 5's and only those three figures most of the time.
I do test 1 hour more nowadays to see whats peaking me a lot more than I think
My 2 hour levels are always between 5.0 and 5.5, I have not seen a 5.5 but lets just take that reading for the sake of it.
I am now trying to see that if I am low carbing, is there anything in particular that pushes my bg up to the sky by any chance as my a1c was quite disappointing to say the least.
I think our life is not just full of experiments.
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Update us on your results.
At least this tells us that we are all doing same post nd.
I was anyways on LCHF and maintaining that to make sure bg's behave and weight stays down.
Hopefully our long term progress on a1c's will tell us more about how the recovery is going for us.
Yay! Just back from the GP's - A1c is 43 or 6.1% and he has agreed that the 1 x 500mg Metformin I am currently taking per day is no longer required, so he has wiped all Diabetes medication from my repeat prescriptions, halved my remaing BP tablet and we have decided to monitor my cholesterol for another 3 months to see what LCHF does to those figures (I dropped the statin a few days ago to see if my long-term aches dissipated).

He seemed genuinely impressed by what I had achieved in 3 months and when I said about returning for full blood tests every 3 months his response was, "You do what you like, you're the expert here and totally in charge. I'll go with whatever you want."!

Walked out with a massive smile on my face.
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Thats really nice and seems to be a nice gp too, I had to beg mine to get an a1c done, I am about to beg him or the DN for one more again.

Awesome job done.
Waiting eagerly for others to post there results too now.
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Thats really nice and seems to be a nice gp too, I had to beg mine to get an a1c done, I am about to beg him or the DN for one more again.

Awesome job done.
Waiting eagerly for others to post there results too now.

Brettsza, if you have these home tests, whilst I found there were not exactly the same as the venous blood test, they were utterly consistent. I ran a home HbA1c test the same day as my venous blood test, and also a few days before my next one (at that point, I was using up tests, as I was about to go away for several months and wouldn't be back until after the home kit's expiry date), several months later. The home kit ran 0.2% higher, so that was easy. This next batch I have also benchmarked in the same way (venous and home test same day), and the margin is exactly the same, so I am content to use that margin for information and trending purposes.

Can you tell I'm a bit of a data monster? :confused::bookworm:


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Hats off to you @AndBreathe thats amazing.
You know I read this too on the same thread that you checked it with the venous test but I thought I could be wrong.
I saw the link as well and it seems good at 10 pounds per a1c its very economical but I dont have anyone to share this with unfortunately, May be I will call them and ask whats the expiry on there latest batch and see if i could use most of them up just before expiry or I would have to just test myself about every month.


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Hats off to you @AndBreathe thats amazing.
You know I read this too on the same thread that you checked it with the venous test but I thought I could be wrong.
I saw the link as well and it seems good at 10 pounds per a1c its very economical but I dont have anyone to share this with unfortunately, May be I will call them and ask whats the expiry on there latest batch and see if i could use most of them up just before expiry or I would have to just test myself about every month.

They're very friendly and customer focused. Because I popped in to pick up my parcel, they gave me a little box of their corporate branded shortbread biscuits. I kept my mouth shut! They did it on the basis they hadn't had to pay for the courier; delivery being included in the cost). Bless.


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Yay! Just back from the GP's - A1c is 43 or 6.1% and he has agreed that the 1 Medtformin I am currently taking per day is no longer required, so he has wiped all Diabetes medication from my repeat prescriptions, halved my remaing BP tablet and we have decided to monitor my cholesterol for another 3 months to see what LCHF does to those figures (I dropped the statin a few days ago to see if my long-term aches dissipated).

He seemed genuinely impressed by what I had achieved in 3 months and when I said about returning for full blood tests every 3 months his response was, "You do what you like, you're the expert here and totally in charge. I'll go with whatever you want."!

Walked out with a massive smile on my face.
Wow - what a result Rob. Fantastic to hear.
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