Moving on….Starting on insulin....positive signs of improvement ...glimmers of hope...


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@zand....was going to reply to your recent post but see it has disappeared.....hope you feel better soon...:)


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Yes sorry about that post. :) I'll be a nicer person when I feel better. :) (Well maybe)

I hope things are improving for you today :)


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Yes sorry about that post. :) I'll be a nicer person when I feel better. :) (Well maybe)

I hope things are improving for you today :)

@zand problem....I hope things do get better soon just concerned though as his diabetes is not well controlled (referral appointment at end of January to go on to insulin) and how this will affect his recovery. Yesterday he didn't get up until mid afternoon and consequently didn't take his morning medication until then....blood sugars are unknown / untested ...and not eating much or at regular times...
Anyway, being positive, today is another day and hopefully things will get better...take care of yourself:)
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I'm probably going to be shouted down for saying this. I usually feel very ill with the type of illness that your husband has and all I can do is concentrate on getting myself better. I know my BG's are generally a lot better than your husband's so it's easy for me to say this, it's not too much of a big deal if I let them slip for a day or two. As Bluetit1802 has said just do the best you can with what you give him to eat and that should help. I haven't tested for a few days either because I'm feeling too ill to bother. Obviously as your husband's BG's were uncontrolled in the first place this is more of a worry for you, but my advice would be for you to try to relax as you are already doing all you can. I hope he makes a speedy recovery and then sees the sense in regular testing. If he could just do it for a while so that he sees the numbers falling he might have the incentive to continue.

I wish you luck with this :)
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Molly, I am wondering why you are feeding him bread, toast, potatoes, and a baguette! I understand he is poorly at the moment and needs to eat something, but these choices are not wise ones for someone with high blood sugars. I would stick to homemade soups, with no spuds and no flour thickener, with maybe half a slice of low carb bread and plenty of butter. Also random testing is not telling you anything. At least try to test him first thing in the morning when he has fasted all night. That would be a better indicator of how he is doing in general.
Carrot & certainly Parsnip are not a good idea in soup.
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Carrot & certainly Parsnip are not a good idea in soup.
Seems I can't even get the ingredients of the soup right either...:(.

...was working on the theory that this would be a better alternative to his other choices of a bowl of porridge or a slice of bread or toast (his choices / not my suggestions)...and that perhaps the soup was the healthier option / the lesser of two evils... hard when he won't take any notice or responsibility about his diabetes and what he eats...if I had one wish for Christmas that would be it..

.....not feeling in a very positive mood today:(....


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Hey cheer up. It's a lot to learn at first. I struggle with soups too, I'm always getting them wrong and I've been doing this 3 years! I believe the soup was still the better option, but maybe in time you'll be able to make it even better. :)


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Hey cheer up. It's a lot to learn at first. I struggle with soups too, I'm always getting them wrong and I've been doing this 3 years! I believe the soup was still the better option, but maybe in time you'll be able to make it even better. :)
@zand...thank you...sometimes think it would be easier if I was the diabetic least then I would be able to take control and do something about it.....but I'm not all I can do is hopefully guide him in the right directions......just wish he would take more interest though ...
....perhaps I need to write my letter to Santa and put in my request...:)


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Feeling like the positive vibes from last week have disappeared.....or perhaps it is just that I am getting tired of trying to cope with this all ....hopefully I can find them again sometime...


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Recent days have not been easy as my partner has not been well (sore throat /cough /flu like symptoms) - I managed to get an appointment for him yesterday, not with the usual doctor that he sees (appointments with him are like gold dust) but a different doctor…a female doctor who we had not seen before….this proved to be a very good move as she was very thorough and very helpful…
….it also gave me an opportunity to ask the questions I needed to about recent blood sugar levels / what to do before referral appointment at end of January…

More importantly my partner had the opportunity to ask some questions about moving on to insulin and it appears that he is now accepting of the idea in the hope that this will help to manage his diabetes and help him to feel better in himself....I know for some this would not be seen as the ideal solution but it is right for my partner for where he is now..

Am hoping that I can use the positive messages from yesterday to move on and work on this together… the light of recent events I sense that now is the time to draw a line and to move on with a more positive attitude .....hopefully this is just the start of getting somewhere with this...

Feeling like the positive vibes from last week have disappeared.....or perhaps it is just that I am getting tired of trying to cope with this all ....hopefully I can find them again sometime...

Just re-reading my original post on this thread I am realising that perhaps things are not as they seem and just want to put the record straight….since joining the forum I have always maintained a sense of honesty in all of the posts that I have made and told it all exactly as it is ….

