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  • 4) How long has it been after someone hired you and GP signed for you your medical exemption?

    Please answer me this questions and maybe after that I will have some further problems which I hope you will be willing to solve. Best regards!
    Omg I'm so sorry for never responding to these messages! I haven't been active on this forum for a very long time :( hopefully you managed to sort everything out when you moved!
    2) When I will find myself a job and I will be NHS covered can I go to GP right after I will begin my work or I will have to be UK resident for some time to do so?

    3) I want to get a prescription for injection/stripes. I understand that I will have to sign some form to get my prescriptions refund. So correct me if I'm wrong - before I'll sign a form I will pay only for prescription or also for drugs?
    1) Firstly I go to GP and register in their facility as I understand. OK but when should I do it - after I will get my NIN number and my first job or for example as soon as I will move to UK or should I do it even sooner? I will have some supplies with me when I'll arrive for about 3 months.
    Hello Levy, my name is Adrian and as I read in one post you are from Netherlands and you moved to UK. I have some questions involving diabetes T1 for fresh immigrant. I am from Poland and soon I am moving to UK like you did little while ago.
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