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  • Eh up, just back on the forums after a break. Noticed you haven't been seem for a while.

    All well I trust.
    Hi how are you? I hope you do not mind me landing myself on your page. I just wondered how you have done so well with your HBa1c? I notice you have halved it in a year. Well more or less. I am new to this site.
    Mainly weight loss, avoiding fatty foods and refined carbohydrates, sticking to low GI foods like brown rice, pearl barley, rye crispbread and smaller portions. Daily exercise 2 x 20 or 30 mins on a rower or a bike. This is important as it releases hormones which alter the blood chemistry and help reduce fatty deposits, in my case, in the liver.
    Hi Yorksman,
    Have you considered doing the mobile Health Grand Tour this year? From your posts I can see that you have great fitness levels as well as an excellent understanding of diabetes.
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