However I am realising that the post at the beginning of this thread has somehow broken my golden rule as this is not how it really is and paints rather a false picture of the current situation ….I think I was trying to give a more positive outlook to my situation in light of what went on on the forum in the previous week ….

Seeing the new doctor was indeed a positive move and I stand by that comment….however my partner’s attitude towards his diabetes has sadly not changed…despite my hopes that it would given his questions when he saw the GP…

The truth is that he is not taking any more notice….is still not watching what he eats ….is not testing / last test was a week ago…

…his referral appointment to go on to insulin is still six weeks away…

….and I am dreading the thought of what he will eat over the Christmas period and what that will be doing to his already high blood sugar levels…

Sadly I am really getting to the point where I don’t know that I can help him anymore and will just have to let him get on with it in his own way…..and just dealing with the consequences of that when they arise…

I apologise if any of my recent posts over the last week have been misleading in any way and hope that I can at least tell it how it is from now on…
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Bullies, Liars, Trolls and dishonest cruel people
Goodnight Molly, sleep tight RRB x


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Pasta, sorry to me it's vile, yeuch lol (and full of nasty carbs)
Yes Molly, catch zzzs and well Tomorrow is Another Day.


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Yes Molly, catch zzzs and well Tomorrow is Another Day.
@eddie1968 you say 'tomorrow is another day' and here we are....
...but with evidence that he has eaten not one but two raspberry jam doughnuts whilst I have been out (the evidence / packet was in the bin) what hope do I have.... really disappointed as had hoped he had given up this sort of food....clearly I was wrong....:(...


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Pasta, sorry to me it's vile, yeuch lol (and full of nasty carbs)
Molly it is not your fault, he is not taking responsibility for his own health, it has got to come from him. Sorry to hear this.
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Just re-reading my original post on this thread I am realising that perhaps things are not as they seem and just want to put the record straight….since joining the forum I have always maintained a sense of honesty in all of the posts that I have made and told it all exactly as it is ….

However I am realising that the post at the beginning of this thread has somehow broken my golden rule as this is not how it really is and paints rather a false picture of the current situation ….I think I was trying to give a more positive outlook to my situation in light of what went on on the forum in the previous week ….

Seeing the new doctor was indeed a positive move and I stand by that comment….however my partner’s attitude towards his diabetes has sadly not changed…despite my hopes that it would given his questions when he saw the GP…

The truth is that he is not taking any more notice….is still not watching what he eats ….is not testing / last test was a week ago…

…his referral appointment to go on to insulin is still six weeks away…

….and I am dreading the thought of what he will eat over the Christmas period and what that will be doing to his already high blood sugar levels…

Sadly I am really getting to the point where I don’t know that I can help him anymore and will just have to let him get on with it in his own way…..and just dealing with the consequences of that when they arise…

I apologise if any of my recent posts over the last week have been misleading in any way and hope that I can at least tell it how it is from now on…
I don't think you could help him ever as he doesn't want to change.

I did some stern talking to my mum today, she is 93 and on basal insulin and a terrible diet and said to her you do know, don't you, that the reason you find it difficult to handle the stairs is that you've put on weight? And that you maybe could come off the insulin if you put some effort into sorting your diet? Right? It is up to you to choose but the way I see it you might soon end up in a wheel chair if this continues. However, if biscuits, cake and sandwich is of greater importance to your quality of life than your ability to use your limbs, OK fine, keep on doing what you do. Your choice, I just want to make sure you understand the options.
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I don't think you could help him ever as he doesn't want to change.

I did some stern talking to my mum today, she is 93 and on basal insulin and a terrible diet and said to her you do know, don't you, that the reason you find it difficult to handle the stairs is that you've put on weight? And that you maybe could come off the insulin if you put some effort into sorting your diet? Right? It is up to you to choose but the way I see it you might soon end up in a wheel chair if this continues. However, if biscuits, cake and sandwich is of greater importance to your quality of life than your ability to use your limbs, OK fine, keep on doing what you do. Your choice, I just want to make sure you understand the options.


Personally, I'd keep doing what she's doing.
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@eddie1968 you say 'tomorrow is another day' and here we are....
...but with evidence that he has eaten not one but two raspberry jam doughnuts whilst I have been out (the evidence / packet was in the bin) what hope do I have.... really disappointed as had hoped he had given up this sort of food....clearly I was wrong....:(...
Did he go out and buy the jam doughnuts himself, or were they in the house?
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Did he go out and buy the jam doughnuts himself, or were they in the house?
@pavlosn ....he went out and bought them.....I don't buy cakes for home anymore as a general rule.....or I buy one individual cake and eat it that day.......and I don't like doughnuts.... was only chance I found the wrapper in the bin as I was putting something in it...was really disappointed...:(